Victoria had lived and studied in the country for a while, so she actually had her own place to live.

But for some reason, she didn't go back to her home, but stayed here for a while.

The room is enough, after all, the house price in this world is not very valuable, and even the short-term rental is rented out as a whole house.

It's just that there is no furniture in the house, so Xia Zhi had to run out and buy a set of bedding back.

This money, too, was credited to the bill that Irena owed him.

In response, Irena expressed a strong protest, believing that the mother's behavior should not be paid for by her daughter.

Xia Zhi rejected it on the grounds that "it is natural for the mother to repay the debt".

Irena was so upset that she didn't even think about touching herself for the rest of the night.

...... That being said, I still came running over at night.

Looking at the gray-haired girl who was holding a pillow on the side of the bed with her back to her, obviously sulking, but had to lie on his bed, Xia Zhi complained in her heart.

By the way, you just ran over like this, aren't you afraid of being discovered by Victoria? "Sanqiqi" said that she may not know your identity for the time being, but ...... Mom is next door, but the daughter secretly runs to her boyfriend's room, no matter how you think about it, it feels a little exciting.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, stretched out his hand and rubbed the girl's head, soothing her emotions.

Irena shook her head vigorously in dissatisfaction, shook off his troubled hand, and then hugged the pillow and whispered:

"You won't be discovered. "

After all, he used magic to lock the door of the room before leaving, and from the outside it seems that he is just asleep, and if there is nothing important, he should not force his way in.

Of course, this kind of disguise is actually very simple, not to mention anything else, as long as you run to the summer solstice side, you will be easily pierced if you find that she is here.


"She doesn't come to your room out of nowhere, does she?" said Irena absently.


This one...... Actually, I can't say for sure.

Recalling the scene of the girl sneaking into her room on the night of "a few days ago", Xia Zhi looked away a little weakly.

Fortunately, Irena did not notice his abnormality, puffed out her cheeks slightly and continued:

"Also, my anger hasn't gone away. "

It's not so easy to make her angry...... At least one touch of the head is not enough.

"And what more do you want?" asked Xia Zhi.

"Well...... this"

She thought for a moment and said, "No matter how much you say it, it will take two ...... Five million yen, right?"


Xia Zhi felt that she was looking for an opportunity to lie to herself.

The money itself is not ...... Since one touch is not enough, then use more others to "comfort".

So, in the girl's exclamation, Xia Solstice pulled her into his arms......


After more than an hour, Irena lay limply on top of the boy, a trace of blush remaining on her fair cheeks...... At this moment, she didn't want to move anymore.

Sure enough, the girl's emotions come and go quickly.

Gently smoothing the soft long gray hair of the girl in her arms, Xia Zhi sighed in her heart.

Feeling the touch from him, Irena gasped slightly, and after regaining some strength, she raised her head and glared at him angrily.

Then, she looked hesitant

"Summer Solstice ......"

After hesitating for a moment, she said with some concern, "Let's get out of here early, right?"

To be precise, it is to leave my mother's side early...... Originally, in Irena's plan, I didn't think about too much contact.

In her opinion, her identity has not been exposed yet. But if you are discovered after too long of contact, it will be troublesome.

She is very satisfied with her current life, and she does not want any accidents to affect her life now.

As a result, she didn't want to change the past too much, and she didn't know what the impact of changing the past would be. In this case, for the sake of safety, she felt that it would be better to let history go on its original trajectory.

Moreover, I don't know if it's an illusion, she always feels that her mother's attitude towards the summer solstice is a little weird...... Ringing. "

Not to mention the grandmother paradox caused by killing her grandmother, even if you travel back to Irena's childhood and kill her as a child...... Even more frustrated, tracing back the timeline and continuing forward, she has been killed at all points in time from childhood to adulthood, and it will not affect her now.

After the multi-temporal and spatial constraints of the Anthropomorphic were added by the summer solstice to improve the setting of the universality and absoluteness of the multiverse, the phrase not being constrained by fate and cause and effect is not just talking.

Irena couldn't help but roll her eyes when she heard this.

Am I worried about this?

...... Well, I should say, I'm not just worried about that

Just as Irena was thinking so hesitantly, and was about to say something more, she heard a slight "click" at the door

Then, the door of the room was slowly opened, and a girl with long gray hair walked in with a pillow

Then, seeing the scene in the room at this moment, she was slightly stunned, and her eyes became a little weird


Looking at the familiar figure standing at the door, Irena was also stunned. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Did you really come here?

Wait a minute......!?

Irena reacted immediately, her whole cheeks instantly turned red, and she quickly shrunk into the quilt and hid it...... In any case, I am still too shy to be seen by others, especially if this person is still my own...... Woo!

Her cheeks were getting redder, and she just wanted to burrow her head behind the teenager and hide...

But under the sight at the door, she didn't dare to be too close to the boy anymore, so she had to stiffen in place.

What about your arrogance?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart, looked at the door that was easily pushed open, and turned his head slightly to look at the girl hiding in the quilt on the side

Didn't you lock the door when you entered?" he asked with the look in his eyes.

How did I know she was going to come to your room?

Irena gave a look of shame in return.


Hurry up and explain it to me!

Although Xia Zhi felt that there was nothing to explain, since his girlfriend said so......

"That...... Irena is just afraid of the dark and doesn't dare to sleep alone. He said casually with a reason.

"Really?" Victoria tilted her head, her gaze falling on the young man's back, and a gray-haired girl who poked her head out to look at her frowned slightly

"You ...... Wouldn't you be without clothes?"

"Nothing. "

Fortunately, I had the foresight just now, and I thought that wearing a white nightdress would make me feel better, so I didn't let the girl take it off.

It's me. Xia Solstice thought to himself.

As for his own words...... That's not a problem for him.

On the other side, Victoria seemed to be relieved to see the white dress that was obviously worn by the girl under the quilt that was slightly lifted.

“...... Something?" Xia Solstice tried to change the subject.

"I'm here for Irena. Victoria replied.

Hearing that he didn't come to find him, Xia Zhi was a little disappointed...... Uh, a little relieved.

"After all, it's rare to see someone like me, so I want to know more about Miss Irena. Victoria blinked and continued to explain.

"Sleeping together 2.2 should be the fastest way to enhance the relationship, right?"

Xia Zhi nodded, and he agreed with it.

However, he found that after the girl finished speaking, her eyes still fell on him and did not look away.

“...... Anything else?"

"So, can I trouble you to go out for a while?" asked Victoria, tilting her head sideways

"Or ...... Do you want to stay and sleep with us?"


Xia Zhi didn't think there was a problem, but some people obviously didn't think so.

So he was kicked out of his room.

It didn't matter, anyway, there was still a room at home, so he just went to sleep in Irena's room.

It's just that before and after coming to the door of the girl's room, Xia Solstice remembered one thing


Looking at the obviously locked door in front of him, he couldn't help but fall silent.

Is it possible to sleep in Victoria's room by yourself?

Belch...... Like, it's not impossible?

Xia Zhi thought hesitantly.


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