Kirisu Madong felt that he probably knew why Xia Zhi said that he would stand on the opposite side of the human race in this world.

"So, that rumor was false from the start, right?".

After coaxing the girl and watching her fall back to sleep, Kirishu Mado finally breathed a sigh of relief, came to the outside of the carriage, found a place next to Xia Zhi and sat down, and asked him.

"If you're referring to the fact that the last star god wants to destroy humanity, it's really false. Xia Zhi replied.

Kirisu Madon was not surprised by his answer, after all, as far as she was concerned, there was no way to associate the image of Eluko with the worst evil god in the mouth of humans in this world.

"However, it is true that humans want to kill Eluk. Xia Zhi continued.

"Why?" Kirisu Madon couldn't figure out why the people of this world had to kill her, since Eluko didn't have any ill will towards humans

"It's a bit troublesome to explain...... Xia Zhi thought about it, then changed the topic and asked, "Teacher Zhendong, do you think it's right to sacrifice a few people to save the majority?"

“...... Can't say it's right. Kirisu Mado was silent for a moment and then said, "But it's hard to say that it's wrong. "

"What about sacrificing the majority to save the few?" Xia Zhi then asked.


Kirisu Mado fell completely silent.

This kind of thing is certainly wrong...... She didn't say anything like that.

If it is said that the former is not wrong and that it is considered entirely from a rational point of view, then to think that the latter is correct is the answer from the perspective of absolute sensibility.


is of course wrong to sacrifice the whole world just to save the most important person from the perspective of the victim, and from the perspective of a bystander, of course, it is possible to condemn this behavior without psychological burden, but what if it is from the perspective of the person concerned?

So, from their respective perspectives, there's nothing wrong with either. Xia Zhi finally concluded: "After all, humans are animals that are originally selfish. "

Kirishu Madong frowned slightly, she thought that Xia Zhi's view was too negative, she wanted to correct the boy's opinion, but she couldn't think of a good example to refute it for a while.

"So, is that the latter your choice?" she gave up on the idea for a moment and asked Xia Zhi instead.

While understandable, she disagreed. If the boy gave an affirmative answer, then she would find a way to stop him no matter what.

Just as she couldn't leave such a teenager alone, she wouldn't watch the teenager go down the wrong path.

However, ......

"No, it's not. Contrary to Kirisu Matoshi's expectations, Xia Zhi shook his head and said, "No one has a rule, you can only choose one of these two options, right?"

The carriage gradually stopped, and the mountain path had come to an end, and there was no road for the carriage to travel any further.

"It seems that there is still some way to go......


After comparing his current location with the map in his head, Xia Zhi muttered in a low voice.

"Forget it, here it is. He jumped out of the car.

"Where is this?".

Kirisu Mado looked around suspiciously, and what imprinted into her eyes was a forest of trees and meadows, and there was no human population in sight, and it was completely inaccessible to all people.

She didn't quite understand why Xia Zhi came here on purpose.

"Don't underestimate this forest, this is the battlefield where the first generation of brave men fought against the bronze dragon Nir Kinelsen. Xia Zhi introduced her: "At the same time, this is also the place where the first holy sword of mankind, Senioris, was born. "

To be precise, it was near the birthplace, and there was still some distance from the place where the original holy sword was really born, but Xia Solstice was too lazy to walk over.

"Does this have anything to do with what you just said?" asked Kirisu Mato.

"No, I don't. "

Xia Zhi picked up a fallen leaf from the ground and put it in the palm of his hand, looked at the lines on it, and replied: "I just want to find a more commemorative place to witness what I am going to do next." "

What's next?

Kirisu Madon felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"Now, I'll ask. Xia Zhi pinched the petiole and pointed the blade at Kirisu Madong and asked, "Question, what should I do if I can't find a way to break the game within the framework of the existing established rules?"

Without giving Kirisu Mado time to answer, he continued to himself, "It's very simple, just add new rules. "

With a slight buzz, the leaves in his hands began to glow faintly white.

"Well, there's only one question left. Xia Solstice let go of the leaf and let it float above the palm of his hand, looked at Kirisu Madong and asked

"How should this new rule be set?".

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