Brother Xia Zhi often said that people's happiness comes from increment rather than stock.

Once a wish is fulfilled, the next wish is born.

But anyway, I'm very satisfied with myself now.

It must have been the happiest moment of my life that I have ever experienced

Nogi Sonoko sat on the soft bed, looking up at the moon that lit the night sky with a hazy glow, swaying her legs leisurely.

So there will be no regrets

...... bar

The gently swaying legs stopped, and the girl pursed her lips

Sure enough, man is a very greedy creature.

She thought to herself.

...... So, what is your next wish?


After carrying the tired fallen asleep tree back to her room, and entrusting her to the embarrassed wind, Summer Solstice closed the door and blocked out the noise outside.

Glancing in the direction of the living room where there was the sound of banter and laughter, he sighed slightly.

It's easy to make trouble when there are too many people.,Plus whether it's the garden.,Wind or Tomona, they're not that kind of quiet character.,It looks like it's going to be late at night.。

Tomorrow morning's class is expected to be late again.

Although it is not good to say this as a teacher, it is a rare day, and it is okay not to go to class for a day, so give them a leave.

I didn't go to mix in the fun over there, and seeing that it was not too early, Xia Zhi, who was going to take a bath first, walked towards the bathroom.

However, when he passed by the door of his room, he found that the door of the room was not closed.

Xia Zhi was slightly stunned for a moment, and through the half-open door, he saw the light blonde girl in the room bathed in the moonlight and looking up at the starry sky


What are you doing here?

The girl who heard the voice turned her head, and when she saw the black-haired boy at the door, a happy smile immediately appeared on her face

"Brother Xia Zhi~"

"Aren't you going to join them?" Xia Zhi asked curiously as he sat down beside her.

"I'm a little tired. Sonoko shook his head, and then naturally rested his head on his shoulder.

That's pretty rare.

Usually, she is the most energetic, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, reaching out and gently stroking the hair of the girl next to him.

The girl narrowed her eyes and made a comfortable sound, as if she had a kitten.

"Don't treat me like a pet. Yuan Zi looked up, wrinkled his nose and said dissatisfiedly.

I was discovered. Does she know how to read minds?

Xia Zhi thought about it, and rubbed her hair with more force: "Of course it's not a pet, the garden is my brave." "

In the past, even if it was just such a simple sentence, it should have made the girl very happy.

However, when she heard this sentence at this moment, she lowered her head, and the shadow of her bangs covered her expression, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Garden?" Xia Zhi called out to her suspiciously.

"Well, nothing. Yuan shook her head, regained her expression, and looked up at the night sky outside the window.

"All along, I have worked hard to know my brother. "

Such a thank you to the wind during the day, they have already said it.

Even if it's thanks, you don't have to say it to everyone once.


"Are you satisfied?" asked Xia Zhi.

"The youth of the garden has no regrets. "

The girl replied in an exaggerated tone.

You haven't graduated yet, have you? Don't say such old-fashioned things

Xia Zhi glanced at her.

"Lie to you. "

Yuan Zi smiled at him, looked down at his legs hanging from the edge of the bed, and lowered his voice, "Sure enough, there is a little regret." "

"Regret?" Xia Solstice tilted his head slightly.

“...... Youth who doesn't show their hearts will leave regrets after all, right?"

The girl said in an exclamatory tone that was not appropriate for her age. I don't know where she learned it.

"Your youth is still growing, and there will always be a chance in the future. "

It's better to say that she can be as young as she wants now, right?

"But the garden didn't want to wait until then. Yuan Zi suddenly raised his head and looked at his side face and said.

After all, people are not completely satisfied.

So, there's no way around it, right?

If you want to be happy, you have to hold on to it.

This is what the boy himself told her.

"Brother Xia Zhi. At some point, even my voice became dry.


Sonoko took a deep breath and stared into his eyes

"I don't want to be just your brave man all the time......"

The heart is beating unstoppably.

...... Ah, that's such a shy thing.

Yuan Zi thought to himself.

I thought that after getting along for so long and the relationship became so close, I could say this sentence naturally.

At this moment, I will still be nervous.

Sister Mio, how did they do it?

I would have asked them for advice if I had known

She has always been lively and cheerful, but at the moment she only feels that her face is hot, and her brain is also in chaos

That's not going to work, you have to say it well.

She thought to herself.


At this moment, a warm touch came from the hand

When the garden came back to his senses, he found that his hand had been held by a young man.

Brother Xia Zhi seems to have said something?

Some couldn't hear clearly, the girl's mind was all on the hand holding her at the moment.

It's amazing that just being held like this, all the tension and anxiety in my heart disappear.

...... That's the case, just say what is in your heart.

She moved her fingers jerkyly, found a suitable position and clenched it, so that her palms were close without a single gap, and her body temperature blended together

Taking a deep breath again, the girl's delicate cheeks flushed crimson, and she raised her head again to stare into his eyes, and spoke her mind in a voice that no longer trembled

“...... Once in a while, can you make me your garden?"


By the time Summer Solstice returned to the living room, the party was over.

The girls seemed to be tired of playing and went back to sleep, and the noisy living room became much quieter. Looks like I helped clean up before leaving, and the living room, which should have been a mess, now looks clean.

In the center of the living room, a figure with long silver hair sat on the sofa, looking at the green-haired girl sleeping on her lap with gentle eyes, and gently stroked her long hair.


Seeing Xia Solstice coming back from outside the living room, Mio made a gesture to him in a soft voice and blinked.

