"Is that okay?" asked Elok expectantly.

"As long as you want. Xia Solstice replied.

"But...... Kama: They didn't allow me to go out. Her voice faded.

The ancient star gods shattered their souls into tiny pieces for the sake of life in this world.


earth gods who took care of Eluko did not want the girl to follow the same path, and they were afraid that she would be harmed by the outside world, so they protected the girl in this small barrier, and did not allow her to leave this place no matter what.

As a result, although he was curious about the outside world, he never went outside.

"I said it, as long as you want. Xia Zhi emphasized again.

"Is it really possible?" the girl's voice was full of surprise: "Uh-huh!

If you can see the consciousness body, Xia Zhi believes that the girl must be busy nodding her little head at this time.

"So......" he said inwardly, taking a deep breath, "let's start writing the setting......



It is obviously impossible to bring out Eluk's body.

The gods cannot be looked at directly, the existence of the star gods is too huge, even the existence itself will crush the spirit of the creatures in the outside world.

Even if she is as strong as fully grown, Lilia, who is the strongest human being, is powerless to resist the mental shock inadvertently caused by Eluk's words, let alone ordinary people who are much weaker than Lilia.

There is no doubt that if Eluko were brought to the human world like this, the result would be basically the equivalent of bringing a walking humanoid infrasonic hydrogen bomb, and a large number of people would die wherever he went.

Therefore, a little protection must be taken, and the most direct way is to seal the power of Eluko with Dream Points.

But to seal the power of a god, the dream points required are too many, not to mention whether Xia Solstice can afford it now, even if he can afford it, he will not waste his points in such a place.

So, he chose a trick.

First, spend a certain number of dream points to create a one-to-one body that is exactly the same as Eluko, and then use consciousness mapping to project the girl's consciousness into this empty shell, so that she can freely control this new body.

From Eluk's point of view, she felt like she was playing a virtual reality game, only it felt much more realistic. After all, the world is real, the body is also real, and the only thing similar to virtual reality is the connection of consciousness.

This also has the added benefit of being a human body, which has a richer body than the body of the star god, making it easier for Al Lu to gain a deeper understanding of human emotions.

It's just that one thing Xia Solstice didn't expect was that when he projected the girl's consciousness into his new body, his own consciousness actually followed.

"Isn't it true that it is not bound to the body and soul, but to the consciousness?"

Looking at the body of Eluko who lost consciousness and fell to the ground, Xia Zhi complained in his heart.


The next morning, the morning sun fell through the leaves, and the birdsong in the forest was crisp and pleasant.

In her sleep, Lilia felt as if someone was poking her face lightly, and she opened her eyes in a daze, and met a pair of red eyes as bright as stardust.

“...... Are you?" she said, confused.


"She, she spoke. "

Eluko tugged at the corner of Xia Solstice's clothes and stammered.

Am I something I shouldn't be talking about?

While thinking in her heart, Lilia looked at the girl who was hiding behind Xia Solstice and poked out her little head to look at her timidly, and asked suspiciously, "Who is she?"

"Just call her Eluk. Xia Solstice pulled the girl out from behind and introduced her to Lilia.

"You, hello. Alok timidly greeted Lilia.

Suddenly, she left the place where she had lived for a long time, and after coming to a strange environment, the star god girl didn't seem to have any sense of security, and her right hand kept holding on to the corner of Xia Zhi's clothes.

"Eluk?" Lilia shook her ears, feeling as if she had heard the name somewhere.

Then, she quickly reacted and said in surprise, "That Star God-sama?".

"It's just the same name. "

Xia Zhi pressed Ai Luke's little head that wanted to nod and explained for her.

Thanks to the propaganda of the religious organization called "Zanguang Church" in this world, the name of the star god Eloke Hawksden is not known to everyone, but it can basically be regarded as a household name.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Xia Solstice does not plan to reveal the identity of the girl.

However, the name is easy to say, but in terms of appearance, the girl has a cute appearance that surpasses ordinary people, and in the words of COC, it means that she has reached or even surpassed the highest value of appearance that humans can have, and has reached a field that no one can reach.

This is the most troublesome thing, this level of appearance is not something ordinary people can have, and combined with the name "Eluko", it is easy to think of the last star god girl.

Fortunately, this problem is not too difficult to solve.

When Xia Zhi put on his camouflage glasses for Ai Luke, even though he knew the characteristics of the glasses and had been prepared in his heart, he still failed to recognize the girl at the first time, and even sent out a question like "Who are you".

Fortunately, in the end, he spent some more dream points to exempt himself from the effects of the camouflage glasses, and it took a lot of effort to finally coax Eluko who was about to cry.

He's all like that, let alone the others. It is estimated that even if those three earth gods come in person, they will definitely not be able to recognize the current Ailuko.

"So, where did this kid come from?".

Despite looking the same age as Eluko, Lilia still subconsciously refers to the Star God Maiden as "child".

"Picked it up on the side of the road. Xia Zhi replied.

"Roadside?" Lilia had a perfunctory feeling she was being perfunctory.

"What's so strange about this?" Xia Zhi looked at her suspiciously and asked, "Aren't we just picked up by you from the side of the road?"

Lilia: "......


For a moment, she didn't know how to refute herself.

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