After lunch and a short rest, Reisen walked in and whispered that Kaguya's fair was ready.

The timing feels a little just right.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and he didn't plan to delve into the details inside, but just took Eloke's little hand and followed Kaguya out of the house with everyone.

"What is the situation at that exhibition?" asked Xia Solstice on the road in a low voice to Kaguya.

"The annual Moon Capital Vientiane Exhibition was created to show everyone in Gensokyo the items and materials from the Moon City, and to let everyone know more about the Moon City and the Forever Pavilion. "

Kaguya replied explaining, and after a pause, then turned to say:

"However, this year is not yet the time to hold it. So, this is an excuse that the concubine is looking for in order to invite you over. "

It was said unabashedly. Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

"It's an excuse, but it's also a serious arrangement. "

Follow Kaguya to the outside of the house, only to see that in the open space outside the pavilion, a huge exhibition hall has been erected at some point.

"When I came in just now, I didn't see it...... "Megumi Kato whispered.

Xia Solstice was nothing to be surprised by.

Whether it's illusion or something else, it's not too hard for them to do that, right?

The exhibition hall of the exposition is divided into several sections according to the area. Civilian, military, humanities, history, or academic materials are displayed.

Whether it is an ox cart that is now pulled by cattle but is said to be able to soar through the universe in the past, a floating feather coat that is wrapped around its body, a lunar exploration vehicle that can walk freely on the surface of the moon, and a flag that is said to have been left on the moon by humans, even the simplest moon stones and the soil on the moon are rare things on earth.

In addition, since it is a private exhibition, there are also some booths for snacks and sweets.

It's not so much a show as a family reunion, right?

Xia Zhi picked up a piece of rice cake that looked like it had just been baked, handed it to Ai Luke beside her, and she opened her small mouth and swallowed 07 in one gulp.

Not only that, but there is also a moon rabbit's rice cake pounding performance. The pounded rice cakes can be eaten for free on the spot, which can be regarded as a taste of Chang'e's life.

By the way, because there is actually only one rabbit from the moon in the Eternal Pavilion, Reizen, so the so-called rice cake pounding performance is actually just her busy work.

It would be fine if there was only Xia Solstice and his party, but there was still a large group of monster rabbits who didn't do anything next to him, which kept Reizen busy.

However, that's not something that Xia Solstice needs to care about, anyway, as long as they want to eat rice cakes here, those rabbits will still sensibly give them a place first.

Is this what a VIP is treated?


Looking at the gray-black soil encased in glass, with the word "lunar soil" written on the sign next to it, Natsuori hesitated for a moment and then turned to look at the boy

"This lunar soil...... Have I seen it somewhere?"

Obviously, there is a clear difference between the appearance of lunar soil and the soil on Earth. But I don't know if it's an illusion, she always feels that this handful of soil looks a little familiar.

"Didn't I give you two catties last time?" Xia Zhi asked back.

Xia Zhi suddenly remembered that there seemed to be such a thing...... When my brother came back from a date with Sister Irena, he brought her a box of soil, because it took up too much space, and she took it and put it next to the windowsill, except for the last time she tried to bury a piece of sprouted ginger in it...... I guess I'm dead by now.

Although it's a pity to leave it like this...... But that kind of thing is really useless to an ordinary person like her.

Brother, I gave a precious but useless gift. The girl thought to herself.

It's like diamonds

So, rounding ...... Is it equivalent to my brother giving me a box of diamonds?

Natsuori blinked, thinking like this, and soon her mood was better again.

Compared to the unremarkable civilian area, the military zone displays a little more novelty.

Balkan cannons, ultra-small Planck bombs, lunar combat vehicles, lunar reconnaissance vehicles, and much more......

Looking at the name of the item introduced on the sign next to him, Cong Yu turned his head sideways.

It turns out that there is such an advanced civilization on the moon?

Wait, I've been staring at an alien civilization for the past five hundred years?

The ghost girl couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"It's a great feeling. Megumi Kato sighed quietly.

...... It's a pity.

I didn't have any decent resistance when I was in the last month, otherwise I would have been able to say something like "I've been bombarded with this" at this time.

