Generally speaking, every time before going to bed in the evening, it is the summer solstice when you routinely grab a random "pillow" to warm the bed.

As the saying goes, it's hard to go from luxury to frugality.

I am used to having warm and soft girls to help warm the bed as a pillow every night, and the summer solstice can no longer go back to the life of sleeping alone on an empty bed alone.

It's just that he doesn't need to go to anyone tonight

A certain star god girl had already climbed onto his bed.

Looking at Ai Luke, who was hiding in the quilt and only showing a pair of eyes looking at him, Xia Zhi tilted his head slightly and asked:

"Do you want to sleep together tonight?"

"Can't you?" asked Elok in a muffled voice with half of his face buried in the quilt.

It's not impossible......

"Didn't you sleep well when you slept with me last night?" Xia Zhi continued.

"That's, that's ...... Special circumstances. "

Eloke stammered to explain, and seeing the young man's suspicious expression, she hurriedly reassured:

"I'll sleep well tonight!"

In fact, this is not what Xia Solstice is worried about

Even if Al Luke really didn't sleep well last night, it didn't affect his sleep.

What he cares about more is just why Ailuk, who has always been a snooze, didn't sleep well with 207 last night.

...... I think it should have something to do with what she said before, some things didn't work out, right?

Now that this matter has been settled, there is nothing to worry about.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, looked at the girl and said, "You go to sleep first, I'll sleep later." "

He hasn't taken a bath yet, so he'll have to wait for Natsuori and the empty silver to finish washing.

Moreover, the homework that has been missed in the past two days has not been made up, and if it drags on any longer, it is estimated that it will be complained by Teacher Zhendong

"But I can't sleep without the summer solstice...... "Eloke said in a low voice.

How did you fall asleep when you didn't sleep with me before?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

He thought for a moment, picked up a book and sat on the edge of the bed,

"Shall I read you a little bedtime story?"

"Alright!" said Eluko, who was immediately interested.

It's been a long time since Xia Solstice told her a story.

In her expectant gaze, Xia Zhi opened the "storybook" in her hand and began to read:

"On how to derive the Lorentz transform ...... simply"

There was a hint of doubt in Eluk's eyes.

It seemed a little different from the beginning of the stories she had heard before?

On the other side, Xia Solstice goes on to read: "We know that the speed of the wave depends on the speed of the medium, not on the speed of the source......"

"Considering the basic assumption that the speed of light is constant, the medium of light must have the same velocity relative to their respective reference frames in different reference frames, and the velocity must be 0 relative to each reference frame...... From this we conclude that the propagation of light does not require a medium ......"

Listening to the words of the young man in his ear, Eloke felt as if he suddenly couldn't understand people's words.

Obviously, I can understand every word, but why can't I understand it at all?

She felt a little dizzy, and her head was dizzy

"Let's assume that if the measures of these two space-times are the same, we can get such an equation......"

The sound of steady breathing interrupted his words

Xia Zhi looked up and found that Eluk's little head had sunk and was lying on the pillow, his eyes slightly closed, as if he had fallen asleep.

Sure enough, I fell asleep without saying a few paragraphs. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xia Zhi thought about it, and felt a little unfinished in his heart...... I haven't finished talking about it yet.

Just as he hesitated to call the girl up and continue, there was a soft knock at the door.

Who will come to you at this time?

...... Cong Yu?

Xia Zhi thought about it, closed the book in his hand and put it aside, and after helping Ai Luke cover the quilt, he got up and came to the door and opened the door

It wasn't the two he expected to appear at the door, but a girl with light blue hair

"Empty silver?"

Xia Zhi showed a somewhat surprised expression.

...... In other words, isn't this the first time this scene has happened?

He complained in his heart, and subconsciously glanced behind the girl, but he didn't find the expected figure.

"Who are you looking for?" asked Kuyinzi, tilting his head sideways.

"Where's Natsuori, isn't she with you?" Natsu looked at her suspiciously.

"She's still taking a shower. The girl replied.

Summer Solstice: "......"

It doesn't feel like it's the first time I've had the same conversation.

By the way, what do you do when Natsuori is taking a shower every time?

He lowered his head and looked at the calf of the empty silver

Just after taking a shower, the girl didn't put on her stockings, and the pink plush slippers wrapped around her feet, reflecting the pink of the exposed ankle skin just right

Of course, this is her left foot, which is not injured...... On her right ankle, a bruise can be clearly seen, which is particularly eye-catching against the background of the girl's fair skin.

...... If it weren't for Natsuori's help, how would she have come over with an ankle injury?

He could probably imagine the picture of the girl leaning on the stairs and the wall and moving over little by little.

On the other side, the empty silver was a little uncomfortable for him, and he couldn't help asking, "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing. "

Xia Zhi said as he took two steps back to make way of his position

"Come in. "

This time, he didn't wait for the girl to ask, and took the initiative to invite her in advance.

The so-called once raw and twice ripe, this is the third time, of course he knows what to do

Besides, the girl must have something important to say to herself, right? It would be a little rude to let her stand at the door like this.

Hearing this, the empty silver was slightly stunned for a moment, and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something

"What's wrong?" Xia Zhi looked at her suspiciously.

“...... No, nothing. "

Kuyin shook his head, took a deep breath, and followed him into the boy's room......


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