How so...... Originally, the summer solstice, which had not slept all day yesterday, was ready to sleep well this night.

But unfortunately, this goal was not achieved in the end due to some special emergencies.

Xia Zhi, who woke up from his sleep, looked at the empty ceiling and thought to himself.

Now he finally has time to sort out what happened in the past two days and the new information he has gathered.

The first is about the situation of Erya

After returning from Juna's side yesterday, of course he didn't really do anything and played games for a day. He also found time to do a little experiment with the girls.

As expected, with her own help, Erya, who completed the unity of her own multiple spatio-temporal properties, unsurprisingly got rid of the influence exerted on her by the substitution of existence

This also reminded her of the situation and situation she was in before she came to this world, and she really understood the meaning of what Xia Solstice said earlier, that he was here to save herself.

...... Although no useful information has been provided.

However, in her own words, after knowing all this, her favorability for the summer solstice rose again.

I just don't know how she figured it out, and there are whole parts.

The topic pulled back, although Erya recovered his memory in this way, but in the same situation, 727 did not happen to Shiitono

This probably confirms the initial speculation of the summer solstice.

Unlike the others, Shiito has not been affected by the Existence Substitution, she has been pulled directly from an earlier timeline by this world. Since it is not affected, there is naturally no way to get rid of it.

In addition, about the birth of Ju Nai and Ju Ya, Xia Zhi couldn't help but think of the previous situation when the angels of Shiito also left her out of control.

It's just that unlike the icy puppet that wanders wildly after getting out of control, the particularity of the confession caused it to be attracted to him by itself, and under the coincidence of some factors, the self-consciousness called "Ju Nai" was born, which also directly contributed to the birth of Ju Ya.

Maybe it's an unexpected blessing, otherwise I probably won't see the two of them.

It's just that, in this way, is Juya one of the elves who need to be saved in the main quest?

Although because of the similarity in the way of birth and time.,Usually they habitually regard her and Ju Nai as sisters.,Even they themselves didn't deny it.,

However, unlike Juna, who is the manager of the personality of the Confessional Chapter, it is not the spiritual power that constitutes Juya's existence, but the spiritual power of the same origin as Huby.

That's why she's able to use the magic in the database

Just as Ju Nai was also aware of those magics, but he couldn't control the spirit power, Ju Ya was also unable to control the spirit power without such an additional setting as Xia Zhi's body.

As the lowest power system that makes up the two worlds, there is a fundamental difference between the two.

So...... Is Juya an elf or not?

When Xia Zhi was thinking like this in his heart, he only heard a sound of rustling, and a small head came out of the quilt.

"Summer solstice, good morning~"

The cute girl licked the corners of her mouth with some uneasiness, looked at him and blinked, and said hello like this.

Xia Zhi touched her head, and Ju Ya narrowed her eyes slightly, revealing a happy smile.

"Xia Zhi, what were you thinking just now?" After a moment, she tilted her head slightly and asked curiously.

"Something about Juya. Xia Zhi replied bluntly.

His answer made the girl happy and shy, and her originally fair cheeks couldn't help but flush twice, making her look even more shy and cute.

"That's what I said......"

After adjusting his mood slightly, Juya agreed after thinking about it

"After all, in that case, it's a little inappropriate to think about other girls. "


When did you get so dirty?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

...... Could it be that after experiencing it firsthand, some strange switch was turned on?

"Summer Solstice ......"

Just as he was thinking like this, the soft call of the girl (bjbf) pulled his thoughts back, and he came back to his senses and met a pair of pure, clear blue eyes

"Juya, it's just your Juya. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Staring into his eyes, the girl whispered.

Xia Zhi was slightly stunned

The girl lay down beside him again, resting her head lightly on his chest, and continued

"No matter what happens, Juya will be there for you to help you on the summer solstice. "


Did she see the doubts she had just thought in her mind, or did she misunderstand that she was worried about something?

Feeling the soft touch in her arms, Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief and gently hugged her petite body

...... Forget it, that kind of thing isn't very important.

He thought to himself.


When Summer Solstice came out of the room yawning, it was almost an hour later.

When he came out of the house, he happened to meet the elf girl who also walked out of the room.

"Good morning, Shihitono. He waved hello.

"Good morning, Mr. Summer Solstice. "

Shiito also responded, looking very happy to see the boy.

But then, as if remembering something, a somewhat hesitant expression appeared on her face:

"The ......"

"What's wrong?" Xia Zhi tilted his head suspiciously.

Shiito glanced at the direction of his room and said with some concern:

"Miss Ju Ya, it seems that I didn't sleep well all night yesterday...... Is there something wrong with your body?"

Summer solstice:......

He remembered that Juya seemed to have said to himself yesterday night that she did not sneak over, but maintained the existence of two bodies at the same time.

Unlike Kurumi Tokizaki's doppelganger, who has an independent mind and consciousness, Juya's doppelganger is only a copy on the physical level, and consciousness is still attributed to her own unified central processor.

For example, it is somewhat similar to how Ai Luke projected her consciousness in different bodies, but Ju Ya's own computing power allows her to maintain her consciousness in multiple bodies at the same time, strictly speaking, they are actually the same body.

Obviously, since they are the same entity, it is normal to share senses or something, right?

So, this one...... She shouldn't be unwell or anything.

Xia Solstice looked away a little weakly.

However, looking at the worried look on Shiitono's face, he still comforted her and said, "Don't worry, Ju Ya is not sick." "

"Really? That's good......"

Shiito breathed a sigh of relief

But then, she realized something else

In other words, Mr. Xia Zhi doesn't seem to have seen Miss Ju Ya yet, right?


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