Xia Zhi thought regretfully, then looked at Megumi Kato and asked curiously:

"Megumi, don't you seem surprised?"

Generally speaking, ordinary people will be more or less surprised when they see these extraterrestrial weapons that are ahead of their time, right?

"Well...... this"

Megumi Kato thought for a moment and replied, "Of course I would have been surprised if I had changed my words...... But after seeing the remote control that can detonate the sun with one click, these weapons suddenly feel like nothing. "

Summer solstice:......

I'm sorry to have raised your expectation threshold.

However, strictly speaking, that remote control should actually be considered a civilian product.

He grumbled inwardly and turned his gaze to the other side.

Victoria and Irena seem to have taken an interest in the magic books that move and fly out of stereoscopic images.

Irena tried the magic on it, but nothing worked

Presumably, it was the first time he used the elven magic that Huby had taught him...... The power system is incompatible

After all, it's not like the Anthropomorph with the addition of compatibility magic. Xia Solstice thought to herself.

Huby looked at the magic displayed in the book, tilted his head sideways and thought about it, then stretched out his little hand. A small pale blue magic array unfolded on her palm, and as the blue points of light continued to converge, a dark and deep void appeared in her hand. The huge gravitational pull sucks the surrounding air into the black hole, whipping up strong winds

Seeing that the surrounding exhibits and a certain witch lady who was caught off guard might be sucked into it if she continued, Hughby gently shook her palm, and the newborn black hole was easily extinguished by her white and tender little hand, which finally calmed down the abnormal gravitational field.

Well, it doesn't seem to be any difficult for Shoeby.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, took his eyes back from the chaotic "crime scene", looked around in the exhibition hall, turned his head to look at Kaguya and asked suspiciously:

"Speaking of which, why didn't you get to Yonglin?"

"She's entertaining other guests. Kaguya replied.

The summer solstice tilted his head.

Kaguya shook his head, "Don't worry about that over there, as long as you have fun, Father-in-law." "

Xia Zhi wanted to say something, but a girl's voice from the other side interrupted him

"Brother, can you really fly on this dress?"

Looking at the glittering retro court version of the light white feather coat that looked like it would only appear in myths and legends, Natsuori turned around and asked curiously.

What's this......

Xia Zhi didn't know if it was okay, he only knew that if the girl could wear this feather coat, she would definitely look good.

"Mother-sama would like to try it?" Kaguya suggested.

In normal times, even the most distinguished guests are not welcome to touch these exhibits directly, and it has nothing to do with status, just the rules of the exhibition.

But girls are different...... Who made her the mother of Her Royal Highness the Princess?

Natsuori looked a little excited, but after hesitating for a moment, she shook her head and refused.

Although she was very interested in flying, she had already experienced it once.

What's more, this kind of thing, it's okay to let my brother take her with me in the future, right?

She thought to herself, quickly turning her attention to other exhibits.

In fact, if she could, she would still prefer to stay by her brother's side than to visit these novel exhibits.

But she's a sensible sister, jealous is jealous, and her brother and Kaguya haven't seen each other for a long time, so naturally she has to give them room to get along

is not only intimate as a younger sister, but also her generosity as a "mother".

It's just that......

Even if I comfort myself so much in my heart, I really care about it (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)


Looking at the cute girl who was looking at the exhibits not far away, but her eyes were still secretly looking at this side from time to time, Kaguya also smiled slightly.

"Mother, have you grown up?" she sighed.

Why does it feel strange to say this from the mouth of your "daughter"?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

"Not really. He thought for a moment and said.

Although Kaguya hadn't seen Natsuori for more than a thousand years, for Natsuori, it had only been a few weeks.

Even if you are a young girl in the development period, it is unlikely that there will be any significant changes in such a short period of time, right?

However, Kaguya shook his head.

"That's not what I mean. "

Not referring to this?

Xia Zhi hesitated for a moment, and his gaze lingered on a certain part of Xia Ori.

Belch...... Nothing has changed here, has it?

"Where do you think of it?"

