After setting the concept of "Honkai", the number of points on the summer solstice suddenly dropped from four digits to nearly one digit, which can be said to be back to the long-lost poverty line.

But fortunately, these points were not in vain, and less than two seconds after he submitted the settings for confirmation, a task prompt of [Main Quest 1 (Completed)] appeared in front of him.

In other words, in the judgment of the game, under the constraints of the nascent rule of "Honkai", the upper limit of the number of human beings has been completely determined, and it is impossible to break through the curse limit one day.

"You...... What did you do?" Kirisu Mato looked at the green dots of light that surrounded him like fireflies and quickly disappeared, and emotions called uneasiness and doubt rose in his heart.

"As I said, it's just a new rule for the world. Xia Zhi took his eyes back from the game interface in front of him, looked back at her and replied.

"Can this kind of thing be done?" Kirisu Mado was skeptical, and there was more skepticism in it.

"You just think I can do it. Xia Solstice gave such an ambiguous answer.


Hearing this answer, Kirisu Madon unconsciously touched the pendant on his chest.

I don't know why, but it's not the first time that a teenager has done something beyond common sense, so it's not impossible to do something like this...... Right?

Kirisu Mado originally thought that as they spent more time together, she had slowly become familiar with and understood her former student, but now, she suddenly felt that the boy seemed to have suddenly become strange and full of mysteries.

So, what exactly are the new rules that the teenager is talking about?


answer to this question was not known until they left the forest and came to a nearby town.


The crumbling walls, crumbling buildings, littering rubble and debris, buildings and wide streets all show the town's former prosperity, but now it is all in ruins.

"Here...... What happened?" she looked around blankly, not seeing a single sign of a living person, only the blood-stained dark red earth, and the corpses of people.

Seeing this, she shuddered, couldn't help lowering her head, and was slightly relieved when she saw that the girl in her arms was still closed and sleeping peacefully.

"I guess it's 'Honkai'. "

Xia Solstice looked around and saw the corpse of a Honkai Beast in the ruins not far away, judging from the messy scars on it, it should have been killed by many people.

Sure enough, in this world full of magical colors, there are also people who can fight against Honkai Beasts with just a simple physical body. It is no wonder that the humans of this world can stand out from countless powerful races step by step and stand at the top of the world.

"Honkai?" Kirisu Mado was a little puzzled, she remembered that the boy seemed to have mentioned this thing before.

Does it have anything to do with that?

"It's normal not to know. Xia Zhi replied in a natural tone: "After all, this is a new setting that has only recently existed. "

It's only recent...... New settings?

Recalling what the boy had said before, Kirisu Mado instantly felt a chill rise in his heart, and looking at the boy in front of him, he also felt as if he was a stranger like another person.

"So......" She opened her mouth with a slightly pale face, and said in a dry voice, "All this was done by you Xia Zhi, right?"

"To some extent, it can be said that it is. Xia Zhi replied after thinking about it, without denying it.

“...... Why do you want to do that?" asked Kirisu Mato, staring at him closely.

There was still a glimmer of hope in her heart, she hoped that the boy was not the kind of person she thought he was, and that he did it all for a reason.

"Like I said before, Madong-sensei. Xia Zhi looked at her and said in the same tone: "Save the majority by sacrificing the few, and at the same time save the minority by sacrificing the majority." "

The two are not in conflict, but the object of salvation is different.

Xia Zhi glanced at the girl who was still sleeping in Kirisu Madong's arms, and thought in his heart.

"As a result, I saved the humanity of this world, but at their own expense. "

In Xia Zhi's view, this is not such an excessive thing, just like spending your own money to buy things, it is a matter of course. After all, you can't expect other irrelevant people to voluntarily pay for your existence, can you?

Kirisu Mado opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but a slight strange noise suddenly came from beside her, interrupting her words.

She looked back in the direction from which the voice came, and saw a small hand stretched out from the ruins not far away.

"Save ...... Help me...... Please...... Save me ......


Under the rubble, there were intermittent cries for help.

There are still people alive!

Kirisu Zhendong's heart tightened, and she hurriedly wanted to come to the rescue, but before she could take a step, she saw Xia Zhi pull out the long sword at her waist and walk above the ruins.

"Wait!Xia Solstice-classmate, what are you going to do!?".

Xia Solstice ignored her and plunged his sword under the wooden beam.

Then, slam off!

Before he could shout the "don't" in Kirisu Mato's mouth, he saw the huge horizontal wood and stones on the ruins being pushed to both sides, revealing the small figure buried underneath.


Seeing this, Kirisu Mado finally breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly ran forward, handed the young man the Eloke in his arms, bent down and picked up the little girl from the ruins, and began to check her injuries.

Ignoring the little girl who was sobbing quietly and Kiribeard Madong, who was whispering to comfort her, Xia Solstice took her eyes back and looked up at the blue sky in the distance.

Counting the time, the first lawyer is almost born, right?

He thought to himself.

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