People tend to worship the strong, not only because people have a natural yearning for strength, but also because if they meet some strong people with bad personalities, if they don't show enough longing and respect, they will be beaten.

Of course, Xia Zhi is not that kind of person, but the people in the team are more enthusiastic, and they insist on helping him improve his living environment, and the carriage he is in has changed from economy class to first class, which is still the kind of single premium version.

Seeing that they were so enthusiastic, he couldn't refuse, and finally could only accept it half-pushing.

"People from other worlds are really welcoming. Sitting in the spacious and bright carriage, feeling the soft and comfortable cushions sitting underneath, Xia Solstice couldn't help but sigh.

"People from another world?" Lilia's eyes were full of doubt.

On the other side, Kirisu Mato's face was still a little pale, obviously not recovering from the killing just now.

Come to think of it, for a person like her, who has always lived in a peaceful society, it is already a big deal to die on weekdays, and it is even more unimaginable to think of such large-scale fights and massacres.

Therefore, her feelings now are very complicated, not only for herself, but also for the summer solstice.

Although she already knew that killing and being killed in this world was a common thing, and the laws of that world would definitely not be able to control this, the old concepts and consciousness of the past still made it difficult for her to accept such a thing.

But compared to these, she is actually more worried about one thing......

"Summer Solstice classmate...... Kirissu Madong opened his mouth and asked with some concern, "You...... Are you alright?".

Death is never an understatement, she just stood by and watched, she felt a huge impact and pressure, and as the person who really wielded the sword, what kind of mental state is the teenager now?

Will it be panicked, upset, guilty, depressed?

It's because I don't know that I'm worried.

That's why she made such an inquiry.

But on the other hand, Xia Zhi's mental state was actually not as bad as she imagined.

After all, he basically couldn't see anything clearly at that time, except for the faint resistance of the blade in his hand that seemed to cut through something, and the constant screams in his ears, it was difficult to feel anything else.

If he really wanted to say it, when he came back to his senses, he found himself standing in a pool of blood, and looking at the corpses all around him and the strong smell of blood in the air did make him a little sick to his stomach, but that was all.

Therefore, Xia Zhi couldn't quite understand the worry in Kirisu Mato's heart, and thought that she was worried about whether she was injured in the battle just now, so she replied

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhendong, those people can't hurt me yet, I'm very powerful. "

"No, I didn't mean to ask about this ......" Kirisu Mado was about to say something, but suddenly noticed something: "Wait, you just called me Mato-sensei?".

"Doesn't it sound good?" Xia Zhi asked suspiciously, "I think 'True Winter' sounds cuter than 'Kirisu'." "

Cute or something......

"Not allowed!" Kirisu Mado decisively vetoed, "Don't call me that!"

"Is it really not?" Xia Zhi was a little disappointed, and tried to ask in a negotiative tone, "How about giving your only student at the moment a little privilege?"


"Please give your remaining students a little privilege. "

"Even if you use honorifics, you can't do it!"

Some couldn't stand Xia Zhi's continuous requests, and Kirisu Madong tried to change the topic: "Then again, Xia Zhi, your previous speed, and what is going on with that swordsmanship?".

Although it was to change the topic, she did have such a question in her heart, after all, that kind of speed and swordsmanship, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a normal ordinary person can have.

Hearing this, Lilia on the side also came to her senses, straightened her body, and looked at the young man beside her cautiously with some expectation.

“...... Tell the truth. Xia Zhi thought for a while and replied, "Actually, I studied in the school's kendo club for a while. "

Kendo club?

Lilia silently wrote down the name in her mind.

Others may not know it well, but she could clearly feel it at the time, and there was no trace of magic on the boy's body.

In other words, he relied purely on his body and skill to perform that level of sword skill.

To be able to teach such a powerful person, that kendo club must be an amazing place, right?" she thought to herself.

"As far as I know, Xia Zhi, you haven't joined any clubs since you were in high school. Kirisu Madon mercilessly debunked the rhetoric that Xia Solstice used to deal with her.

In fact, even if this reason was removed, she would not believe that the boy had become so powerful because he had studied in the kendo club.

Although I am

a little sorry for the students in the kendo club who are working hard, if they really have this level, their school's kendo club would have been able to dominate the national competition a long time ago.

"Freshman of high school?" Xia Zhi was a little puzzled: "Teacher Zhendong, you should have taught our class this year, right?"

"Knowing the information of each student is the most basic responsibility of a teacher. Kirishu Madong said, and suddenly frowned: "Also, you are not allowed to call me Matoshi sensei." "

That's tiring. Xia Zhi thought in his heart.

Lilia next to her also gradually came back to her senses: "In other words, the kendo department or something is actually a lie?".

The thought that she had just believed such perfunctory words to him made the girl feel so angry in her heart.

Sure enough, this guy is still very annoying.

She glared angrily at the young man beside her, thinking angrily in her heart.

“...... Why are you looking at me like this?" Xia Zhi, who was stared at by the girl like this, was a little inexplicable, and after thinking about it, she seemed to think of something, and suddenly said, "That's the case." "

"Do you want to learn those sword skills just now?"

"Huh?" Lilia was stunned for a moment, "What...... What do you mean?".

"If you want to learn, I'll teach you. As if it were taken for granted, Xia Zhi said such words.

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