“...... Hmph!"

At the dinner table, Irena clasped her hands to her chest, glanced at the teenager opposite, and let out a grunt of dissatisfaction from her nose.

Xia Zhi didn't seem to notice it, yawned, and looked like he hadn't slept well yesterday night and was drowsy.

Irena thought for a moment, thinking that maybe he hadn't heard, so she tried to raise her voice a little more and "hum" again.

Xia Zhi gave her a strange look: "You have an uncomfortable throat?"

Irena: ?

Can't you see I'm angry?

Just when she was thinking about it so unhappily, she saw the young man opposite yawn again.

How do you feel, he didn't seem to have slept well last night...... I didn't even come to look for myself.

Irena hesitated for a moment, and was about to ask something, when she saw a small white hand reach out from the side and gently place a cup of steaming milk in front of the young man.

"Are you tired, drink some milk...... Would you like to go back and rest again?" asked Victoria softly and with concern.

I don't know if it's an illusion, Irena feels that the girl's voice today seems to be particularly gentle?

Wait, why is he the only one who has milk?

Looking at the empty table in front of her, Irena thought to herself, confused.

"Wait a minute, breakfast will be ready soon. "

After saying this, Victoria went back to the kitchen.

I feel like a wife is full of strength...... She should be more tired, right?

Looking at the girl's back, Xia Zhi sighed and thought to himself.

However, after tossing 557 overnight, she can still be so energetic in the morning, which is in stark contrast to Irena's situation at the beginning...... It should be said that the physique of witches and witches cannot be generalized?

These are probably the few differences between Victoria and Irena...... Or was Irena just pretending to be at the time?

Xia Zhi thought so in his heart, picked up the hot milk and was about to taste it, but saw the unhappy expression of the girl opposite.

After thinking about it, he put the milk down and pushed it in front of the girl

"Do you want to drink?"

Seeing that he still knew that she cared about herself, Irena's expression softened slightly, but she still snorted lightly and turned her head away

"I don't want to drink what you've drunk. "

"I haven't drunk it. Xia Zhi corrected.

"Don't do that!"

Only then did the summer solstice see that the girl was sulking.

“...... Haven't gotten rid of your anger yet?"

You didn't come to comfort me, how can I be angry...... Rather, more angry, right?

Irena thought angrily, and snorted again:

"You don't care about me!"

"Don't you care why I didn't sleep well last night?"

What does it have to do with whether you sleep well or not?

Despite complaining in her heart, Irena was indeed a little curious, and after hesitating for a moment, she asked, "Why is that?"

"I won't tell you. Xia Solstice replied.


This man's personality is so bad, won't anyone come to beat him up?

Irena began to hesitate in her mind whether she wanted to do it herself.

When Victoria returned to the living room with breakfast, she saw such a scene

She tilted her head slightly:

"A little couple quarrel?"

"No, no ......"

Irena said subconsciously.

Of course, she didn't care about admitting her and Xia Solstice's status as a couple in front of others, but Victoria was different...... For her, the girl has such a special identity after all.

It's like being told by your parents about your love situation, and you will feel more or less nervous and embarrassed.

Irena blushed her cheeks, stammered, and denied in a bit of a panic, "Who, who's a couple with him?"

"Isn't it? That's great. "


A question mark popped up on Irena's head.

He and I are not a couple, where is the good thing? (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

She inexplicably felt a sense of crisis.

On the other side, Victoria had already put breakfast in front of the two of them, and then opposite the summer solstice...... That is, Irena sat down beside her.

Looking at the sumptuous breakfast in front of the young man, and then at the food in front of her, although it was not shabby, it was certainly incomparable to his side, Irena couldn't help but fall silent.

Even if it's eccentric, it's not so eccentric, right? Who is your daughter?

She raised her head angrily and looked at Victoria beside her, only to find that the gray-haired girl at the moment was propping her elbows on the table, holding her cheeks with both hands, quietly looking at the young man opposite, her eyebrows and eyes were crooked, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and her legs under the table were shaking slightly unconsciously, as if she was in a good mood, and it looked like a ...... Is it the same as a young (ahaf) woman in love?

Irena shook her head, put the strange thought aside for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and then spoke up:

"Mom...... Miss Victoria. "

"Hmm, what's wrong?" Victoria looked back at her.

"Why are there so many of them on the summer solstice?" she asked, dissatisfied.

"Boy, you're meant to eat a little more, aren't you?" replied Victoria in a tone of course.

Although this is true, how can Irena always feel that she actually thinks more than that?

"I'm still growing up!" the girl emphasized.


Victoria looked at her suspiciously, his gaze falling on her chest, and only then did he dispel the doubts in his heart and believe her words

"So it seems. "


Irena regretted saying that.

Originally, Victoria was going to make more food and come back, but Xia Zhi still felt sorry for his girlfriend after all, and finally gave a part of his breakfast to Irena on the grounds of "I can't eat so much".

I don't know if it's because of the presence of "parents", Irena didn't refuse this time with the excuse of "I don't want your things", so she accepted it, lowered her head and pulled the food in the bowl, not knowing what she was thinking.

After breakfast, while Victoria was cleaning up the dishes, Irena secretly found the boy.

"Summer Solstice ......"

She quietly tugged at the corner of the boy's coat.

"Huh, what's wrong?"

Xia Zhi looked at her suspiciously...... Haven't you been angry so soon?

However, Irena's mind was obviously not on this side, she hesitated for a long time, and whispered, "We...... Leave, right?"

"What's wrong? Suddenly say this?" Xia Solstice was even more puzzled.

Isn't it you the one who said you want to spend more time with girls?

"I also suddenly realized that my mother is just an ordinary adolescent girl now. Irena said in a somewhat worried tone.

Victoria now, should be similar to her at the beginning.

After all, with such a relationship, not only in appearance, but also in personality, the two of them are very similar, so it is not surprising that the aesthetics and mate selection views should be very similar.

That is, it is quite possible to fall in love with the same person......

Of course, she believes that the standard of a young girl's mate selection will not be too low, but ...... After all, even I like the boy......

"In case ......"

She pursed her lips, looked at Xia Zhi, and hesitated for a moment before continuing: "What if...... What should I do if she likes you too?"

"Well...... this"

...... How to answer that?

Faced with the girl's worried words, Xia Zhi looked away a little weakly

I can only say that you have reminded you a little late, right? A little earlier, there may be room for redemption...... Uh, maybe a little earlier?

However, since the girl mentioned leaving......

"At least wait until she's done with this commission and leaves the country, right?" he said after a moment's thought.


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