The battle, the moment the girl made up her mind, was already over.

There are two ways to fight in this world.

A way of fighting is the strength of the exposed, strong, domineering, whether it is momentum or intimidation is very amazing, in the shock of the enemy at the same time, but also can reflect their own strength.

The other way of fighting, on the other hand, seems to be very gentle. It will not cause any damage to the surrounding environment, it will not waste its power in useless places, and will only exert its destructive power on the enemy's body.

It was the latter that Xia Solstice taught Lilia.

The unreserved Sword of Death, the moment the sword is decided, the ending has already been determined.

It's just that Lilia, who won the final victory, doesn't look particularly good.

Xia Solstice ignored the task completion prompt that popped up in front of him, turned around and picked up Eluk, who was obediently waiting in place, and led her to Lilia, who was kneeling among the ruins.

Hearing the movement beside her, Lilia slowly raised her head, and after seeing Xia Zhi's figure, her blank eyes finally gradually regained focus.



"What's wrong?" Xia Zhi glanced at the wound on the man's chest on the ground, it was fatal, but it was not a sword kill, which meant that he should have struggled for a short time before he died.

"This man is a quasi-brave man. Lilia's voice was a little dry.

"Well, I know. "

Xia Solstice stepped forward and picked up the crimson greatsword in the man's hand.

Unlike the other sacred swords he had seen, the design of this sword seemed to be more bloody and violent, and the dragon wing decoration on the red hilt made it look less like a holy sword and more like a legendary magic sword.

"He is fighting for humanity, and people like him may one day be recognized by the Church in the future, become regular brave, and become the last hope of mankind. "

"It seems that there is such a statement. "

Xia Zhi said as he read the information that came to his mind.

Holy Sword: Bulgatrio

"As long as the 'enemy' is locked, it will continue to attack until the 'enemy' is completely destroyed......".

That's why I'm not worried at all that these fallen ghosts will escape.

Xia Zhi thought in his heart.

However, chasing and killing fugitives is obviously not the real use of this sword. In terms of ability alone, it looks more like it was designed and created for anti-legion combat.

In other words, it is a weapon created specifically to deal with large-scale wars between human beings.

"But...... But I killed him. Lilia's mood looked a little low: "Kill this, the one who is fighting for humanity." "

Xia Zhi put away the holy sword, thought about it and said, "I killed two." "

Lilia: "......


Is this something worth comparing?

The atmosphere was disturbed by the young man like this, and her mood was a little depressed.

"Madong-sensei isn't hurt, is he?"

Xia Solstice then asked.

Lilia shook her head, "It's dangerous here, so I didn't let her come along." She seemed a little worried, but in the end she didn't say much. "

After all, I am an adult and know how to weigh the stakes of things. I know very well what to do right and how not to cause trouble to others.

Xia Zhi sighed in his heart.

"But......" Lilia's tone hesitated.

Summer Solstice: "But?".

"Among the dead and wounded just now, it seems that there is Amisha's father. After a moment's hesitation, Lilia replied.

“...... That's right. "

Xia Zhi sighed and moved his gaze to the side, on the corpse of the quasi-brave who had long since lost its vitality.

Death is really a common thing in this world.

He thought to himself.


The next morning, a memorial service was held in the village.

At the funeral, Emisha did not cry, but silently watched as her father's body was put into a coffin and buried in the earth.

But she is just one example, most of the people who lost loved ones in this disaster are either sobbing, whimpering, or simply crying.

Looking at the sad picture in front of him, Ai Luke stood in place and thought for a moment, pulled the corner of Kirisu Madon's clothes beside him, and asked, "Mato, teacher, are they already dead?"

Kirishu Madong was stunned for a moment, pursed his lips, bent down and gently stroked the girl's little head and whispered, "Yes, they have passed away." "

"Won't it come back to life?" Elok was a little curious.

"It is impossible for a dead person to come back to life. Kirisu Madong only thought that this was a child's innocent words, and patiently explained: "They have left us forever." "

"Leave ...... forever," Aloke looked at the funeral in the distance.

In the past, her world was small, and there were only the earth gods who took care of her.

But whether it was herself as a star god or Kama as an earth god, they were both immortal and immortal beings, so she never thought that the people around her would one day leave her and never see each other again.

In the past, she didn't have any special feelings about death, but after gradually understanding the meaning of death, she suddenly hated these two words.

"Is it okay not to die?" asked Eloko, looking up with a hint of anticipation.

“...... Of course, there will be a lot of people who don't want to die if they can. Kirisu Mado hesitated for a moment and decided to tell the girl the truth about the reality: "However, that kind of thing can't be done, people will always die, and this is the end that no one can escape." "

"And ......".

"And?" said Eluk tilted his head.

“...... No, nothing. After a moment of hesitation, Kirisu Mado still didn't say the rest of the words.

She thinks that it is a little too early for a girl to think about such a thing.

"Yes. "

Eluko turned his head and watched one corpse after another being buried in the earth, recalling the phrase "people always die" that Kirisu Mado had just said, and suddenly thought of something.

The summer solstice seems to be also human. One day, he too will die and be buried in the earth like this.

Thinking of such a picture, the girl suddenly felt an inexplicable pain in her chest, as if she was pressed by a heavy object, which made her feel very uncomfortable, an indescribable feeling of depression and discomfort.

Aluk didn't know what it was like, she just knew she didn't want that to happen.

Absolutely not!

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