"Please come in. "

Kujo opened the door and invited the boy to take out a pair of slippers from the cabinet in the entrance.

Xia Zhi followed her into the door, curiously surveying the scene in the room.

Although she had been sent back to the door many times before, it was the first time she actually entered the door.

Speaking of which, should I bring some gifts with me for my first visit?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, lowered his head and looked at the bag he was carrying, and hesitated a little.

...... Is rice balls OK?

Fortunately, Kujou said that her family was not at home at this time, and after all, it was her temporary idea, so there was no need to prepare for the door-to-door ceremony or something.

It's better to say that if her parents know that she secretly brought the boy back, it will be a little troublesome.

I still have to work during Golden Week, and it's really hard for adults to enter society.

Xia Zhi sighed in his heart.

But soon thinking of her family's business, I suddenly felt less emotional, maybe this is the class generation gap.

Although the family is a well-known large company, the place where the girl lives is not very luxurious, at least there are not too many valuable things in the house.

It's not so strange to think of a family that can teach Kujo to have such a character.

Without lingering in the living room, Kujo took him back to his room.

As soon as he entered the door, before he had time to look at the scene inside the house, Xia Zhi's eyes were drawn to the half-human-sized plush doll on the pink bed.

I brought it to the bed.

Xia Solstice thought to herself.

Noticing his gaze, Kujou's cheeks flushed slightly: "Because it's very comfortable to hold, I think I can sleep better by holding it at night......"

However, the nine people who made this decision obviously forgot to consider their own feelings after 713. When I woke up in the morning, I saw that there was suddenly such a big doll on the bed, and I was startled.

After asking Xia Solstice what he wanted to drink, Kujo left the room temporarily, leaving him alone in the bedroom.

Taking advantage of this gap, Xia Zhi briefly looked at the furnishings in the house.

This is a very ordinary girl's room, except for the bed covered with soft pink printed sheets and plush dolls, the desk neatly arranged with various stationery and exquisite flower vases, and the corner with soft pink cushions and flower-printed rattan chairs, there are not too many traces of careful decoration, and people have a feeling of revealing the girlish heart of the owner of the room everywhere.

Is this minimalist style of room design all popular now?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, his eyes fell on the diary on the desk, and he paused slightly.

Thinking back to the conversation he had with Kujou that night, he probably knew what he was doing with it.

didn't go to check the girl's diary without permission, Xia Zhi sat in the room playing with his mobile phone, waiting for her to come back.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. "

It didn't take long for Kujo to return to his room, and while he was preparing drinks, he made some simple dishes along with them, which were served with rice balls as a main meal.

Xia Zhi didn't be polite to her, and sat down at the small table with her.

Speaking of which, when I was invited to the girl's bedroom, the first thing I did was to eat, which felt a little weird.

On the other side, Kujo after filling his stomach was also hesitating.

...... What do you do when you bring a boy to your room for the first time?

She has little experience with this (CCEE).

As for the summer solstice, he also didn't have the experience of taking the boy back to his room.

After a brief discussion, the two chose to choose a movie to pass the time.

Because there was no extra space in the room, Xia Solstice sat on her bed with the girl.

I didn't go to the cinema, but I felt good watching a movie at home, and when I pulled up the curtains, I was able to create an atmosphere like in a private room in a movie theater.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, feeling the clear breathing of the girl sitting next to him in the quiet room, and turned his attention back to the screen in front of him.

This is a romance movie with a bit of fantasy

The heroine is in a bizarre state due to a car accident, she should have died and survived, but because of this, the world has become unable to remember her existence, and every week all traces of her existence are erased, and no one else remembers anything about her.

After living in such a world for a long time, one day she suddenly met a boy who touched her heart with a piece of chocolate.

So she made a decision to make the boy fall in love with her deeply, and then die before the last moment of erasure came, so that the world could remember her...... Even if it's just him.

The heroine's plan is not smooth, because there is only a short week of memories of getting along, even if she meets the boy for the first time again and again, and recreates the memory with him again and again, she is getting closer and closer to each other's ideal girlfriend, but the boy has never been able to say that she is in love with her.

