The summer solstice has some desire to ask, why Kepler.

But if you think about it carefully, it probably has something to do with the fact that the other party has already gone to heaven and is a legislator who has studied the three laws of celestial motion.

So, do you want me to go to heaven?

In the room in the qin, looking at the girl sitting opposite who seemed to be still angry, with a flush on her cheeks, Xia Zhi thought to herself.

"So, what's going on with this kid?"

After calming down a little, Kotori folded his hands around his chest and looked at the boy and asked.

Say she's a child, you look about the same age as her...... In terms of actual age, maybe she's a lot older than you.

Xia Zhi complained in his heart, and after thinking for a while, he tilted his head slightly:

“...... Picked up on the side of the road?"

Why interrogative sentences?

Ignoring Qin Li's suspicious eyes, Xia Zhi continued to himself: "Because there is no place to live for the time being, let her live in our house." "

Do you think I'm going to believe this kind of nonsense?

...... Originally, I wanted to say this, but seeing the whole person shrinking behind Xia Zhi, showing half of her head and looking at her cute girl timidly, Qin Li opened her mouth, and swallowed back this kind of words that might scare her07.

"Didn't you take her to the police station?"

Approaching the young man's side, she asked Xia Zhi in as low a voice as she could.

Lack of household registration status, causing major accidents and economic losses, and endangering public safety...... You can't even send her over, maybe you won't be able to get out if you get in?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart, and after thinking about it, he replied: "...... In fact, she was kidnapped by me, and she was my spare child daughter-in-law. "

"I knew you were plotting against her, right?"

Jean showed an angry expression, and she was about to condemn the teenager's illegal behavior, but she suddenly froze for a moment and realized something

Wait, spare?

So who is the incumbent?

"That'...... That ......"

As she pondered the question, the girl's voice on the other side drew her attention.

Seeing her gaze, Shiito tightly grasped Xia Zhi's arm, opened his mouth slightly, took a deep breath, seemed to muster up courage, and stammered and retorted: "Mr. Xia Zhi...... No...... Bad guy ......"

You trust others so easily, you will be sold and say thank you for helping people count the money.

Looking at the girl who clearly said that she was kidnapped, and was still trying her best to maintain the "kidnapper", Kotori thought to herself.

Of course, she also knew that her brother was joking, but Shiito was such an innocent and kind character, which made her more and more worried that the girl was really abducted by her brother.


After sighing slightly, Qin Li gave the young man on the side a look.

Xia Zhi showed a puzzled expression: "What's wrong?"

"Of course I'm out, do you want to stay and see how I help people choose clothes?"

It's not impossible...... If she said that, she would probably be even more angry.

Xia Zhi had no choice but to ask for a few words, and then got up and left the room in the reluctant eyes of Shiito.

When he came to the door, he took out his mobile phone and looked at the time.

So many things have happened today, and after coming back, he has been dealing with the affairs of Shiitono, and then he realized that the time had passed the end of school unconsciously.

And as the angel of Shiito was put away, the rain clouds affected by her power had long since dispersed, and the rain outside had long since stopped.

Although she saved herself the effort of delivering an umbrella to Kotori, she didn't seem particularly happy.

Xia Zhi looked back at the closed door, showing a slightly hesitant expression, not quite sure if there was a problem with Siito if he was not accompanied by himself.

But considering that she had already introduced them to each other just now, she also knew that Qinli was her "sister", and coupled with her own special instructions, it shouldn't be too much of a problem to leave for a while, right?

...... In the meantime, let's go and solve the problem of dinner first.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, subconsciously took out his mobile phone and wanted to order takeout, but after thinking for a while, thinking that it didn't seem good to let people eat takeout on the first day that Shiito was at home, he still put away his mobile phone after hesitating for a while, and was ready to go downstairs to cook himself. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although the amount of information obtained from the previous conversation with Shiito was not very large, several important pieces of information were revealed, one of which was...... Unlike the Kotori women, the four hitos did not occupy anyone's existence.

This proves that his previous conjecture is correct.

The world can't change the setting, but can only adapt and repair the contradictions and loopholes caused by the setting that conflicts with its own rules as much as possible. Natsuori's disappearance has led to a vacancy in this world, and the elven girls who came to this world just happened to fill this vacancy, as the world's repair of the paradoxes and loopholes brought about by it.

And when all these existential vacancies are filled, the other elves like Shiito who come later can only come to this new and strange world for both of them as blanks.

Xia Zhi thought in his heart as he walked downstairs. []

In this way, the difference between the situation in the qin and the four Itono can be roughly explained.

It's just that there is another question here, what is the memory of origami about itself?


Xia Zhi suddenly remembered something.

If the disappearance of every girl leads to a vacancy in existence, and Shiito is the later elf after the vacancy 283 is fully filled...... Then with her, there should be six elves in this world.

And before that, in addition to Natsuori and the others, there seems to be one person who has not been confirmed......

The figure of the gentle and kind short-haired girl came to his mind.

...... It stands to reason that Megumi Kato shouldn't have appeared on this plane, but Shiito's appearance didn't fill in her disappearance...... This means that in addition to Shiitono, there should be another elf in this plane.

If that's the case...... So who will be the extra elf at this moment?

"Summer solstice. "

At this moment, a gentle girlish voice came from the front.

Xia Zhi, who was immersed in thoughts, came back to his senses and raised his head. What appeared in front of him was a girl figure with short pink hair that had been braided, a warm smile on her face, and a very gentle and cute look.

"You ......"

Looking at the pink-haired girl in the living room, Xia Zhi was slightly stunned.

"Good afternoon...... I'm waiting for you? "

Hearing his inquiry, the girl whispered his name again, a gentle smile on her face

“...... All the time. "


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