The long silver-white hair swayed slightly under the breeze outside the window, and the bright moonlight sprinkled on the girl, gilding her with a shallow hazy light, which looked so holy and beautiful.

"May I come in?"

The girl asked in a voice softer and more ethereal than the moonlight.

Summer solstice:......

In that case, it is better to say it before the door opens. "

After glancing at the doorknob that had been turned open by the girl, and worrying about the safety of the door lock, he reminded him out loud.


The girl tilted her head slightly, looking puzzled.

After thinking about it, he prepared to exit the room and close the door.

"Forget it...... Just pay attention next time. "

Xia Zhi stopped her from preparing to do it again, looked at her and continued to ask:

"So, what's the matter with coming to me all this night?"

If I'm not mistaken, I've already arranged a room for her...... It's still her own choice.

The girl shook her head slightly

"There are some things that I want to confirm. "

What's the matter?

In Xia Zhi's puzzled eyes, the girl walked lightly to his bedside, lowered her head and looked at 08, and asked nervously with a hint of anticipation:

"Can you touch me?"

Ah, this......

Xia Zhi hesitated

"That's ...... Not really, right?"


The girl tilted her head in confusion.


Looking at her dazed and ignorant expression, Xia Zhi probably reacted to what she wanted to say.

He sat up and patted the empty seat beside him for the girl to sit down as well.

After she sat down on the bed obediently, Xia Zhi stretched out her hand and placed it on her silver-white hair as before.

The soft and soft touch came, and the excellent feel made people reluctant to move their hands. With the girl's approach, there was a faint fragrance mixed with the smell of shampoo.

Obviously, the girl even washed her hair just now.

Even a girl who has just learned the basics of life knows to blow dry her hair before coming out...... Xia Weaving, that girl, why can't she always learn.

Xia Zhi thought to himself and gently touched the girl's head.


The girl pursed her lips slightly.

"Sure enough, it's different......"

Why is it different?

"Because this is an act between people to express their favorite emotions, but if you do it yourself, of course it will be different. Xia Zhi looked into her eyes and explained softly.

"There is a limit to the emotions that words can convey, and in many cases, human beings need to use such physical contact and skin contact to convey their hearts to each other. "

This is one of the reasons why Huby mistook the touch between the body and the skin for the language of the heart. It can't be said that there is a mistake, it's just that the order is reversed.

The girl seems to understand something.

"Forget it, let's not talk about that for now. Xia Solstice shook his head.

If he only relied on reason to understand, even the existence of Hughby would be confused, and he didn't think he could explain it very clearly, and thinking about this kind of thing before he had enough experience would only make it more and more chaotic the more he thought about it.

So, he changed the subject, shifted his attention and said:

"Speaking of which, do you remember what happened before?"

"What happened before?" A hint of doubt appeared in the girl's blue eyes.

"It's what happened to me before. Xia Zhi explained.

Hearing this, the girl shook her head slightly.

"You're the first person I've ever met. "

...... In other words, did the dream game choose the point in time when she was just born?

In this way, you can't ask anything.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and after breathing a sigh of relief, he took his hand back, looked at the girl and asked:

"Okay, are there any other questions?" (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Originally, he just asked politely, but he didn't expect the girl to really nod

"Who am I?"

Hearing the girl's question, Xia Zhi was slightly stunned...... Is coming up to be one of life's ultimate questions?

How would he answer this......?

On the other side, looking at the hesitant expression on his face, a trace of disappointment appeared in the girl's eyes.

She originally thought that she would be able to get the answer from the boy she first saw after she was born.

She has no memories of the past and doesn't know how she was born.

For this world, the past does not seem to exist.

The absence of the reality of the past means the illusion of the present

Faced with such an illusory and unreal self, her heart was full of doubts.

Who are you and what was it for?

...... Does such a self have any meaning to the world?

What does it do to exist?

Just as she was thinking about it in a daze, the young man's affirmative voice came to her ears

"You're Mio. "

She was slightly stunned


"Hmm. Xia Solstice reached out again, gently tucking a strand of hair that fell on the side of her face behind her ear, and whispered, "Just like I am Xia Solstice, Mio is your name...... Do you like it?"


It's a name, a sign that distinguishes things.

The girl whispered the interpretation of the word.

However, the situation I encountered at the moment seemed to be slightly different from the explanation

Mio ......

She silently recited the name given to her by this young man in her heart, and only felt as if there was an indescribable warm current in her heart

It's just a noun that makes it easy to distinguish individuals, but why......

On his cheeks, there is the warm and gentle touch of 013. The girl came back to her senses and found that it was Xia Zhi who was gently wiping something on her face with her hand.

Only then did she notice the touch of some kind of liquid sliding down her cheeks.

She quickly realized that it was her own eyes that were constantly overflowing with bodily fluids.

If it were to be expressed in a language that I had learned before, it would be an object called tears.

"Strange, why did I ......"

The girl tried to cover the corners of her eyes with her hands, but the tears kept overflowing.

The emotions in her heart surged up irrepressibly, making her heart seem to be tightened, and with more and more tears, she finally couldn't help but bend forward slightly, letting this emotion drown herself and crying out loud

"Woo, woo!"

Looking at the girl who couldn't stop crying, Xia Zhi sighed slightly, stretched out his hand, took her into his arms, gently stroked her back, and quietly let her vent her emotions in his arms

I guess I'm going to be crying for a while.

Feeling the slightly trembling body of the girl, Mio, Xia Zhi thought in his heart.


PS: Xia Weaving's picture has been uploaded in the work~ It's a double picture of Xia Weaving and Young Weaving, because some places need to be modified and delayed a little time, so it's been passed on a little, and interested partners can go and check it out for themselves~.

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