[Special Side Quest: Find the Unknown Anomaly (1/1), Understand Its Full Characteristics (1/1), and Ensure Its Safe and Stable Containment (0/1)]

With the understanding of the anomaly, I completed two requirements together. He thought to himself.

In order to verify the girl's statement, after trying to re-select in her heart, the next moment Xia Solstice popped up in front of her eyes to update the progress of such a side quest

This is also a testament to the anomaly's properties, which is similar to what I guessed.

The only surprise is probably the only form of existence.

It's no wonder that I can't find the location of that anomalous body. Although he was suspicious of Rin, he only got a negative answer after confirming with the dream game...... After all, the unknown anomaly wasn't "on her" from the beginning

Withdrawing his gaze from the panel, Xia Solstice looked at the pink-haired girl with a shallow smile in front of him

Combined with the information given by the dream game, plus his previous guess and the girl's statement, he can now roughly guess the general situation of the matter


Xia Zhi took a slight breath, looked into the girl's eyes and asked:

"Did you create this world?"

"Summer Solstice, you're very smart. "

Rin didn't deny what he said, and then shook his head slightly

"However, to be precise, it should be that I borrowed the abnormal power you mentioned on the summer solstice, plus my own ability, to form this world. "

As for the anomaly 680, it's not accurate to say that it's a world, it should be said to be a fragment of a blank world

It automatically adapts to the world it is in, and pulls and fills in the corresponding space-time fragments, and the form of the expression makes people feel as if they have traveled to that world.

When she came into contact with the anomaly, she learned about it all

"So, with the help of this characteristic, when the anomaly reconstituted the world, I used the power that she lodged in the summer solstice to confine the world it formed to this small city. The girl continued to whisper.

The so-called power that Mio resides in herself is the angel she just said called Samsara Paradise.

Xia Solstice thought to herself.

According to Rin's own words, she is a self-consciousness awakened from that angel...... It's almost exactly the same as Juna's situation.

No, judging from the chronological order, it should be that Juna's birth is very similar to her.

And Juna's existence can be regarded as the management personality of the confession, so the situation should be the same with Rin, who has the same form of existence as her

In other words, she used her own existence to contain the anomaly......

Xia Zhi looked at the delicate face of the girl in front of him, as if he was thinking deeply about something

"I'm here to protect you, and rightfully so, I'll show up when you need me"

The girl's words seemed to echo in his mind again

In this world, neither gods nor humans can pose any threat to themselves...... The only thing that can threaten you is an anomaly with absolute characteristics......

Xia Zhi, who understood all the thoughts of the girl, took a deep breath


He whispered the girl's name.

"Huh?" Rin tilted his head slightly.

"Thank you. Xia Zhi said.

If it's really a complete world, it's really not easy for you to find a convenient way to contain it without using Dream Points.

"No thanks. Rin shook her head slightly

After all, he was born for him

In this case, only for the young man, he does not need his gratitude for everything he has done


"In addition to this, I have a little selfishness. Rin winked at him

Faced with the young man's puzzled expression, she continued to explain

"In this world, no matter how much time has passed, for the time and space in which the summer solstice was originally located, it is only a moment that has passed. "

"So, at the moment when I reconstituted the world, I came into contact with the Sacred Tree at this special point in time and space...... The kid was very cooperative with me. "

The kid ...... It should be Cong Yun, right? Xia Zhi quickly guessed.

Rin didn't care about his reaction, and continued, "The Divine Tree has the ability to connect time and space, and it just so happens that the anomaly also has the ability to pull the corresponding time and space through memory. So, through the child's memory information, with the help of the anomaly's magical properties, I successfully brought them into this world together. "

At this point, Xia Solstice finally figured out how the anomaly did it, and brought the elf girls at different nodes of time and space to this time and space together

Unexpectedly, their unexpected time and space travel was caused by man-made...... Putting aside everything else, if according to the girl's statement, it is with the help of the power of the divine tree and the unknown anomaly at the same time, it is indeed possible to do it (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

It's just that

"Why do you want to do that?" asked Xia Zhi.

It's already in the piano of this plane, if it's just to contain that unknown anomaly, there shouldn't be a need to involve the four orino, right?

"Because, Xia Solstice likes those girls very much, right?" asked the girl.

What's this...... []

Xia Zhi slightly deviated his gaze, not knowing how to answer

It's certainly impossible to say you don't like it. But to say that I like it very much...... He hadn't even seen the girls before, so he didn't think it was appropriate to say that......

Still, does it have anything to do with this?

Rin stood up from the bench, took a slight half step forward, put her hands behind her back and turned her back to him, and continued

"I know that Xia Solstice likes them very much, and for the sake of them trapped in the past, he has worked tirelessly through different timelines and worked hard to save them......"

After a moment's pause, she turned to look at the young man, softened her tone, and asked softly:

"Summer Solstice...... Tired, right?"

In the same place, what he said to Kurumi Shizaki was asked again by another girl at this moment

Just like she was distressed at the beginning, she was also ...... Do you feel sorry for yourself?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, a little weak-hearted

To say that he is tired or not, it is indeed a little bit for him, who is accustomed to salted fish all year round...... But if the raiders, ahem, help those cute girls

He wanted to say that he was actually quite happy......

"I can't help the summer solstice too much, so ...... All I can do is take advantage of this special opportunity to create a world where you can take a good rest, not think about it so much, just care about yourself and enjoy it......" The girl continued.

Because of myself, I hope that the summer solstice can be happy.

Rin raised her head and looked at the sky in the distance

"In this world, I can do almost anything, and I will respond to your wishes whenever the summer solstice requires it. "

She continued, as if she were singing

"If you want to fall in love with anyone on the summer solstice, I will bless you from the bottom of my heart. Even if no one chooses in the end, or if you want everyone, it doesn't matter, I will always support you. "

"It doesn't matter if it's a childhood sweetheart, a lover, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a boss, a subordinate, an enemy, or an inconsequential stranger...... As long as the summer solstice wishes, I can be anyone for you. "

"As long as I can feel happy on the summer solstice, I will do anything. As long as it is what the summer solstice is looking forward to, I will let it come true. "

From a third-party's point of view, the girl's obsession with him that said these words can already be called distorted, right?

But for Xia Zhi, who understands the girl, she only feels her special love for herself, soft as being wrapped in fluff, and very warm, just like the impression she gave in the past, gentle and soft

...... It's just that, unlike in the past, the tenderness she shows at this moment belongs to herself alone

"Is this also Mio's mission to you?" Xia Solstice asked her.

"Not really. "

Rin shook her head, looked him in the eye gently, and replied with a smile

"This is my wish. "

“...... Because I've always loved the summer solstice. "


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