"Please come in. "

Elok pushed open the door and invited the silver-haired girl behind her to enter.

Standing in front of the door of the boy's room, Natsuyo hesitated.

"What's wrong?" asked Eluk, confused.

"I ...... Is it really possible to go in?" asked Natsushi with some trepidation.

"It's okay, Xia Solstice people are very good, they won't scold us. "

Eluko crouched down, picked up the kitten that had run to his feet, and looked at the mechanical girl beside her


It should be said that it is precisely because of them that Xia Solstice will allow them to enter and leave his room at will

It was too much trouble to explain like this, and Hughby nodded.

...... To add, in her memory, Xia Zhi has never scolded anyone. She doesn't deny that she has a good personality.

With the permission of the two, Xia Shi cautiously followed into the boy's room.

How to put it, I feel like I'm on a pilgrimage.

Looking at the juvenile furnishings in the room, a trace of wonder rose in her heart, and she felt as if she was in a dream.

Did you really come to God-sama's room?

Feeling the familiar aura around her that had enveloped her from the moment she entered the room, she forced her inner feelings to pull her gaze back, and it took a lot of effort to resist the urge to pounce on the bed.


The kitten, who had been gently put back on the ground by Eluk, came to the silver-haired girl and spun around twice, then jumped straight into her arms.

"It loves you. "

Seeing this scene, Eloke said.

Hearing this, Xia Shi looked down at the kitten in his arms, and tried to reach out and gently touch its head. Feeling the girl's gentle movements, the kitten also rubbed her little hand and meowed twice.

This should be the third person who has shown a willingness to get close to Xia Solstice and Eluko.

Maybe Megumi Kato is also half?

Either way, this wasn't what Irena had been treated on her side in the past.

Huby stared at the girl's cheek for a long time, and finally concluded, "You're not Irene ." "

"Huh, isn't she?" said Eluk's eyes wide.

So you didn't notice it?

Xia Shi complained in his heart.

She thought that the girl didn't show any doubts about the "Mother Eluko" she had called her at the beginning, and that she had invited herself in so warmly because she had already seen her true identity.

In her heart, is Irena also the kind of relationship that is not surprising to call her mother?

...... Or was she just confused and didn't react?

Eluk was a little confused, and it wasn't until Hughby applied a layer of cognitive blurring magic to the girl that she re-regarded her as a "stranger" that she finally noticed the aura and characteristics of the girl that were indistinguishable from the existence she remembered.

"You're Xia Shi?"

She finally reacted.

If that's the case, it makes sense, why there is always a sense of disobedience in the face of her, and why the kitten likes her so much.

However, there was one more point that made Al Luk a little confused.

I feel like the summer world in front of me, it seems to be ...... Smaller than the god girl in your memory?

Originally, she was supposed to be a little taller than Natsuori, but now it looks like she's about the same size as herself.

Eluk's gaze went back and forth between her and herself a few times, making sure it wasn't her own delusion.

Huh, could it be that you have grown taller?

She looked down at herself and blinked.

"This is a newly created body......

Xia Shi explained briefly.

If it is true, Eluk can also understand it, just like when Xia Solstice created a new body for her and took her out to play.


Aluk was a little discouraged for a while, thinking that he had really grown taller. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"So...... Did you come out specifically to find the summer solstice?"

Hughby tilted his head slightly: "Why...... You want to use Irena as you?"

Xia Shi hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to tell the truth

"Irena and I agreed on an exchange of only three days...... After these three days, I will return the borrowed identity to her. "

I can't always borrow Irena's identity, I have to pay it back anyway. []

So, after all, this is just a little willfulness of oneself, just sneaking out temporarily, hoping to enjoy short-term happiness

If she can get recognition from the teenager, even if it is only for a short time, she is enough to be satisfied.

...... But it's a pity that judging from the fact that Hughby saw through his identity so quickly, there is still no way to hide such a little trick from Lord God.

The girl's expression lowered slightly.

“.. ......"

A girl who can't fall in love with someone she likes, through magic that doesn't exist in the world, hopes to be able to get a short period of happiness......

Hughby thought of a fairy tale

“...... Cinderella's magic?"

"What's that?"

Elok was a little confused.

She hadn't heard much of the fairy tales of this world, and the bedtime stories she usually read to her on the summer solstice were math, physics, or something, and she usually fell asleep quickly after listening to them.

Hughby gave her a brief explanation.

After listening to the girl's story, Eluk fell into deep thought.

After a long time

"I see, I'll help you!"

She nodded, and quickly made a decision.

Ask her why she's willing to help...... Probably because the girl called her "Mother Eluko", or maybe like the kitten, she also had a kind of affection for her.

After all, it is a god created by the summer solstice, as long as it is related to the summer solstice (Mo Zhao), she likes it all.

Therefore, she also hopes that the girl can be happy.

Instead of perpetuating the original magic, it is about creating new "magic" that can give the girl happiness

She's a star god, so there's definitely a way!

But how can you help, if you want the girl to become the daughter of the summer solstice......

That's right

"That...... Adopt!"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Eluk's little head, and a great idea came to mind

"If I adopt you, won't you be our daughter?"


How to say it, although the girl was willing to help her so much, she was very moved, but... Negative...

Xia Shi hesitated for a moment and asked aloud, "Mother Eluk, you and Lord God are not married yet, are you?"

“...... Huh?"

It was then that Elok realized that there was such a problem.


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