Xia Zhi gently pushed open the door of the room.

The room was quiet, as the curtains were closed, causing the light in the room to be very dim. Through the light in the corridor behind him, he could vaguely see the petite girl curled up on the bed and sleeping quietly.

Sure enough, a certain little princess hasn't gotten up yet.

Xia Zhi thought in his heart and reached out to turn on the light.

With a soft "pop", a soft light illuminates the scene in the room.


It seemed that because of the sudden change in the light in the room, the star god girl on the bed frowned slightly, let out a dissatisfied whine, turned over slightly, hugged the pillow in her arms that was supposed to be the summer solstice, rubbed her cheeks on it, and fell asleep again.

Haven't slept enough?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart, first returned to his desk, and put some of the things on the table that needed to be brought into his personal universe.

Star Cup "280", Calendar Book, Remote Control......

Homework...... Forget about this, come back and write again.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and came to the cabinet next to him, and put away all his treasured snacks, game consoles, and comic books.

By the way, I also brought a few sets of clothes for different seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter as a backup.

What else do you want to bring......

Xia Solstice thought in his heart.

Now he is always thinking about everything as if he was thinking about whether he had forgotten to bring anything on the night before his trip.

Fortunately, the personal universe is large enough for him to fit an entire room into it, without worrying about the weight of the "suitcase".

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and his eyes fell on the bed beside him.

...... Of course, he didn't want to bring the bed with him.

He came to the bed, pulled out the white storage box under the bed, and retracted it into his personal universe.

After doing this, Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief slightly, raised his head and looked at the sleeping Star God Girl on the bed. The girl's sleeping face was very quiet, her fair face was pink, her pink mouth was slightly open, and her curled eyelashes trembled slightly.

He opened the panel and glanced at it, it was still a short time before the dream copy refreshed.

After thinking about it, Xia Zhi didn't wake up the girl, but just stretched out his hand to brush away a strand of hair on her little face.

This action seemed to wake up Eluk, who slowly opened her eyes in a daze, looked up with the dazed confusion she had just woken up, and happily held his hand in her arms when she saw that it was a teenager.

"Do you want to sleep together...... Summer solstice?" the girl asked in a soft and tender voice.

"We'll talk about that later. "

Xia Zhi withdrew his hand, lightly tapped her forehead and said.


Elok looked disappointed, then yawned slightly.

"Would you like something to eat?" Xia Zhi asked her softly.

Since she slept all day, it means that she hasn't eaten for a day, right?

However, Eloke shook his head: "With the summer solstice, it's enough." "

I'm not anything to eat.

When Xia Zhi was complaining in his heart, the door of the room behind him was pushed open again, and Huby followed and walked in from the door

"Summer Solstice...... It has been arranged...... You can start at any time. Hughby said.

Behind her, a magic array could be seen that was fading away. Obviously, as before, the girl had completely enveloped the room with layers of defenses.

“...... It's really hard for you. "

Xia Zhi thanked her, and then gave her a simple command

"For the next period of time, I'll leave it to you here. "

Hughby nodded, making a "leave it to me" expression.

...... Please?

A hint of doubt appeared in Eluk's eyes.

Summer solstice, what to do?

"Could Ai Lu possibly help?" she asked curiously.

"Well, I'm going to think about it......"

After thinking about it, Xia Zhi sat on the bed and hugged her body with a chuckle

"Then Eluk will be my sleeping pillow. "

"I don't want to be a pillow......"

Ai Luke wrinkled his nose, and although he said so, he still put his hand on Xia Zhi's shoulder, wrapped it around his neck, rubbed his face against his chest, and lay down in his arms with peace of mind.

Holding the delicate body of the Star God Maiden, Xia Zhi glanced at the dream copy where the countdown had been cleared, took a deep breath, and said silently in his heart:

"Start the game ......" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)


Walking out of the room, Hughby lowered his head and saw a small figure in the doorway.

Seeing that the door was opened, the kitten "meowed", as if it was ready to drill inside.

In order to prevent it from crashing into the defense and getting injured, Hughby crouched down and grabbed the back of his neck and lifted it whole........

"Don't ......"

Hughby looked into the kitten's eyes and admonished seriously, "Now the summer solstice...... We don't accept anyone......"

"Meow?" the kitten tilted its head in confusion.

"Cats don't accept ...... either"


Not far away, he climbed the stairs with difficulty, and was about to go to Natsuri's room to change his clothes, and when he saw the scene here, he fell silent.

Are you sure it really understands what you're saying?

Thinking to herself, her eyes fell on the closed door behind Hughby, her brow furrowed slightly.

Although it is said that it is not accepted, Hughby has just come out of it. And she didn't think that if Natsuori wanted to go in, the boy would refuse her.

So...... The so-called non-reception only refers to the guests, right?

So who are the guests in this house now?

Ku Yinzi lowered his head and looked at himself in silence.

Recalling the attitude of the young man who suddenly became distant when she was downstairs just now, she inexplicably had a feeling that the girl named "Hubby" said just now that she was speaking to herself.

Was he deliberately avoiding himself, or was he ...... What is the important thing in it?

"Huh, silver?"

Just as she was thinking this, a girl's voice came from behind her

"What are you doing standing in the doorway?"

Natsuori, who had finished taking a shower, came up from downstairs and asked with some confusion when she saw the empty silver standing in the hallway.

Later, she noticed the girl standing at the door of Brother 2.9's room not far away.

Hebby is there, too.

"Where's my brother?" Natsuori asked curiously, glancing at the closed door of the boy's room.

Faced with Natsuori's doubts, Huby shook his head and replied:

"The summer solstice is doing, and it's inconvenient for people to see it......"

"That's ......"

When Xia Zhi heard this, he didn't care too much.

Considering my brother's magical abilities and the strange items in his room, there are indeed some things that cannot be seen.

"Speaking of which, what about Eluk?"

Only then did she recall that she didn't seem to have seen the Star God Maiden for a day.

"It's also in there...... With the summer solstice......" Hugh replied.

Natsuori: "......"

Brother, you can't really do anything strange with Elok inside, do you......?


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