"I'm sorry ......"

Walking home behind the boy, Shiito said weakly with his head down.

Xia Zhi lowered his head, touched her little head and asked, "Why do you apologize?

"But I ...... I can't control my power......" the girl said in a low tone.

Even in a panic, she froze the lake into ice. If the summer solstice hadn't blown the wind back into the lake, let alone cleaned up, I'm afraid even the ground would have been smashed out of a big crater again, right?

"Isn't Shiito no working well with me?"

Xia Zhi didn't think so, and continued: "Being able to do that kind of thing has far exceeded my expectations...... Or is it that Shiito already has such high requirements for himself?"

Hearing this, Shiito's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and he quickly denied it: "I...... I didn't have ......"

Xia Zhi chuckled, didn't continue to tease her, changed the topic and asked:

"How does it feel compared to this?"

Although she didn't say it explicitly, the girl quickly reacted to what he was asking.

"I ...... I don't know ......."

She lowered her head slightly, looked into her palm, and whispered in reply

"It's just...... There is 017 some nervousness...... It's also a little fun......"

"Is this the first time Shiito has used his strength to help others?" asked Xia Zhi.

"Hmm......" the girl nodded.

Because before that, she was even afraid of contact with others, blindly worried that her power would hurt others, let alone use this power to help others.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and after thinking for a while, he changed the question and asked aloud: "What does Shiito think, what is the power?"

Strength, what is it?

Hearing this, a look of doubt appeared in his eyes.

She hadn't thought about it carefully before, but now that Mr. Xia Zhi asked so......

The girl looked distressed, and her lovely brow furrowed, as if she was in deep thought.

Sure enough, this question is still too difficult for her, right?

Just when Xia Zhi was thinking like this, the girl's somewhat uncertain hesitant answer came from her ears

"I think...... Strength...... Some like bicycles......"

Xia Zhi was slightly stunned

"Why do you think that?" he asked curiously.

"Because...... The bike is a little hard to control...... It's dangerous again......"

The girl tried to explain as she pondered and recalled

"It's good to be used in the hands of Mr. Summer Solstice...... But I can't do it......"

After a pause, Shiito glanced at him secretly, and continued to answer with a slight flush on his cheeks:

"But as long as Mr. Xia Solstice is around...... I'll be able to learn it slowly...... Don't worry about hurting others, and don't worry...... It's going to hurt yourself......"

It's a little different from what I thought, but ......

Xia Zhi couldn't help but chuckle.

"What, what's wrong?" asked Shiitono with a flushed cheek and a stammer.

"Nothing. I just think that there is really a characteristic answer of the four oritos. "

Xia Zhi shook his head, thought for a while, and then said, "However, I thought you would say it was like ice cream." "

I won't be so naïve.

Shiito blushed, remembering that he seemed to have eaten a lot of ice cream in front of the boy today, and couldn't help but feel a little shy.

"In a way, there's nothing wrong with what you're saying. "

Xia Zhi pulled the topic back and said.

The so-called power is the ability to influence and change other things.

On top of this definition, money can be power, power can be power, including language, desires, and even mere existence, everything that can interact with the objective world can be power.

"So, power is essentially just a tool, Shiitono. He continued.

A tool to change the world in the direction you want.

The convenience of the tool is important, but what is really more important is the user's expectation of how the world will change. (BBCE) "The most important thing is what you want to use your power to make the world look like." "

Xia Zhi lowered his head, looked at the girl's clear blue eyes and whispered

"So, don't be afraid of your own strength...... Use it to help achieve what you want, and you've done it, haven't you?"

Listening to the boy's words, Shiito recalled the scene when the ice puppet cleaned up and repaired the damaged street under his control.

The power that hurt everyone before can also be turned into the power to help everyone and protect everyone (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As long as you can control it......

As long as I can be by his side......


Shiito raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance

"Good...... Pretty ......"

She couldn't help but let out a small soft sigh.

Xia Zhi followed her gaze and saw the night sky overhead full of stars, and remembered that in the afternoon, she seemed to have made a similar exclamation.

Perhaps because of the girl's own ability to control water and cold, and because she is not good at controlling her strength, when she appears in a place, the sky will always be accompanied by continuous rainy days.

For her, whether it is the sun or the starry sky, it should be the first time she has seen it, right?

Thinking of this, looking at the clear night sky overhead, Xia Zhi suddenly realized something.

Anyway, now that the girl's strength has returned to her body, the sky has not rained again

Does this mean......

"Mr. Summer Solstice......"

The girl's soft voice came from the side, interrupting his thoughts.

Xia Zhi turned around and saw Shiito looking at him with a slightly red face, as if he wanted to say something to him

"Yes...... Would you please come closer?" she asked, a little nervously as she clenched the hem of her skirt with her small hands.

There is no one else around, so it doesn't matter if you have any whispers to say directly, right?

However, considering the shy nature of young girls, it seems that there is nothing strange about this.

Xia Zhi thought to himself and bent down slightly


Shiito took a slight breath, stood on tiptoe slightly, and leaned next to his face


Xia Zhi felt a soft touch from the corner of his lips, and he was separated by a touch

"Thank you......"

The girl's soft words came to her ears

When he came back to his senses and looked up again, he saw that the girl had turned shyly and ran back into the house

"Shiitono, you're back...... Huh, why are you so dirty, are you being bullied by someone?"

"No...... This ......"

It turns out that I have returned to the door of the house unconsciously.

Looking at the familiar courtyard in front of him, listening to the girl's conversation in the house, Xia Zhi thought in his heart.

...... In other words, have you forgotten something?

He pondered for a long time before he finally remembered something

Speaking of which, what about my bike?


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