After breakfast, the group was ready to go.

But they haven't quite decided where they're going next.

Fortunately, at this time, someone in this country happened to find Victoria and wanted to ask her for a commission

"We've heard that you're leaving, Miss Witch, and we'd like to ask you for help with your luggage. "

The man said as he pulled out a boxy wooden box from his backpack.

"If you can, please send it to the Land of Words and give it to their library. "

O land of words...... What a nostalgic name.

Victoria thought to herself and asked curiously, "What's in it?"

After all, it's a delivery of goods, and you always have to know what you're sending, otherwise it's not good if you help deliver something bad.

"It was a precious book that I donated to them, for which they gave me a large sum of money as a thank you. The man replied.

"Isn't this just a buying and selling transaction?" Xia Zhi couldn't help but complain.

"It's a donation!"

The man's expression corrected seriously: "Sir, please pay attention to your words, precious words and knowledge cannot be measured and insulted by money. "

No matter how nice it sounds, it's also a deal of paying for money with one hand and delivering goods with the other, right? It's just another way of saying it.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, not paying much attention to his words and tone, but Victoria was unhappy

"A deal is a deal...... I will not accept a commission full of whitewash and lies. "

“...... Sorry, this is the deal. The man immediately confessed, and after apologizing to the boy, his expression finally softened a little.

"I said in advance, in our witch industry, the freight will be charged in advance. Victoria then reminded again.

It doesn't sound like a witch would have a rule, does it...... Are you specifically responsible for delivering goods?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

On the other hand, after negotiating the contents, Victoria had already reached an entrustment deal with the other party, and returned with a wooden box and a bag of gold coins.

Xia Zhi glanced at it curiously, and judging from the size, it seemed that it could only fit one book.

And being willing to spend a lot of money to hire a witch to help escort it, as the man said, must be very precious and valuable.

"Would you like to open it and take a look?" he proposed, after a moment's thought.

Victoria shook her head: "The other party said, because it is a very precious book, you can't open it at will halfway." "

Indeed, even in the middle of the general delivery, the courier is forbidden to open it without permission.

"So, let's wait until we're far away. "


Who did you learn this from?

The summer solstice is a little worried...... Obviously, when I was a child, I was still very kind and honest, why did I become so bad when I grew up?

Such a character reminded him of someone.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and couldn't help but turn his head and look at the other gray-haired witch beside him.


Irena, who was taking a small bite on a doughnut, noticed his gaze and looked up at him with a puzzled expression on her face.

...... Well, they've only been in contact for a day, and even if they are assimilated, they won't be so fast.

In other words, before that, the girl had already learned badly from someone, right?

"What are you thinking?"

Victoria stretched out her little white hand, shook it in front of the distracted young man, and urged: "Now that we have decided on our destination, let's hurry up." "

As she spoke, she took the young man's wrist and was about to take it to her broom.

Although her broom and wand had been broken before, after all, there was another witch like Irena here, and it was naturally easy to repair it.

"......?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

On the other side, seeing this scene, a question mark first appeared on Irena's head, and then she immediately reacted, and hurriedly swallowed the doughnut in her hand in three or two bites, and stepped forward to also grab Xia Zhi's other hand to stop them and asked:

"Wait...... Wait, what are you going to do?"

"Isn't this leaving?" Victoria tilted her head slightly, and replied as a matter of course, "Xia Solstice doesn't have a broom, so I can only let him sit on me temporarily, isn't it?"

Why do you have to sit without a broom...... Wrong wrong!

Irena shook her head vigorously, feeling like she was getting a little caught in it.

"He doesn't need a broom to fly!" she explains.

"Really?" said Victoria, puzzled and in disbelief, "'So, how did he come to this country?'"

"This ...... Sit on my broomstick...", Irena replied with some humility.

Isn't that it?, the girl looked back.


Irena didn't know how to explain it, so she looked at the teenager watching the play with annoyance.

Don't you even say a word?

Facing the girl's questioning gaze, Xia Zhi thought about it and said loudly: "That's why I said I would buy a large sweeper." "

Irena: ......

Are you still thinking about this?


In the sky, looking at the boy who was floating beside him without a broom and without any extra assistance, Victoria looked curious.

"Actually, I wanted to ask before, how did you do it?"

"Do what?" Xia Solstice asked back.

"You don't need a wand to use magic. "

What's this......

Xia Zhi thought about it and replied (Wang Haohao): "I have special power skills. "

"Can you teach me?" asked Victoria, expectantly.

"I'm sorry, but it's an ancestral heirloom. Xia Zhi casually refused for a reason...... In fact, he himself doesn't know how to teach, but in terms of magic, the girl knows more than him.

"......" Irena, who was listening to the conversation between the two, remained silent on the side.

As far as she knew, the boy seemed to have been adopted.

Moreover, if you want to say that you don't pass on the inside but not the outside, aren't you not enough inside?

...... It's a lie.

Irena complained inwardly.

Then, as if she had reacted to something, she was slightly stunned.

...... Wait, before?

Didn't you just meet yesterday?

The girl thought to herself, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.


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