If you want to count it, this should be the second time that Xia Zhi has come to this sister's room by herself.

Unlike before, the last summer solstice was pulled by the girl, but this time it was replaced by him taking the initiative to bring Qinli back here.

The curtains in the room were closed and not opened at all, only a faint light from the light that came in through the gaps, making the room look very dim.


Summer Solstice pulled the curtains open.

The sudden intensification of the light made Kotori's eyes squint subconsciously, and before she could get used to it, she felt like she was being pressed on the bed by the teenager.

"Brother, brother?"

Kotori was a little panicked for a moment, and stammered, obviously unable to react to what was going on

"Five-three-zero" "Difficult, have you finally decided to attack the cute sister who gets along day and night?" she pretended to be calm and asked accusatorily with a straight face, trying to hide her inner panic by using this.

"Yes, yes, I'm going to do it. "

Xia Zhi said perfunctorily.

The boy's unexpected answer disrupted her mind once more.

Eh, eh, really?

But I'm not ready

Kotori thought to herself with a blushing face

Moreover, there are so many people out there......

When she was thinking crankily in her heart, she felt that the young man sat down beside her, and the temperature and breath coming from her body made her body tremble slightly involuntarily

However, the next moment, a soft touch came from her head, and she couldn't help but be slightly stunned in place

"Really, girls have to take care of themselves. "

Xia Zhi didn't know where to take out a comb, skillfully combing the girl's messy hair, and complaining

"If it's unkempt on the outside, it will affect your cuteness and charisma. "

Listening to the young man's babbling words, Qin's heart calmed down inexplicably, but he still replied stiffly: "That kind of thing doesn't matter, right?"

"How can it not matter?"

Xia Zhi first loosened the messy hair with his fingers slightly, and then carefully combed it with a comb as he continued

"If someone thinks my sister isn't pretty and cute, I'm going to get angry. "

Listening to the young man's pretended to be a grudge, Qin Li couldn't help laughing, and her mood couldn't help but feel much better.

“...... Brother, like a parent. She couldn't help but sigh.

"Am I not a parent?" Xia Zhi replied angrily.

Otherwise, who did you think I was you?

On the other side, after thinking about it, Kotori asked curiously, "What if that person is Sister Shiito and Rin?"

"Then I can only trouble you to be angry for me. Xia Zhi replied immediately.

You don't have to be so obvious, right?

Kotori's cheeks puffed out slightly.

Say something nice to make me happy.

However, the girl actually knows that her brother is just trying to find an excuse to care about herself, probably because she is in the wrong state just now, and she is a little worried.

Really, duplicity

Tsundere has retired from the environment, brother

She wrinkled her nose and thought, but a warmth rose in her heart

Just then again, speaking of guests......

Jeanri suddenly remembered the unfamiliar faces she had seen in the living room just now.

"Brother, ......who are the people below?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"My new friend, I'll introduce you to you later. "Summer Solstice returns.


Kotori nodded, and since the boy said so, she didn't ask any more...... More importantly, she didn't want to waste her precious time on someone else, something else

Feeling the gentle movements of the young man behind her in her hair, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and her two little feet swayed gently unconsciously, as if she was in a good mood.

After a while, the girl's hair was finally combed. []

He glanced in the direction of the desk, which had two colored headbands on it, as if he had forgotten to put them away before going to bed yesterday night

Really, I don't know how to pack up my things before going to bed..........

After sighing helplessly, he stood up from the girl's side.

"Headbands. "

Holding the hairband on the desk in his hand, Xia Zhi looked back at the girl and asked:

"Which color should I wear?"


Looking at the two-color headband handed to him, Kotori pursed his lips, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a moment, she took a slight breath and shook her head

"It's good that my brother decides. She said.

Is it?

Let yourself decide......

Xia Zhi thought about it.

If it's white, she's probably tired of wearing it. After all, the black ribbon was just given by me yesterday, and the freshness is probably still there...... It's better to do it.

Thinking about it this way, the summer solstice retied a black ribbon on her ponytail.

"Uh-huh, that's fine. "

Taking a half step back, he nodded with satisfaction as he looked at the cute girl who had returned to her familiar appearance.

My comfort skills are as good as ever.

Through his own efforts, the cuteness of the girl who has recovered his spirit on his side has skyrocketed by nearly twelve percent...... Of course, this also has something to do with the fact that the girl is originally very 1.2 delicate and cute

The only flaw is probably that there is still a little tiredness on her face, which seems to be because she didn't sleep well last night......

Speaking of which. "

Xia Zhi glanced at the messy quilt next to him, and then looked at the slight dark circles on the girl's face, and asked with concern

"You didn't sleep well last night, is there something on your mind?"

“...... No. "

On the other side, Qinli, who was gently stroking the ribbon on his head, came back to his senses, and after breathing a sigh of relief, he shook his head slightly, and a smile appeared on his face as usual

"It's all right. "

"Let's go, brother. "


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