...... you look at you separately?

What do you mean?

Looking at the gray-haired girl in front of him who was looking at him with her head slightly raised, and the glass-colored eyes that clearly reflected her face, a trace of doubt rose in Xia Zhi's heart.

Victoria didn't answer anything immediately, but looked at the tall bell tower on the side, turned her head to look at Xia Solstice, winked at her and asked:

"Can you take me up and have a look?"

"Aren't you flying yourself?" Xia Zhi asked.

"I didn't bring a wand or a broom with me when I went out today. The girl replied

As a witch, isn't it a little incompetent to go out without a wand?

This is basically completely putting personal safety in your own hands~ in your own hands, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, for the trust given by the girl, I don't know whether it is happy or helpless. Finally, with a slight sigh, he took her hand and flew with her to the big bell at the top of the bell tower.

As for the sign standing next to the bell tower, which read, "To all magicians: Do not fly and climb at will", he ignored it...... He's not a magician.

In the distance, as the sun was sinking, the clouds had turned an evening red.

Standing at the top of the bell tower, looking at the sun sinking in the distance, Victoria said in a slightly exclamatory voice:

"It's going to fall again"

"Hmm. Xia Zhi replied softly, and then fell into thought.

So, did you do something yourself?

It seems that I have wasted a day like before.

He thought to himself, and his eyes fell on the gray-haired girl in front of him in a dress with her back to her.

Belch...... It's not a waste, is it?

"Summer solstice. "

At this moment, the girl suddenly called out to him.


"Like I said before......"

Victoria continued softly:

"I'm going to be jealous too. "

She withdrew her gaze from the distant twilight, looked back at the boy, and continued:

"In your mind, there is always a subconscious thought, thinking that I am Irena mother, right?"

This one......

Xia Zhi just wanted to refute, but was interrupted by the girl shaking her head.

"Don't deny it, I know...... After all, it's a preconceived notion. "

After all...... She's known you so long before I do.

Victoria looked at the young man's face and thought silently in her heart.

Because the girl didn't let him deny it, Xia Zhi had to reach out and touch her head, wanting to comfort her emotions first.

Victoria shook her head slightly, and then said:

"I'm not angry, after all, if it weren't for this relationship, you wouldn't have helped me so much at that time, right?"

In a way, it was Irena who made their acquaintance happen.

It's just that......

The girl pursed her lips slightly

It's unfair

Why couldn't you have known me sooner?

She took a deep breath, looked back into the young man's eyes, and said seriously, "Summer Solstice, I'm Victoria...... That's all. "

"To me, what you think has never happened, and what you do has never happened...... No matter what it was, what I like now is you, and I will only like you...... Even if I had a daughter with you in the future, I wouldn't see her as Irena. "

The girl is very smart, and she easily deduced from the sentence "the past has changed" that Xia Solstice said, since the arrival of the boy changed the timeline, then in the original timeline, she should not know the fact that the boy should not know.

She doesn't like that kind of "future".

Without the existence of the summer solstice, she could not imagine it, and she did not want to accept it anyway.

Therefore, her words are basically equivalent to denying the original future, and only acknowledging the present that exists at the moment.

And since it is only admitted at this moment......

Thinking to herself, Victoria stepped forward and gently hugged the young man's body, pressed his head to his chest, and whispered:

"I don't want to be separated from you...... But equally, I want you to see me as an independent being, and like me only as Victoria. "

The girl spoke, with an imperceptible tremor in her voice

"I ...... Not an attachment to Irena . "

"I don't want you to like me because of her. "

She didn't look up at the summer solstice...... In other words, she didn't dare to raise her head to look at the summer solstice at this time.

Looking at the girl who buried her head in her arms, Xia Zhi sighed slightly, stretched out her hand, ran down her gray hair, pressed against her chin, and gently lifted her head

Then, in Victoria's bewildered eyes with a hint of water, he bowed his head


The girl's body tensed immediately, then gradually relaxed, and her hands hugged his body tightly.

It was a long time before the two were separated again.

Xia Zhi looked down at the girl's cheeks, which were still flushed, and whispered to her:

"Of course I didn't like you because of her. "

"At that time, even if it wasn't for Irina's reason, I would have saved you. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As he spoke, he picked up the hat that the girl on the ground had just dropped, put it back on for her, rubbed her head, and looked into her eyes

"I'm the one I like about you, Victoria. "


Listening to the young man's words, Victoria's glass-colored eyes flickered slightly. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and only opened her eyes again after a while, looked at Xia Zhi and changed the topic and asked:

"But, you actually prefer Irena to me, don't you?"

Compared with the "Xingshi Questioning" just now, the girl's words changed back to their original tone, and with her efforts to curb her smile at the moment, she deliberately kept her face open, which sounded more like the little girl's dissatisfaction when she was awkward.

"Well...... "Xia Zhi thought in his heart, how should he answer?

Victoria shook her head: "No need to explain...... After all, you're a formal couple, and I'm just a third party. "

"At that time, the reason why you chose to leave me was because of Irena, right?"

Regarding this, Xia Zhi really doesn't know how to be cunning...... Explained, after all, that's exactly what happened.

However, that was also because their relationship was not as good as it is now, right?

"So, if you go back to that time, will you still choose to leave me alone?"

Victoria asked, looking up at him curiously.

"I didn't leave you alone. Xia Solstice defended himself.

Didn't I leave you a flower, what do you think it was for?

Victoria snorted, not knowing if she believed him.

Then, in a slightly disgruntled voice, she said:

"She's only known you a little earlier than me...... But if I like your time, I'll be a little longer, right?"

Can this thing be compared like this?

Although it's not suitable to say it now, but Xia Zhi still wants to complain, if it is really useful for a long time, there will not be so many examples of childhood sweethearts losing to the heavenly system.

"Summer Solstice ......"

Victoria took a deep breath and interrupted his thoughts.

"My journey began with you. "


She raised her head, looked into the young man's eyes, and said softly:

“...... In the rest of my life's journey, I hope you can always be with me, okay?"

“...... Of course. "

Faced with the girl's request, Xia Zhi gently took her hand, held it tightly in his hand, looked into her eyes and responded:

"I'm not going to let you go. "

"Come home with me, Victoria?"

The girl smiled, "um", and nodded vigorously.

Then she thought about it again, tilted her head slightly and asked:

"So, what shall I call you, sir, husband, or son-in-law, which do you prefer?"

Summer Solstice: "......"

What about the people who just said they didn't want to be treated like this?

However, this also shows that she doesn't care about this anymore, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, changed the subject:

"Speaking of which, would you like to bring something back to Irena?"

"How about bringing the good news that you have an extra girlfriend?" Vittoriga thought for a moment and suggested.

That's not good news, is it?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.


At the same time, the home where they were temporarily staying

A certain witch lady who was being discussed by the two of them was looking at the book in her hand at the moment in a daze, obviously still in a mental downtime... Eight....

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