On the way back, Xia Zhi suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, such a game prompt as [Side Mission 4 (Failed)].

"Is it because I have already decided in my heart to give up this task?".

That's pretty humane.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and suddenly realized something.

He remembered that he had received the bounty from the Adventurers' Guild, claiming that someone had found traces of the Fallen Ghost Clan in the vicinity, and then followed the tips given by the bounty quest to find the village step by step.

In other words, although they came here to take refuge, Emisha's traces have actually been discovered by humans.

"Remind them when you get back. Xia Zhi thought to himself.

Otherwise, maybe one day I will be taken to my hometown in a daze, and I don't know.

However, when he walked out of the woods with such thoughts, he saw a flickering fire in the direction of the village in the distance, which was particularly dazzling in the dark night.

"Is there a bonfire tonight?" Xia Solstice muttered to himself in confusion.

But was the fire too big? Did they burn down a house to cheer up?

Xia Zhi frowned slightly, and had a faint premonition in his heart.

Just then, a new game prompt appeared in front of his eyes:

You have triggered a new side quest: Guarding the Last Gathering Place of the Fallen Demons (Current Completeness/Remaining Required Completeness: 83%/50%)

[Reward: 260 Dream Points].



The flickering firelight in the distance woke up the sleeping girl in her arms, and Eloke raised his head, looked at the firelight with a confused expression, looked at Xia Solstice and asked, "Is something going on there?"

Xia Zhi didn't answer him, just whispered "Hold on", and sped up.

Eluko seemed to realize something, and closed his mouth and stopped talking, his hands gripping his clothes tightly.

When the summer solstice arrived near the village, he saw the ground stained red with piercing blood, flames spreading through the village, and houses and corpses gradually being consumed by the flames.

"The Zanguang Church has killed the Fallen Ghost Clan, and those who have nothing to do with it, please leave here immediately. A middle-aged man held a slender light blue sword and coldly warned him.

Xia Solstice looked left and right, and in addition to him, there was another young man holding a long, curved silver-white sword that looked like a combination of many fragments of different sizes, standing leisurely at the entrance of the village, symbolically blocking the only way out.

In the distant village, there was also a figure holding a crimson sword, wreaking havoc in the village, each swing of the sword would cause a violent explosion, and it seemed that he was responsible for the flames and the corpses on the ground.

However, he was also in a bit of trouble now, and a girl with the same long fiery red hair blocked his way.

Seeing that Lilia stopped the man, Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, put down the girl in his arms, and whispered "Don't move here, wait for me to come back", and then walked towards the middle-aged man.

"Don't come any closer. The middle-aged man took a slight step forward, blocking his figure.

"Is this the Holy Sword?" Xia Zhi looked at the thin sword he was holding in his arms, which was also composed of many metal fragments, and asked curiously, "What is its name?"

"It has nothing to do with you. The middle-aged man's tone was cold.

"Your companion seems to be in trouble and isn't going to help him?" Xia Zhi asked as he approached him.

"It has nothing to do with you. The middle-aged man still refused to answer.

"Did the Zanguang Church only send the three of you?There are thousands of fallen demon clans here, aren't you afraid to let them go?"

"It has nothing to do with you. "

"Listening to what you just said, it seems certain that we are not the Fallen Ghost Clan, can you ask how you did it?"

Seeing that Xia Zhi was getting closer and closer to him, but he still didn't mean to stop, a vigilant look appeared in the middle-aged man's eyes, and his right hand had already grasped the hilt of the holy sword, slightly aggravating his tone


"And you, it has nothing to do with it. "

"Really?" Xia Zhi paused, "Then let me ask about something that has something to do with me." "



middle-aged man couldn't get this sentence out of his mind.

He only felt that time seemed to have stopped.

In his retina, the young man who was still some distance away from him was already standing in front of him at this moment, raised his hand slightly, and drew an arc in the air.

In this slow-motion world, the boy's movements look very natural, without any superfluous movements, as if autumn leaves are slowly falling in the air, and it is difficult to be noticed.

However, the middle-aged man couldn't make any reaction, and could only watch the arc pass through his throat.

No blood, no pain.

As if lying in a soft cloud, the middle-aged man's body fell backwards.

He didn't realize his fall, but he felt that the night sky was getting farther and farther away from him, and the solid touch of the ground came from his back, as if the earth was standing upright behind him.

"Your sword, can you lend me a sword?"

The boy's voice belatedly reached his ears. It was only then that he noticed that the holy sword that he had been holding tightly had appeared in the other party's hand at some point.

But unfortunately, at this time, he no longer had the strength to snatch it back.

I see......

In the last moment before his consciousness sank into darkness, the last thought flashed through his mind:

...... You said it earlier.

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