"Substitute teaching among classmates. "

When woken up from his position by the summer solstice and faced with his question "what are you doing here", Origami gave this answer.


Xia Solstice tilted his head in confusion.

"Just like if you don't come to school on the summer solstice, I will take your place in class, so that you won't be punished by the teacher for absenteeism. "

The girl's answer fully reflects her care and consideration for her classmates.

It's just that......

"What about your own class?" asked Xia Zhi.

"That kind of thing doesn't matter. "

Important, you're a student now, right?

And, if Xia Solstice is not mistaken, she just seemed to be pressing her cheek on the table, judging from the undulation of her body, it seems that she was taking a deep breath "two-five-zero", and she didn't fall asleep, right?

So, what are you doing?

"Want to get the taste of the summer solstice from above. Origami replied calmly, not seeming to see anything wrong with that.

I don't know if it's an illusion, Xia Zhi felt that the eyes of the classmates around him looking at this side became strange, and he couldn't help but pull the corners of his mouth.

"I haven't sat in this position since the beginning of the school year. He reminded.

Even the classmates didn't know him, let alone the table...... Where are you going to smell it?

"Then leave my taste on it. "

The girl's face changed without changing her face.

Don't talk about it, if you keep talking about it, you will really be regarded as a pervert.

Xia Solstice thought to himself as he felt the increasingly strange sight around him.

In other words, the person who does this kind of thing is origami, why is he regarded as a pervert or himself?

"That...... It's almost class, huh?"

Rin, who had been watching from the sidelines since just now, reminded her at this time.

Origami, however, had no intention of getting up from his position and leaving.


There was a hint of doubt in Rin's voice, "Excuse me, is there anything else?"

“...... Class?" Origami tilted her head slightly.

Why interrogative sentences?

Didn't you come to school primarily to attend classes?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

"But...... If you take classes here, there will be no place to sit on the summer solstice. Rin looked troubled.

Hearing this, Origami moved to the side, giving up half of his position.

"Summer solstice, you can sit with me. "

She looked at the boy and made an offer.

What is this?

Xia Zhi thought to himself and asked out loud, "Don't you think the location is a little small?"

Origami thought about it, and it seemed to be too.

“...... I can also sit in the arms of the summer solstice. She said.

"I can't. "

"It's a pity. "

Although origami seems a little unwilling, considering the acceptance of the teacher and classmates for the matter of "holding a beautiful girl in their arms in class" and the subsequent impact, Xia Zhi finally refused and drove her back to her own classroom. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Miss Origami, she's really enthusiastic. "

Rin You couldn't help but sigh.

If you have anything to complain about, you can just say it, I won't tell her.

Xia Solstice thought to himself and sat down in his place.

...... I have to say that although Origami's words just now sound a bit outrageous, they do have a certain effect[]

Because the girl had just left, Xia Zhi could feel that there was still a trace of warmth on the table and chairs, and there seemed to be a faint smell in the air, a little like the last time he slept on Megumi's table.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance behind him.

"What's wrong?" Rin tilted her head in confusion.

“...... No, nothing. "

Xia Zhi shook his head, took his thoughts back, and looked at the table in front of him where the girl had just been lying on it, and confirmed that there were no traces of her saliva on it...... Just kidding, after all, people don't really sleep on it.

It's just that the appearance of origami also made him think about her...

According to the information available so far, each of them is affected differently by the substitution of presence...... According to Kurumi, although she has some more identities and daily memories and information about her in this world, she doesn't think that she has an extra sister or anything.

In other words, unlike the pair of rings that exchange all human relationships, perhaps because this world comes from one's own past, the impact of existence replacement is mainly only reflected in things related to oneself, and the degree of influence should only be related to oneself at this point in time.

But even so, origami is a special exception.

It stands to reason that she should be the same as Kurumi and Erya, and she hasn't been affected too much by the replacement of existence.

But it's not.

If each elf is pulled into this world at a different point in time, at which point in time did she come from, why did she have memories of herself, and why did she have such feelings for herself?

...... Find a time and ask her directly.

Xia Solstice thought to herself.

After all, the main goal at the moment is not origami, but the second of the Honjo.

He shook his head, put these messy thoughts aside, looked at Teacher 5.9 who walked into the classroom with the class bell, and yawned expertly.

It's just that although he said that Erya would come to school today, he endured the sleepiness of class and persisted until it was almost noon, and the other party showed no signs.

Is it the wrong posture to wait, or is this plot that needs to be triggered by yourself?

Just when Xia Zhi was thinking like this in his heart, he suddenly felt a vibration from the mobile phone in his pocket

He took it out and saw a string of familiar numbers displayed on it

After a moment of silence, he pressed the answer button.

"Save ...... Save ......"

The weak voice of a weak girl came from the earpiece, as if she was asking him for help

Summer solstice:......


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