Eagle and Silver both looked surprised.

What surprised them was not only the relationship between the garden and the boy, but more importantly, it was the first time they knew that there was a sister in the garden.

"Mmmm, a beautiful and lovely sister like me~"

As she spoke, Xiao Yuanzi looked into the distance and landed on the figure sitting far in front of the crepe shop.

Look, even she can see it.

Of course, this is also the reason why she knew early on that she would definitely follow her when she grew up.

Xia Zhi complained in his heart, and also looked at the garden...... Probably because she saw a friend she hadn't seen in a long time, she waved happily in the distance

...... When I was happy, I forgot to hide the stubble.

Fortunately, Eagle and Silver were still surprised at this time, and they didn't notice the interaction between the two large and small gardens.

"Are you here for lunch, too?"

Retracted his gaze, in order to help Xiao Yuanzi make up for the identity of "brother-in-law", Xia Zhi put forward an invitation to treat.

"Is this really possible......" The little eagle looked a little hesitant, isn't it a little bad to let the first person meet have a treat.

"It's okay, you're very good friends in the garden, right?"

Xia Zhi glanced at the light blonde girl beside her, smiled and said meaningfully:

"In the future, I will ask you to take care of the garden. "

"Well, there's no ......," Silver scratched his cheek embarrassedly.

The character of the garden is usually a bit of a headache, sometimes it is too lively, and sometimes it seems that it can fall asleep on any occasion, but it is not to mention the degree of care......

If anything, it may be that she is taken care of more.

However, it can be recognized by the "family".

I feel like I've been entrusted.

The little eagle also blushed and agreed embarrassedly.

"yes!" said Xiao Yuanzi with a happy smile.

As the eldest lady of the Nogi family, she naturally can't be so happy because she can get rid of a meal, probably just because she is happy that her friends and the "brother-in-law" she just met get along.

Xia Solstice took them back to Kurumi Tokizaki

Looking at the summer solstice that had not been able to come back for a long time, and when he came back, he was followed by three little girls, and Shizaki Kurumi tilted his head slightly:

"Mr. Xia Zhi, because you couldn't eat a hexagonal dinosaur, you chose new ingredients?"

Can you not say such horrible things with a natural face?

"Wow, come up and treat us as ingredients. "

Silver whispered to the black-haired girl beside her, but saw the girl's gaze fall on her, and her body trembled subconsciously.

Did she hear it? at such a distance?

...... It should be just a coincidence, but it's not good to say that people are behind your back

The eagle was about to say this, but suddenly realized something

Anyway, if they hadn't come, Xiaoyuan's brother-in-law and this girl were originally going to have lunch alone, right?

That is, are they dating?

And Xiaoyuan just said that the boy was her brother-in-law

Could it be ......

"That...... Are you Xiaoyuan's sister?" she asked after a moment's hesitation.

Ah, screwed up.

From Xiao Yuanzi's face, Xia Zhi saw such a meaning.

In fact, she didn't blame her completely, just thinking that it didn't matter if Kurumi saw the garden over there, but he also forgot a little about the fact that he was dating a girl.

Even if she had her own help to cover, it would be difficult for Kurumi to cooperate, right? She didn't even need to cooperate, as long as she showed doubts about what Eagle said, it would be easy to see through and be sure that she wasn't the sister of the garden.

In this way, either Xiao Yuanzi's statement about "brother-in-law" was debunked, or it was confirmed that he was cheating and stepping on two boats with girls other than Xiao Yuanzi's "sister".

Which is more important, one's own reputation or the reputation of the garden?

...... You don't need to choose at all, after all, you don't have a reputation in the first place.

Xia Zhi sighed slightly in his heart, and just as he was about to speak, something unexpected happened.

Kurumi Shizaki glanced thoughtfully at Xiao Yuanzi, smiled and nodded (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"yes. "


To be honest, Xia Zhi really didn't expect that Kurumi Shizaki would help, and in such an unclear situation, he admitted the identity of the "sister" of the garden.

And the little eagle seems to be interested, or maybe it's the family who finally met the garden, sticking to the side of Shizaki Kurumi and asking about the situation of the small garden

"Sumi, I'm very concerned about the garden......

Yin held the milk tea that Xia Solstice bought for them in his hand, and sighed as he looked at the scene over there.

She turned her head to look at the dark-haired boy who came to her, "Sorry, she might be a little too enthusiastic. "

It's not so much enthusiasm as it's more suspicious.

After all, just in terms of appearance, Kurumi doesn't look like Sister Yuanzi.

It may be more appropriate to find Wakaba to play such a role.

It's just that it seems that Kurumi is coping well with it, so you shouldn't have to worry about it.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, looked at the gray-haired girl beside him, thought about it for a while, changed the topic and asked:

“.. You're a good friend of theirs, aren't you?"

"Huh, uh-huh......" Yin was slightly stunned and nodded.

"Well, this is for you, and it's a gift for the first meeting. "

Xia Solstice handed her something.

This is...... A ribbon?

Silver looked curiously at the headband that the boy handed him in front of him.

It looks like the one on the head of the garden, is it the same style?

"I'm not a good fit for this type of headband. She shook her head

Compared to the cute and lively garden, I'm a little boyish, and it will definitely look weird when I wear it, right?

"Yes, I think you're cute, too. Xia Zhi tilted his head slightly.

Perhaps it was rarely said that, the girl's cheeks turned red, and she couldn't speak for a long time.

In fact, it is not necessarily used as a headband, it is also possible to tie it on the wrist or other places, after all, it is just a decorative jewelry

After helping the girl tie the ribbon around her wrist, Xia Zhi habitually rubbed her hair and said:

"Cherish this time. "


Retracting his gaze from the ribbon on his wrist, Silver slightly tilted his head and complained:

"My brother speaks like an elderly adult. "

You're really welcome.

Xia Solstice thought to himself angrily.

The girl took a deep breath, moved her gaze to the two girls not far away, clenched her wrists slightly, nodded lightly and said:

“...... Well, I'll cherish them. "


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