Kujo chose the place to have dinner together, and it was the coffee shop where she worked.

Before the summer solstice, I also accompanied Hui and Tian to come with them once, but as half of the host, Kujo Capital, it was the first time to come here with her, and I had never been here before.

Because it wasn't working time, in order to avoid misunderstanding with other guests, the girl didn't put on her work clothes.

She was a little pity, and it seemed that she wanted Xia Solstice to see what she looked like when she was in her work clothes...... After all, it's the last chance.

Instead, after inviting Xia Zhi to sit down in a corner where he was not easily disturbed, after he finished ordering, Kujo said hello to the rest of the store, and then borrowed the back kitchen.

Xia Zhi didn't expect it, originally thought that they would come out to eat together, but in the end, she came to cook.

This also led to the fact that in addition to the dishes he ordered, he also "included" some dishes that were not on the menu

...... It's no wonder she's looking for such a corner location that doesn't attract much attention, probably because she doesn't want other guests to notice the difference here.

"How does it feel?"

After eating and drinking, he came out of the coffee shop and strolled through the streets at night, and Kujo asked the boy next to him expectantly

"Delicious as always. "

The taste is slightly different from when I came back to eat it on 910, because it was cooked by the girl herself.

Xia Zhi thought about it, and then said: "It's the old man in the back kitchen, I don't know why I feel a little weird when I look at my eyes." "

Hearing this, Kujou pursed his lips and chuckled: "He's actually my grandfather." "

The summer solstice is abrupt.

It's no wonder. I remember that the girl also said before that this is her grandfather's shop.

Thinking about it, if I saw my granddaughter inviting a boy from the store, talking and laughing with him and looking like she had a good relationship, and even cooked for him herself, I probably wouldn't be able to sit still.

...... Should he be thanked for not kicking himself out?

"No, grandpa is very good. "

Kujo said good things for his grandfather: "The last bowl of fruit soup is what grandpa gave to the summer solstice." "

As she spoke, her voice lowered slightly: "...... My grandfather has always loved me, and so have my parents...... I'll be sad to find out I'm dead tomorrow. "

"Why don't you tell them about it? Xia Zhi asked after thinking about it.

Although I want to try not to change the original trajectory of other people's lives as much as possible, such a statement is actually not tenable, not to mention that if I choose to tell it today, it will not change too much.

Her family already knew her very well, and they didn't need to get to know her well

“...... If it were them, they would always remember you. "

Hearing this, the girl lightly nodded: "That kind of thing...... It's too cruel for them. "

Forgetting is an innate human ability, and while it is troublesome to forget what you remember, it is a skill that is essential for human beings to live in this world.

Only by constantly forgetting the sad and bad things can people not be trapped in the emotions of the past and move on.

There is no contradiction between time diluting everything and time healing everything

So for Kujoto, it is too cruel to force the people who love him to remember him forever

This is one of the reasons why she would choose Teenager...... He is special, and at the same time, he who has not known him before, is also the most suitable for himself.


"If it's the summer solstice now, will you be sad for me?" asked Kujou, looking at him.

"If I say yes, can you live?" Xia Zhi didn't answer, but asked rhetorically.

"Probably not. "

"Nu Try, maybe you can. "

"Hmm...... I'll give it a try. "

While chatting with the boy with or without a match, Kujou seemed to have gotten the answer in his heart, and a reluctant smile appeared on the corner of his mouth

...... I did a bad thing.

The two of them did not continue the conversation, chatting and wandering around the city without a cidea. As the night deepened, the surrounding crowds became scarce.

When I came back to my senses, I realized that I had unconsciously come to the vicinity of the shrine. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This, the place where the girl died.

"On the previous topic......

Kujou turned around with his hands behind his back and looked at the boy: "Even if Xia Solstice does something to me, it doesn't matter......"

Xia Zhi was slightly stunned for a moment, and then she reacted, she was referring to what she said during the day to let others know that her state was a bit dangerous.

"Isn't it okay for me to be so reassured?"

Strictly speaking, she's only known a boy for a day, so it's really okay if it doesn't matter?

"From a girl's point of view, I should have to mind, but when I think that after today, my life will end here, and it probably doesn't feel so necessary...... In comparison, it is a pity that I didn't fall in love until the end of my life......" she said regretfully.

Xia Zhi glanced at the time displayed on his phone

"In the end, there is only this time, and it is not enough to fall in love, right?"

"That's right. The girl nodded.

There are only ten minutes left.

"So, another request. "

Kujo came to him, raised his head to look into his eyes, and asked with a slightly red face:

"Can I hug you again......"

Looking at the girl who made such a request to herself, Xia Zhi didn't say anything this time, and gently hugged her body in her arms.


Leaning her head into his arms, the girl gently closed her eyes.

...... I thought that as long as someone could remember me, it would be enough to be satisfied.

But sure enough, people are always greedy

I don't want to leave...... I don't want to be separated from such warmth either......

Ah, that's it......

The girl thought and made a decision in her heart.

"Summer Solstice Classmates ......"

After a long silence, Kujo buried himself in his arms and said in a muffled voice, "I'm sorry for my wayward request...... However, the previous agreement ended here......"

She looked up again into the boy's eyes, took a deep breath, and continued, "...... Please, forget about me. "

Unilaterally making an embarrassing request, and when it is almost over, it unilaterally reverses and withdraws it...... It's really very capricious

Xia Zhi thought to himself and breathed a sigh of relief

"I'm sorry, but I can't say yes this time. He replied.

After all, the agreement with her has been completed now.

"Then it's time to fulfill another agreement. "

In the girl's puzzled eyes, Xia Zhi looked into her eyes and said with a chuckle

"Have a good dream and wait for me in the future. "


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