Just like many people come back after a summer vacation and don't even know how to hold a pen, Xia Zhi, who has experienced two months in the dream dungeon, feels like he has returned everything he has learned to the teacher.

Fortunately, this kind of thing, as long as you spend some points, you can redeem it from the teacher, but it avoids the risk of failing the summer solstice.

"The last question of the multiple-choice question in the exam just now is so difficult, what did you choose?".

"Choose C, I calculated it for a long time. "

"There's no one who doesn't choose C, right?"

"Choose C, I understand everything, and I don't explain much if I don't understand. "


After the exam, Xia Zhi walked out of the examination room with a lunch, and he could hear many students answering the answers along the way, but he didn't care too much, after all, this is also a reserved item after each exam.

With absolute confidence in his own strength, he had no intention of getting involved, but walked up the stairs to the rooftop.

After closing the door and isolating the disturbances below, Xia Solstice came to his familiar position and opened the lunch box.

"Today it's tamagoyaki and potato fried bacon. "

It's Natsuori's girl's specialty.

While thinking in his heart, he picked up a piece of jade yaki and put it in his mouth, the rich sweet fragrance instantly spread in his mouth, and with the soft, sweet, dense and tender taste of the tamaki itself, he couldn't help but have an appetite.

Xia Solstice suddenly thought: What if I made it ten times more delicious?

The idea was very appealing, but Xia Zhi gave up on the idea after hesitating for a long time.

Although his Dream Points are already a lot compared to the beginning, it is better not to waste them casually, after all, he has limited means to obtain Dream Points now, and it is better to save as much as possible.

Then again, isn't there any other way to earn Dream Points?

Xia Zhi thought back to himself for a moment, so far he had only earned Dream Points by completing quests and achievements, but either of these methods seemed to be triggered only in Dream Quests.

In other words, there is no way to earn Dream Points in reality, so you can only wait for the Dream Quest to refresh once a week.

"There are too few ways to get it......


Xia Zhi frowned, determined to break this situation where dream points were unilaterally monopolized by dream dungeons.

After pondering for a moment, he swallowed the last bite of rice, put the bento box aside, closed his eyes and whispered, "Setting: From now on, the line between dream and reality will be blurred. "

[This modification requires the consumption of 7,000 Dream Points, do you want to confirm the modification?].

After thinking for a while, Xia Zhi quickly reacted: he forgot to add the subject again.

So he stuffed "summer solstice" as the subject into the setting, and limited the scope of the reference to "dream" to the category of "dream copy".

After adding these two limits at the same time, the required point consumption has been reduced to 600 points at once, which is still a lot, but it is very cheap compared to the 7000 just now.

After carefully checking it a few times, Xia Solstice submitted the settings to the game.

At this moment, the dream points suddenly dropped a lot, and the "swish" jumped from 1285 points to only 685 points, which made Xia Solstice feel distressed.

Although it is distressing, Xia Zhi also knows that this is an indispensable expense.

If his conjecture is correct, when the line between the dream quest and reality is blurred, reality can basically be equated to him as an extension of the dream quest, so that he can naturally trigger the quest in the real world.

At the same time, through this incident, Xia Solstice also figured out one thing: the modification of dream points is also effective for the dream game itself, at least in terms of dream dungeons.

You can modify your own modifiers, which is outrageous enough to think about.

Xia Zhi complained in his heart as he stood up and prepared to go to the school sink to clean the lunch box.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly caught glimpses out of the corner of his eye, but his footsteps stopped in place.

Opposite the rooftop where he was, in front of a window on the third floor of the club building, sat a young girl as pure and beautiful as snow, with slightly floating black hair and red bow ribbons on both sides of her hair trembling slightly, showing a picturesque scene.

Xue Nai is such a beautiful girl who is difficult to touch, although Xia Zhi has long experienced this, but when she sees it again, she can't help but be amazed.

Seeing that the girl's face seemed to be good, he relaxed a little.

The girl's physique is not very good, and if there are any sequelae left in the dream dungeon, he will also feel a little unhappy.

Therefore, after seeing that he was safe and sound under the snow, Xia Zhi also calmed down and turned around and left the rooftop.


In the club classroom, the hand that was turning the page under the snow paused slightly, as if sensing something, and raised his head to look out the window.

What imprinted into her eyes was a familiar picture as usual. Under the clear blue sky,Students are talking and laughing in the atrium of the school park,The sunlight shines through the gaps between the leaves on the outer wall of the teaching building,Reflecting dappled shadows。

Looking at the empty rooftop of the teaching building in the distance, after a long time, he silently withdrew his gaze under the snow and looked at the documents in his hand again.

She asked Ms. Hiratsuka to come here, a compiled roster of students in the school, which recorded the names of all students from the first to third grades of the school, and even the names of the first two graduates.

She flipped through it patiently, attentive and focused, as if she didn't want to miss a single word.

After a moment, her gaze finally stopped at a name.

“...... Summer solstice. The name of the dream was whispered under the snow.

At this moment, the dream and reality seemed to overlap together, making the girl's eyes appear in a trance for a moment.

She shook her head, pulling her mind back, and her gaze shifted to the line of text under her name:

"Class D ...... in the second year".

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