[Special Side Quest: Find the Unknown Anomaly (0/1), Understand Its Full Characteristics (0/1), and Ensure Its Safe and Stable Containment (0/1)]

[Quest Reward: 1000 Dream Points/Complete an objective, if you do not use DreamPoints during the completion of this quest, the final reward will be settled by the number of completed objectives x2 and unlock a new random game feature]


Looking at the two subtitles that appeared in front of him~, Xia Solstice fell into deep thought.

It's worth noting - there are just too many points.

First of all, the special quest prefix points out the specificity of this side quest.

In the memory of the summer solstice, the dream game had never used a similar prefix for any other mission.

...... Is it because of the anomaly?

If you think about it, it's not that there haven't been other anomalies in the previous dungeon world, but those were either created by Xia Solstice himself, created by the dream game, or simply brought in directly from the real world

And those anomalies basically have one thing in common...... Has been, or is easily contained, or contained.

So you didn't specifically issue a mission that you need to learn about containment yourself?

Xia Solstice thought to herself.

If you think about it the other way around, then what deserves special treatment from the dream game is an unknown anomaly that has not yet been contained, is temporarily uncontrollable, and is not created by the dream game?

"That's a ......"

Xia Zhi retracted his thoughts and breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, as early as after the anomaly appeared in the personal universe he created, he was prepared to encounter anomalies in other worlds, so he was not too surprised.

It doesn't matter if the anomaly appeared directly in this world, or if it was brought here from their world with the elves...... For the summer solstice, as long as the characteristics of the anomaly are clarified, it is not very difficult to control and contain them in a targeted manner.

Compared with those anomalies with various strange absolute characteristics, Xia Solstice's biggest advantage is not the relatively complete set of powers and settings it has at the moment...... Until you have infinite points, no amount of powerful settings can deal with all anomalies.

It's as if faced with a powerful setting, someone can always imagine another even more powerful setting. No one can guarantee that the abilities they set are perfect...... Even if you foolishly add the setting "guarantee that this ability is perfect", there is no guarantee that it will not be cracked by another specific setting.

The real advantage of Summer Solstice is that he has the flexibility to add new settings at any time depending on the anomalous properties he encounters.

This is one of the reasons why he has been cautious but not afraid of the anomalies he encounters until now.

But the question is......

Summer Solstice set his sights on the quest reward below.

The reward of points is secondary, and if you ignore the latter paragraph, the dream points of 3,000 points are also worthy of an abnormal treatment.

The problem lies in the second half

If you complete a mission without using Dream Points for the entire process, not only will the final point reward be doubled, but you will also unlock new features that have never appeared before in this special mission.

Compared to before, the reward is too rich, and it is clear that it is encouraging him not to use dream points to solve problems, right?

So now the question arises.

Is it to get the guaranteed reward directly? Or to work hard and try to get the final reward?

This question is actually not difficult to answer, after all, the dream game does not give him a time limit for completion and a single choice, and there is no penalty for failure.

You can work hard first, but you find that you can't finish it, and it's not too late to mess up in the end, right?

Xia Zhi thought about it and quickly made up his mind in his heart.

...... Now that you've set your goals, it's time to think about how to get there.

At present, I don't use dream points for the time being, and I can't contact the crazy three.

Since they were in another world, it was impossible for Hinata and Cong Yun to come here

Fortunately, I was able to contact Eluk......


After a moment of silence, Xia Solstice withdrew his gaze from the slightly flickering starlight ring on his left hand.

It seems that after a long absence, I can only rely on myself. He sighed in his heart.

(Eluk: - Hello!)

After shaking his head, Xia Zhi took his thoughts back and turned to the current problem that he needed to face.

Although he decided not to use Dream Points for the time being, he had already obtained a lot of important information through the Dream Game, including the information revealed in the mission itself.

On this basis, since it is speculated that the current world was created by an anomaly based on someone's memory, in order to find and find out the truth about the unknown anomaly, he should first need to find the anomaly where the anomaly is lodged...... Or the subject of influence.

This is not difficult, and it can even be said that the range of objects to choose from is pitifully small.

After all, judging by the current environment, that person should be familiar...... At least I know Tiangong City.

Eliminate the origami that you have just touched

Most likely, there is only one person left......

Xia Zhi raised his head in thought and looked at the petite figure surrounded by blazing flames in the distance......

... Towel....

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