
Faced with Xia Zhi's words, the girl fell silent

After a long time, she breathed a sigh of relief, raised her head and looked at him and asked:

"When did you find out?"

Her words are tantamount to acknowledging her identity.

"Oh from the beginning. "Summer Solstice returns.

It's better to say that the girl pretended not to look like it at all.

It's not just the same appearance, even if the camouflage is successful. Habits, personality, eyes, even if it is just the feeling when getting along, different people will be different after all.

Miss or Mamoru, who is knowledgeable and ignorant about the world, seems to be unable to understand and implement this very well, although she knows it.

“...... Sure enough, there's no way to fool you. "

The girl finally sighed slightly and said.

It seems that she has given up on the idea of continuing to disguise, but despite this, she has not changed back to her original self.

"So, you've been planning to disguise yourself as origami for a long time?" asked Xia Zhi.

She wasn't there for her since she left the room. When she reappeared, she appeared in front of her as a girl she was familiar with.,Participated in this game in such a way.,To say that this is a temporary idea of her.,It's impossible to think about it.。

However, she took so much effort to propose this game, is it because she has been alone with herself for so long?

Obviously, this kind of thing is just a matter of saying it directly.

“...... I'm sorry. "

She tilted her head away, her cheeks flushing slightly.

Hearing the unexpected answer, Xia Zhi couldn't help but be stunned for a moment

Looking at the silver-haired girl with flushed cheeks in front of him, then again, he experienced a little cosplay change...... Ahem, similar benefits.

He had never seen such a shy and cute look on origami.

...... Origami that refers to this time and space.

"Juya got a little mistake...... I'm actually the same as her. "

After taking a slight breath, it seemed that she was embarrassed to continue the topic, and the girl changed the topic and said

"I didn't mean to hack into your mobile phone system, but after I got out of the main control, I automatically found the most suitable terminal device for my own boarding. "

And if you want to say that the terminal device with the strongest computing power and the highest compatibility in the world, you can only think of the mobile phone of the summer solstice. In other words, the girl will come to him, which can almost be said to be a kind of inevitability.

"But I wasn't me then."

Facing Xia Zhi's puzzled eyes, the girl continued

"My existence...... To be precise, the time when I was born as a specific personality in the confession article is actually not too far away from her. "

Wait, that is......

Xia Zhi heard the meaning behind the girl's words.

She, like Juya, is also an independent personality born under the influence of Huby's heart that has been backed up on her side

While being endowed with their hearts and personalities, they also inherited the "color" that was originally dyed by Hughby

It's no wonder that she would say that she and Juya are the same. It's just that compared to Ju Ya, there is less of the guardian instruction engraved at the bottom of the program

In other words, from the beginning she was probably not hostile to the summer solstice

So, the previous question has an answer.

"Why bother so much?"

Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief and asked.

"Didn't I already answer that?"

The girl glanced at him with annoyance, as if she was upset that he had allowed her to say something like that again

Obviously, she said that she was very shy

Still, she tilted her head slightly and whispered

"Because...... I can only say those words to you in the form of someone else. "

It's a tsundere.

Xia Solstice came to a conclusion in his heart.

Although the girl didn't say it, since this matter was confirmed, her purpose for doing this could actually be guessed.

made the rules of the game.,I became another girl to participate in this game.,Accompany him on a late-night date and be alone.

Because you are inexperienced and thin-skinned, do you want to confess to yourself or yourself in this way?

That's really ...... It's cute.

Summer Solstice couldn't help but think

It's just that

"If you confess, you should use the original form...... Right?" he asked, tilting his head slightly.

Otherwise, wouldn't it feel like you're confessing to someone else? Whether it's origami or the girl herself, an important confession shouldn't be made in such a perfunctory way, right?

"I ......"

The girl was silent for a moment

It seems to be hesitating (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Isn't she, or is she shy?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, but suddenly caught a glimpse of a little light in the corner of his eye

He turned his head, and saw a white glow in the distance of the city's skyline. The starry sky was gradually lit up

It's almost dawn.

On the other side, the girl still hesitated, not making up her mind. []

It's been a little longer......

Xia Zhi thought in his heart.

The allotted time was just before dawn, and it was clear that the time was almost up.

Now he probably knows where the girl's confidence to make such rules as if she must win came from

If you can play as a contestant yourself, you can really control the final course of the game

It's a pity......

"It's ...... me"

As soon as Xia Zhi wanted to say something, he felt a gust of air mixed with a faint fragrance coming, and then a soft touch came from his lips

Restoring his original long black and gray hair, he was wearing a nun's dress with black as the main color and an inverted cross pattern on the front, and his appearance was very similar to Juya's, and a cute black and gray-haired girl appeared in front of him.

"So...... I won," she said, gasping slightly, her cheeks flushing slightly, and she turned her head.

As a referee and rule-maker, isn't it a bit too much to go out on your own?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

However, about this matter

Not necessarily. "

As the words fell, the girl was surprised to find that everything around her had fallen into a standstill, and even the sun in the distance, the whole world had lost its color and become monotonous

She was familiar with everything about the summer solstice, and immediately reacted to what was going on.

You're cheating?

She stared at the boy with wide eyes.



Before she could say her accusation, the words that came to her mouth were blocked, and the whole person fell softly into the young man's arms.

The requirements of the rules are confessions and kisses when girls are heartwarmed.

Now that the kiss has been obtained, it's hard not to be impressed by the way she looks

The final confession is missing.

It's just that

Xia Zhi looked down at the girl who was glaring at him angrily in his arms

Looking at her unconvinced look, obviously she can't hear it, right?

"In exchange, how about I promise the request you originally wanted?" Xia Zhi proposed after thinking about it.


The girl also knows that with the ability of the summer solstice, she can make the world stand still forever. She is also familiar with the other party's character, and since he has made up his mind to cheat, it is obviously fruitless to continue to entangle with him

...... What's more, the so-called "opportunity to attack her" in the failure conditions was originally a white wolf with empty gloves without any profits, and it didn't seem to be a loss no matter how you counted yourself

After some thought, the girl finally agreed to his proposal awkwardly

"So, what did you want to ask me for?" Xia Zhi asked curiously.

"This is something that only you can do......"

The girl replied.

It's not something you can do, it's something you can do...... It's only a word difference, but the meaning is completely different, right?

Her statement made Xia Solstice even more curious.

How, exactly?

"First ......"

Under his questioning, the girl whispered Daodao

"What?" Xia Zhi was slightly stunned.

Bathed in the golden sunlight of the rising sun, the girl took a deep breath and looked up at him

"Give me, a name. "


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