"Why don't you go back to your room and sleep. Xia Zhi walked lightly to her side and touched Cong Yun's head with his hand.

The god girl showed a reassuring expression and rubbed his palm, and her breathing quickly became calm.

"Sure enough, you still have to do it on the summer solstice. Mio couldn't help but sigh. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It was as if I had some strange ability.

"Where's Yaye?" asked Xia Zhi.

The witch lady who served Cong Yun probably wouldn't have let her god go back to sleep alone here, right?

Mio glanced at the sofa opposite.

Xia Zhi found the small figure wrapped in a blanket on the sofa, huddled with a few plush dolls, and almost didn't see it.

He thought for a moment, stepped forward and picked up the little witch from the couch. Just like the impression a girl makes, it's so light that you can barely feel your weight.

Xia Solstice subconsciously compared her with the garden...... Sure enough, the garden should be a little more important, after all, it's older.

Because there was no room for Yaye at home, Xia Solstice placed her in Cong Yun's room.

Mio also walked in with Cong Yun in her arms and gently put her on the bed with the girl.

When you wake up in the morning, you'll be shocked to see yourself and her gods sleeping in the same bed. []

Xia Solstice could probably imagine the young witch's expression at that time.

Walking out of the room between the two, he looked up at the window, and the sky in the distance was already white.

"Would you like to go back and get some rest?" he looked at the girl beside him.

Mio shook her head, "I can't sleep." "

"Let's go out for a walk. Xia Zhi thought about it and proposed.

Naturally, Mio would not refuse such an offer.

I feel like I haven't walked like this alone with Xia Solstice for a long time.

“...... The boy in the garden is so bold. "

Walking through the empty streets where no one was in the early hours of the morning, Mio couldn't help but sigh.

Everyone was still in the living room at the time, and they all knew where she had disappeared.

"It reminds me of who I was back then. "

As if recalling something, the corners of her mouth curled slightly

"In the case that you think you know everything, but you don't actually understand anything, I proposed to you on the summer solstice. "

Mio's gaze looked into the distance, her azure blue eyes staring at the end of the night, letting her silver-white hair flutter in the wind

Her profile seemed to glow dimly in the morning light.

Delicate and delicate facial features, fair and delicate skin, and long silver hair scattered behind him like a waterfall, reflecting the crystal holy light in the sun.

If such a beautiful girl who dreams like a man-made object proposes to herself, no matter who she is, she can't help but agree, right?

Xia Solstice thought to herself.

But that was not the case at the time.

“.. Later, it was rejected. "

Mio said softly, looking sideways at the boy slightly, "That's my first lovelorn, right?"

"It's not a broken love, didn't I invite you on a date?"

"Eh~ The gap is too big. "

"Didn't you say yes?"

"After all, I was the one who was dumped. "

It's all said, I didn't dump you. Xia Zhi thought helplessly

Before they knew it, the two came to a hillside in the suburbs.

This is the place where the summer solstice first came into this world.

It is also the place where he and Mio first met.

Mio stood on the hillside and looked out at the sky in the distance.

The band of light that extends from the morning sun gradually changes from orange to white, and finally to light blue. The world hovers between the early morning and the night, and the boundaries of night are forced back one by one.

Mio turned around with her hands behind her back, and the dress dyed with orange morning light was placed in the air in a beautiful arc, and under the dividing line between night and dawn, her clear blue eyes looked at the summer solstice

"What if I propose to Xia Solstice again now?"

There was a hint of anticipation in her voice

"Now on the summer solstice, will you be excited?"

"Probably. "

Xia Zhi replied, "Do you want to try it?"

After thinking for a moment, the girl shook her head: "Forget it." "

"I don't want to be separated from my husband when I just got married. "

Generally speaking, it is the honeymoon period after just getting married, and it is really not good to separate before you have time to enjoy the sweetness of the newlyweds

However, Xia Zhi felt that she might have mistaken one thing a little

"Marriage is marriage, and a marriage proposal is a marriage proposal, these are two different things, right?"

You don't have to get married right away after proposing, isn't there still talk of getting engaged?

Xia Zhi remembered his other fiancée (?)

Mio tilted her head slightly, as if that was the case?

"That ......"

She was about to say something, but was stopped by Xia Solstice.

After all, she was the first to speak last time...... This kind of thing, you can't always let the girl take the initiative.

Summer Solstice turned back and looked at this newly awakened world

This, the world that has been saved again and again by himself.

When the space-time barrier is completely lifted, the world will be reshaped.

In order to prevent logical paradoxes, and to prevent the created ending from disappearing, it is not in the traditional way from front to back, but that Cong Yun, as the only god in this world, fixes the current time and space, and uses this as a base point to reshape the entire timeline.

As for what will happen after the newborn divine tree that is now mixed with elves and elements related to itself completes its sublimation and completely replaces the original god system of this world, Xia Solstice is not very clear.

After all, except for the main quest 2 of [Eliminate All Space-Time Peculiarities], the rest of the main quests about [Saving All Elves] and [Collecting All Spirit Crystals] have not been completely completed.

In this world, there is still the last one, and the original elf.

But what he's going to do now has nothing to do with that.

"Mio. "

Summer Solstice softly called the girl's name

He stretched out his hand to the girl, took a deep breath, and at the turn of morning and dusk, he made a new pact to the pure white and flawless elf

"Okay, will I give you to me?"

The morning sun in the distance rose from outside the walls at the edge of the world, gilding the girl's silhouette with a golden glow.

Mio narrowed her eyes and smiled happily. In the light of the morning light, it looks sparkling

"I'm just Mio's battle for you. "


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