In the end, Xia Zhi still chose the dish he first tasted...... That is, the one that Yang Nai said that Xue Nai had worked hard to prepare.

In addition to his own love for seafood, and it is indeed delicious, it probably includes the influence of Yono's previous words, and she may be more comforting.


Yang Nai showed a look of regret...... Xia Zhi felt that she might not really care about the result, she just wanted to see how embarrassed she looked.

"So didn't you say it a long time ago? Some of the words are unnecessary. "

As the winner, Xue Nai gave a winning speech - Xia Solstice was voiced in his heart.

He didn't wait long for the words in his heart to fall, and he felt that someone was stepping on under the table.

He looked up at the other side, and neither girl showed anything unusual.

Just now, was Xue Nai seeing the counterattack he had just teased her in his heart, or was it Yang Nai's revenge for not choosing her

Looking at the usual faces of the two girls opposite, Xia Zhi already had the answer in his heart.

Yang Nai sighed slightly, and a cheerful smile appeared on his face: "Oops, hey, I didn't expect to lose to Yukino in this regard." "

The words fell, and Xia Zhi felt that he had been stepped on again.

Well, this time you don't have to tell. The two sisters are very similar in many ways.

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

...... For example, the force of stepping on people and so on.

"Yang 343 is a senior sister, is it really okay if you continue to drink?" Glancing at the bottle of red wine next to him that was about to be empty, Megumi Kato asked with some concern.

"I'm very happy to be a celebration of Yukino beating my sister~" The girl replied with a smile. If it weren't for the small movements under the table just now, Xia Zhi might have really believed her words.

"I don't think it's something to celebrate. Xue Nai picked up the juice and took a sip gently, not caring about the wine-smelling speech of the girl next to her.

"Really, then take it as a dissipation of my defeat?"

Whether it's to drink to kill your sorrows or drink to cheer up, Xia Solstice finds that people who want to drink have too many ready-made excuses.

On the other side, Xue Nai showed a slightly hesitant expression, and after a moment, she frowned slightly, and admonished:

"For the record, I'm not going to help you into your room if you're drunk. "

Yono didn't care about her cold speech, but seemed to be happy

"Sure enough, you still care about your sister, right?"

Yukino looked away slightly, but didn't refute it.

Happy to be happy, but Yang Nai didn't listen to his sister's advice at all, but instead he was more interested (adaa) and drank all the rest of the red wine.

By the time the dinner was over, her originally white cheeks were already flushed, and her eyes were misty, as if she was not as sober as she had been at the beginning. made Xia Zhi can't help but think of Xia Ori, who secretly drank for the first time, when she was drunk.

"So that's it, let you drink less. Xue Nai said helplessly.

"Hee-hee...... Yukino has grown up, and she knows that she cares about her sister......"

Yang Nai hugged the body of the girl next to him and rubbed her white face affectionately.

Feeling the smell of wine on his face, Xue Nai sighed slightly, as if he had known that it would become like this.

"But there are still some places where I haven't grown......" the girl murmured indistinctly.


Yukino's hand trembled slightly.

"Well, I'll clean it up. "

Megumi Kato stood up from his position, naturally softening the delicate atmosphere.

Xia Zhi hesitated for a moment, feeling that it didn't seem good to watch others clean up, and also stood up from his position

"I'll help too......"

Before he could finish speaking, Xue Nai interrupted first: "Forget it, don't force it." "

To be precise, you're welcome.

As a partner who has lived together for so long, she doesn't know how unhappy teenagers are to wash dishes, and would rather take the initiative to cook than clean up afterwards...... Although he didn't cook much originally. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this time, I took the initiative to bring it up, probably just because I felt embarrassed to watch it from the side.

Glancing at the motionless girl lying on her shoulder next to her, Yukino sighed again

"If you can, help bring her back to her room. "

When Xia Zhi heard this, he happily agreed.

He'd love it. []

It is said that people who are drunk or faint will feel heavier when they are drunk or faint because they will not actively cooperate. Xia Zhi didn't feel much about this, but felt that the girl's body was about as light as usual, and easily helped her up from her position.

After thinking about it for a moment, he still didn't use the princess to hold it, so he helped the girl's body to the door of a bedroom

"That's my room. "

Before he could put his hand on the doorknob, Yukino's voice came from the restaurant.

...... Tut.

Xia Zhi withdrew his hand, took the confused girl to the door of the next room, pushed the door open and walked in.

The small bedroom maintains a similar decoration style to the outside, although it is not obvious, but the details of various decorations reveal a girlish feeling everywhere. The large bed with elegant cherry blossom patterns is neat and full of lovely atmosphere, and the soft glow of the star chandelier hanging from the ceiling adds a warm and comfortable atmosphere to the room.

On the whole, except for some small details, it has not changed much from the room where I have been to the girl before.

After putting the girl on the bed, he took off her slippers and gently covered the quilt.

After doing all this, just as Xia Solstice was about to leave, an arm reached out from behind and put his arm around his shoulder


There is no need to look back, Xia Zhi also knows the situation behind him

"There's no need to pretend to be drunk, right?"

Feeling the softness and warmth coming from his back, he asked.

"Otherwise, how can I have the opportunity to be alone with you?"

There was a smell of wine and the unique fragrance of a girl mixed with his ears, and Yang Nai's arms gently hugged his shoulders, and there was no confusion in his voice

"Besides, I am really sad that you didn't choose me just now. "


"Don't you want to comfort me?" she asked, blinking her eyes and leaning into the boy's ear.

Although it is indeed appropriate to say this, I was indeed prepared to comfort her before, but......

Xia Zhi glanced in the direction of the door, showing a hesitant look

"Yukino and Megumi are still waiting outside......"

Isn't the timing a little wrong?

"I don't care. "

I don't know if it's really a little drunk, but the girl's voice has a bit of coquettishness

She put her cheek on Xia Zhi's face and said with a grin, "You have a way to solve it, right?"

You really have faith in me...... Although it is.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, turned around and hugged Yang Nai's body, which was intoxicating and crimson.

Then he snapped his fingers, and with a "click", the door was locked......


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