Just like the copy of entering the dream game, there will also be a short period of trance based on different peculiar point teleportation based on similar mechanisms, for which Xia Solstice is more or less accustomed to this.

In addition, according to the experience of the previous times, there is another small flaw in the transmission of special points, that is, the accuracy of the delivery location cannot be guaranteed.

However, with the power of the summer solstice, this is not something that will cause him trouble.

Whether he was sent to mid-air or underground, even if it was the Sword Mountain or the sea of fire outside the world, it didn't bother him much.

...... Until today, he had always thought of it as "eighty-four-seven".

It's just that Xia Zhi never thought that he would face this situation one day

In the early morning sun, the girl with pale blonde hair seemed to have just sat up from bed, and her pajamas gently slipped down her slender shoulders, just showing off her young and immature body.

The silky pale blonde hair hung down softly, curling slightly around her ears. The sun shines on the hair, and there is a faint but charming glow in the hair.

The delicate and fair skin exposed to the outside is a hint of pink red, and the thin pajamas gently outline the green and immature curves, which are more obvious under the small hand that covers the pink and white quilt in front of him

When Xia Solstice came back to his senses from the trance, he saw such a scene.

In the past, I always woke up and saw girls in my bed, but now it's my turn to appear in other girls' beds inexplicably.

It's also a kind of ...... A novel experience?

Summer Solstice began to rejoice, but fortunately Kurumi Tokizaki didn't come with him this time...... If she sees such a start, her own wind gauge in her will go down again, right?

Although it doesn't seem to be much left


On the other side, looking at the black-haired boy who appeared in his room inexplicably, the girl who seemed to have just woken up and was still a little dazed blinked her eyes in a daze, not noticing that the quilt on her hand slipped down.

Although she looks a little immature, you can still see that she is the garden of two years ago, right?

"Give. Xia Solstice caught the fallen quilt and handed it back to the stunned girl.

"Thank you......"

The girl subconsciously replied, and then tilted her head slightly

"That...... Are you?"

Curious, she tried to ask.

It's a garden, and even in this case, the place you care about is different from ordinary people.

Xia Zhi sighed in his heart.

It can be seen that the girl in front of her does not know herself.

After all, as I said before, the synchronization between the brave and the shrine maidens is not passive, but active.

As long as she doesn't take the initiative to synchronize in that plane, the "Nogi Garden" in other planes will not be able to get her memories in the original plane.

So, it's normal for her not to remember herself two years ago.

“...... It's okay to rest for a while, I'll not bother for now. "

There is no habit of doing "bad things" to leave a name, and after habitually rubbing the girl's hair, Xia Zhi jumped out of the big bed, pretended that nothing had happened, and walked out of the door as if nothing had happened.

It wasn't until the bedroom was closed again, and the girl who was awakened from her stunned by the sound of the door closing finally reacted, looked down at herself, and her cheeks gradually turned red......


Walking in the courtyard, the morning sun gently shone on the green grass outside the corridor, and the breeze caressed the green bamboo forest, making a rustling sound...

Not far away, a small and beautiful bridge can be seen across the crystal clear pond, and elegant water lily petals float on the water.

On both sides of the corridor, the branches of the dangling cherry blossom trees sway, sprinkling pink petals, purple vine flowers clinging to the shelves of the garden, fragrant fragrance, and a school of goldfish swimming freely in the small pond through the aquatic plants.

It seems to be a Japanese-style mansion. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even if you don't walk through the entire mansion, you can see that the mansion covers an astonishing area. Just the courtyard I just walked through is already many times bigger than my own two-story house.

Since the garden lives here, she thinks this should be her home?

She remembered mentioning to herself before that her home was a large courtyard in a traditional style, bigger than an amusement park.

Now it seems that she was not exaggerating at the time.

Xia Zhi sighed in his heart, and then shook his head. []5.5 In any case, let's first find the garden you know.

Just as he thought to himself, and was about to leave here, his footsteps couldn't help but pause slightly.

It's not that the mansion is too big for him to find his way out


"Brother Xia Zhi~"

The girl's voice came from a short distance ahead.

Under the soft and bright sun, the breeze swayed in the green courtyard

An unexpected figure smiled at him as if it had been waiting there for a long time

"Good morning. "


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