In the end, the summer solstice still didn't bring back any special souvenirs...... Or maybe he already has an item to commemorate this memory, so there is no need to take another one.

In the same way, Megumi Kato thinks the same way.

Suwako and they didn't care much about souvenirs or anything, and as for Irena, she fell in love with a red gem called Aizhe Redstone, but it was vetoed by the summer solstice.

He didn't want his normal Irena to become the ghoul Irena.

In this regard, although Irena finally reluctantly obeyed Xia Zhi's words, she was still a little hesitant on the way back.

"I've lost 50,000,000 yen to listen to you, and you have to compensate me. The girl said.

Should I be moved by the fact that my words have a weight of 50 million yen in your heart, or should you complain about your thoughts about selling souvenirs given by others early in the morning?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

Still, Irena had somewhat underestimated the value of the gem...... At the current market price, that gem is much less than 50 million yen.

After thinking about it, he didn't tell Irena about it

It's not that I'm worried that my words won't be worth so much in her 07 heart, but I'm just worried that the girl won't be able to accept it after she knows it.

Although it wasn't her money in the first place...... However, as compensation, Xia Zhi decided not to mention the debt in front of her in the future, right?

As for the rest, what compensation...... It's too late today, so let's talk about it later.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and after sending Suwako and Irena back, and letting Natsuori and them return home first, he was ready to send Kato Eshun Road home

"It turns out that Miss Irena has moved out of Xia Zhi's house. "

With his hands behind his back, he lowered his head and deliberately stepped on the stitches left by the paving on the ground, Megumi Kato said in a slightly exclamatory tone:

"However, I deliberately chose the room opposite the summer solstice. "

It wasn't her choice, it was Victoria's...... But it's pretty much that's it.

"Anyway, why is the surname Xia on the door plate?" the girl asked, tilting her head, puzzled.

Ah, this......

After thinking about it, Xia Zhi explained: "Hui, you also know that Irena and the others are not from another world?"

Megumi Kato nodded...... She knew about it on the first day Irena came here.

"Because they need to fill in their surnames in the house purchase procedures, they come from another world, so they simply use my surname for convenience. "

Xia Zhi is not lying when he says this, in some ways. Although the purpose is different, Victoria, as an orphan, does not have her own surname, and it can be said that the surname from the summer solstice has truly had a full name for the first time in her known life.

Of course, there is a small loophole in his words...... If it's a made-up surname, then you can use anyone's, why do you have to use the rare "Xia" surname?

"Uh-huh. Megumi Kato snorted softly.

"What do you mean?" Xia Solstice looked puzzled.

"It's for the sake of the face of the summer solstice, let's believe it. The girl replied.

That's what it means to not believe, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, looking at the still brisk pace of the girl who followed him, it looked ...... It doesn't seem to be affected by the mood?

He thought for a moment and changed the subject: "Speaking of which, how does Megumi feel...... This trip?"

"It's a lot of fun. "

Megumi Kato replied, and then her tone brought a hint of concern: "However, if you monopolize the summer solstice for an afternoon, will Sister Natsuori be angry?"

What is there for her to be angry about...... Uh, no, I guess she didn't have the energy to be angry at that time, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself and comforted her: "Xia Zhi, she won't mind." "

"After all, that girl has liked you since she was a child. "

...... Childhood?

Megumi Kato tilted her head slightly, Xia Ori in the past, she shouldn't know her at all, right?

Soon, she seemed to remember something

Oh, Xia Solstice is talking about Xiao Xia Ori.

That's not a liking, right?It's just that compared to Xue Nai's classmates, there is no hostility towards himself (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If you really like it

"The person that Sister Xia Zhi likes since she was a child is actually you on the summer solstice. She said as she looked at the boy.

Those are two different likes, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and did not continue this topic, but after being silent for a moment, he breathed a sigh of relief and said apologetically

"I'm sorry, Hui, there was some accident and I didn't take you to more interesting places. "

Obviously, the girl said it before, and I'm looking forward to today's coming......

Megumi Kato shook his head slightly, and instead of responding to his words, he asked instead:

"What do you think is the most important purpose of travel?"

Xia Zhi was stunned for a moment

If you want to talk about the purpose......

"See the view and ...... Playing?"

"It's about making important memories. "

The girl replied softly, and stood still under a street lamp.

Xia Solstice raised his head, only to find that they had unknowingly arrived not far from Megumi Kato's house.

"Summer Solstice ......"

A girl's soft call came from her ears, making Xia Solstice turn around

A bright, soft light dispelled the darkness around them, isolating a small area that enveloped the two of them.

Under the soft light of this dance 467 sets, I saw Keizama Kato raise his head slightly to look at him, and said with a smile: "Thank you for the invitation, I'm really happy today." "

She repeated the words she had just answered.

"and ......"

The girl stepped forward and stood on her tiptoes slightly.

Xia Zhi felt a burst of fragrance waft over, and the next second there was a soft touch on his cheeks, which made him stunned in place

"This is the previous fee, and there is a return gift. "

Taking a step back, Megumi Kato blushed slightly, looked at him and whispered.

"Well, goodbye to the summer solstice. "

Taking advantage of the time when the boy was stunned, the girl waved her hand and turned around and walked towards the door of her house.

I made such a bold move, but I fled as soon as I was done.

After all, a girl named Megumi Kato is also shy.

Feeling the rapid heartbeat in her chest and her own hot cheeks, she blushed and thought to herself.

However, there is another sentence that cannot be forgotten

When she came to the door of her house, she stood still again, took a slight breath, turned around with her hands behind her back, looked at the young man not far away, and said with a smile

"Ann, summer solstice classmates~"


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