In the end, the heroine finds herself ruining the boy's life, chooses to confide in the boy in an opportunity, and decides to disappear, but the boy says that he actually fell in love with her as early as the first day they met.

After hundreds of first encounters, the two finally began a short week-long relationship. The heroine finally got her wish, and after separating from the boy on the last night when her traces were about to disappear, she made a final goodbye to the boy on the phone and told him all her plans. She created this relationship, and decided to die tonight in order to let the boy remember this relationship.

Faced with the retention of the boy on the phone, she had already fallen in love with the boy and made a final agreement with the other party, hoping that he could come to her side and call out her name before the last moment came.

The boy agreed, but he didn't know where the girl was. Time passed minute by minute, and he finally saw the figure of the girl in the phone booth from a distance, anxiously searching.

However, just as he called out the girl's name, time happened to cross the critical line. The boy forgot everything about the heroine, and he forgot his agreement with her, and he couldn't go to her side.

The heroine looked at the back of the boy standing blankly in the snow for a long time, and finally turned to leave, looked at the original piece of chocolate from his pocket, recalled the name that was half shouted just now, breathed a sigh of relief, and finally gave up her plan.

Once again, the boy lost his memory of the heroine, and the heroine did not choose to die. After another encounter with the boy, she chose to disappear from his life.

The end of the movie gives a blank space, whether the relationship between the two who once loved each other but has been forgotten by the world will continue again, and whether the girl will choose to meet the boy again.

I think I left a regret and full of thoughts about a better future.

Xia Zhi sighed in his heart, but heard bursts of sobbing beside him.

"I'm sorry, I'm ......" Kujo kept wiping his tears with his hands, but the tears still couldn't stop flowing down, and he couldn't wipe them clean.

Probably because I have a similar experience and situation, I feel the same way. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xia Zhi thought to herself, and after hesitating for a moment, he stretched out his hands and gently hugged her head in his arms.

Kujouto's body trembled slightly, then buried his head deep in his arms, crying silently, and it took a while to calm down

"I'm sorry...... I'm a little ......" Raising her head again, the girl rubbed her red eyes, and there was a hint of choking in her voice.

Xia Zhi expressed his understanding and comforted her: "If it weren't for the fact that there were all there, I would have been about to cry just now." "

“...... Really?"[]

"Uh, almost?"

It's a lot worse.

Kujou thought to himself, looking at the originally clean and neat white short sleeves on his chest with a large tear-wet mark on his chest, his cheeks turned red, and he wanted to get him a new dress, but was politely rejected by Xia Zhi. Anyway, just leave it alone and do it later.

The girl said how to do it, and finally brought him a towel.

...... He didn't know about his situation, he probably just thought he was moved.

Kujo thought to himself, looking at the boy in front of him.

For the heroine who can only be remembered for a week, the boy fell in love with her.

I only have a memory of one day together, what kind of feelings will I have for him?

...... However, it is different after all.

The heroine in the movie still has the possibility of choosing to meet the boy again, but after this opportunity, she should never be able to meet him again.

And I only have two days left......

She thought to herself, silently clenching the hands that fell beside her.


After that, Xia Zhi and the girl watched some other TV series to change their mood, but she never cheered up.

Before you know it, it's dark.

"Well, I'll go back first. "

Seeing that the time had passed the evening meal, and the girl's family might come back at any time, Xia Zhi stood up and said goodbye to her.

However, just as he was about to leave, he was pulled by the sleeve of his shirt with a slight force

Xia Zhi turned his head suspiciously, but saw the girl gently tugging at her sleeve with her hand, bowing her head slightly, and asking in a low voice in an inaudible voice:

"I'm sorry, but... Will you stay a little longer......"


Looking at the fragile and helpless girl in front of her, Xia Solstice couldn't help but think back to the Kujo Capital that night

After a moment of silence, he took a deep breath

“...... Well, both. "

The girl who heard the voice subconsciously raised her head

Xia Zhi looked at her dark blue eyes and asked aloud:

"Do you want to go to another place with me?"


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