Why did you suddenly freeze?

Could it be that I am mistaken, today is not her birthday?

Looking at the red-haired girl who was a little distracted in front of her, Xia Zhi stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her.

The girl finally came back to her senses, and let out a small exclamation, and grabbed the clothes on her body with her little hands.

Then, as if she couldn't suppress her inner curiosity, she raised her head a little nervously, looked at Xia Zhi timidly and asked:

"You, do you know me?"

"Such a cute child in Xiaoqin, of course, deserves to be known by people all over the world. "

Xia Zhi replied casually, looking up and down on her, but didn't find anything that looked like something abnormal.

...... In fact, there is no need to look carefully, there is no place to hide things on her body now.

Sensing his gaze, the girl couldn't help but shrink back, and tightened the clothes on her body even more, and a vigilant look appeared on her little face

Mom said to stay away from strangers who say that. "

It's a little bit not comprehensive, and it's good to be vigilant, but you have to know that 70% of the time this kind of thing is committed by acquaintances.

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

On the other side, he quietly glanced at the young man, and seeing that the expression on his face didn't seem to care much about what he had just said, Xiaoqinli pursed his lips slightly, and felt a little relieved.

Then, she looked up again and looked around her.

Sparks are flying and black smoke is swirling.

The familiar streets and houses had been reduced to charred ruins, and the flames were still raging among the collapsed ruins, the uncontrollable flames turning everything around them into a sea of fire, and the scorching heat that swept over made it almost breathless

These...... Is it all self-inflicted......

Her body trembled again.

At that moment, a warm touch came from her head again, and the body that gently hugged her into her arms blocked her vision, isolating the hellish scene around her

"Don't be afraid~. "

The boy's voice came from her ears, caressing the panic in her heart.

This is not the world you're familiar with...... It doesn't seem to be easy for today's girls to understand this explanation.

Xia Zhi just hugged her gently, caressed her back and comforted her, until she felt that her body was no longer trembling and her emotions were a little more stable, then she lowered her head again to look at her in her arms, and asked with a diversionary attention:

"I have something I want to ask you, can I please help Xiaoqinli?"

Although she didn't quite know what he wanted to ask, the girl nodded cautiously and gently at the look in his inquiring eyes.

"Did you encounter anything strange?" Xia Zhi asked as she rubbed her little head as a reward.

Strange ......?

The girl looked at him.

Summer solstice:......

"I mean before you met me. "

Before meeting him......

The girl shook her little head, grabbed her little hand that was holding her clothes, and replied timidly, "I don't understand...... What are you talking about......"

Looking at her dodging eyes, Xia Zhi knew, not so much that she didn't know, but that she was afraid of what happened before memories, right?

Unlike the Seven Sins and the Six Sins, Xiaoqinli at this time was a real child who had not experienced too many things, and was as sensitive and fragile as other children, more similar to the situation of Origami and Natsuori at that time...... Correspondingly, the strategy when getting along with them should be more biased towards them.

Xia Zhi was not in a hurry, rubbed her hair lightly and asked comfortingly: (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Don't be in a hurry, think about it?"

Under his comfort, the girl gradually calmed down, and after pursing her lips, she replied:

"Someone gave me one...... Red jewel ......"

The red gem should be a spirit crystal, right?

Xia Solstice thought to herself.

Could it be something to do with that?

"Can you show me?" he continued.

When the girl heard this, she showed a hesitant expression.

Yes yes, but ......

She lowered her head and looked at her body

"It's in my ...... ...... in the body"

"That's fine. "

As long as she agrees.

Xia Zhi replied, hovering his hand over her chest

Then, under the girl's surprised gaze, his hand gradually sank into his chest as if it were not hindered in any way.

There was no pain, not even any feeling, as if his hand was not in the same space as himself.

It's just that, looking at the young man's hand that probed into her body, as if she realized something, her body trembled slightly, and a blush appeared on her face

On the other side, not caring about the girl's reaction, Xia Zhi put his mind in his hand and touched the hard spiritual power crystal.

This was not the first time he had touched a spirit crystal on a physical level, except that it seemed to be due to the nature of his own flame, which made it feel a little warm to the touch, whether it was the texture or the spiritual power contained in it, there was no special difference compared to other spirit crystals.

...... Although he needs to temporarily not use Dream Points due to the limitation of the task, it does not mean that he will not be able to use the power of the Dream Game at all.

Summer Solstice tried to mentally designate it as the body of the unknown anomaly, and looked into the taskbar, but there was no hint on it to complete the goal

It doesn't look like ......


However, at this moment, a crunch like the cracking of something caught his attention.

Listen to the voice, it seems to be coming from the girl's chest?

“...... Male"

"Looking" at the crack that suddenly appeared, Xia Zhi said that it had nothing to do with him...... He hasn't done anything.

...... Wait, doesn't it seem to be on the Spirit Crystal?

When Xia Zhi was thinking about this, he only heard the continuous cracking sound accompanied by "click", and the crack quickly expanded, and soon occupied the entire field of vision......


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