Kaguya gave him a coquettish look and continued, "I mean...... She's a little different from what she used to be. "

"What's the difference?"

"Where is that?" Kaguya said meaningfully.

Xia Zhi reacted at this time, looked at her and asked, "Do you see it?"

"After all, the concubine is also a person who has come over?" Kaguya tilted his head slightly, not knowing whether he was asking a rhetorical question or simply answering.

If you think about it, it's true...... When we first lived together, although we were called "Mother-sama", Natsuori at that time had not yet confirmed the current relationship with herself...... This is the so-called "nominal".

Although this "name" is only Kaguya's unilateral opinion and statement.

"But, Father. "

Kaguya looked up at him again and asked softly:

"Is it really good to let my mother be so wronged?"

Xia Zhi was slightly stunned for a moment, and then realized what she was referring to, and hesitated a little

It seems to be true

Or...... I'm going to comfort her now?

"For this, the concubine body has a better solution. But the girl said.

What's the solution?

"Until then, though......"

didn't wait for Xia Solstice to ask, the next moment the girl's voice fell, the world stood still again

In this realm that was almost absolutely static, the only thing that could move, the long straight black girl with a peerless countenance, turned around, the gorgeous skirt drew a lovely arc with her movements, and a smile appeared on her face, and she continued to the young man

"The concubine just said it, right? The previous ones are just appetizers. "


Natsuori, who was absentmindedly looking at the exhibits in front of her, only felt a flower in front of her eyes, and the surrounding scene changed, and she returned to the room of the previous girl.

At the same time, she noticed that the world around her suddenly became eerily quiet, as if she had pressed the pause button, and she could not even hear the birdsong outside and the noise of the exhibition

She looked up blankly.930 only to find herself lying in the arms of a man

"Brother...... Brother?"

And also......

Her gaze fell on another long, straight black girl beside her

“...... Kaguya?"

Wait, ...... you guys?

Smelling the familiar smell in the air, Natsuori, who had experienced it herself, naturally understood what had happened here, and her cheeks couldn't help but flush immediately

I know you're very affectionate, but what are you pulling me over now?

In-person NTR?

She thought to herself, trying to break out of Xia Zhi's arms.

Seeing this, Kaguya reached out and gently took her hand and helped her pull up

"Kaguya...... What are you going to do?" Natsuori calmed down a little, and after glancing at her brother with a slightly blushing face, she looked at the girl and asked

"It's easy. "

Kaguya took her hand and didn't let go, looking at her dark clear eyes, smiled and whispered, "You don't object to us being together." "

"So, in the same way, the concubine will not object to you being with him. "

When Xia Zhi heard this, he was slightly stunned

What you said was as if I was going to be separated from my brother before

I'm just lending him to you temporarily, but I don't plan to let him go, do I?

Although it was so complaining, Natsuori also heard the meaning of Kaguya's words

She hesitated for a moment, then hesitantly said, "But...... You're not like me. "

She can settle for her identity, but Kaguya ...... She's her brother's fiancée, right?

However, Kaguya shook his head, "It's the same." "

After all, in addition to her fiancée, she and Xia Zhi also have a layer of identity similar to that of a girl.

"And...... The attitude of the concubine has been shown from the beginning. "

Kaguya winked at her

"Isn't it?Mother~?"


That's probably what Kaguya said, and the solution she came up with...... It can only be said that the brain circuits and morals of the lunar people are indeed different from those of normal earthlings.

However, judging from the experience of Victoria and Irena, it is true that the family can get along well.

Later, Kaguya pulled Natsuori aside again, hiding from Xia Solstice and not knowing what to say.

In fact, the summer solstice can roughly guess the content. After all, some of her thoughts in the other day...... Or maybe it was ten days ago? Anyway, I already told myself.

It's just that...... Natsuori probably wouldn't agree to this kind of thing, right? After all, Irena couldn't accept it in the first place.

Xia Zhi thought to himself and looked towards the girl

I saw that the girl's cheeks were flushed, and she glanced secretly to this side, and she didn't look against it, but ...... Nodding?

Summer solstice:......

Belch...... It doesn't seem to be necessarily?


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