Pedestrians passing by the roadside, vehicles driving on the road, or customers laughing in the store...... Everything stopped where it was.

The sounds around him disappeared, the falling leaves hovered in mid-air, the air seemed to freeze, and the whole world seemed to stand still for a moment.

Xia Zhi is no stranger to such a scene in front of him, after all, he has experienced similar scenes more than once.

However, this phenomenon was not caused by anyone he knew~.

Xia Solstice turned to look at Mio on the other side, the girl was not affected by the stillness of time, and after looking at the strange and discordant picture around her in amazement, she turned her head to look at him

Is this also normal?

The girl's eyes seemed to reveal such a question.

Xia Zhi shook his head, and just as he was about to speak, he felt the ground under his feet begin to shake.

As the ground shook, the sky seemed to be torn apart, and a sea of petals swept in from afar, and the glaze-like streamer engulfed the still world with flying petals.

The scenery as I see it changes rapidly. The earth, the houses, the vehicles, the pedestrians, everything was covered by the roots and vines of huge plants that stretched out from the horizon in the distance.

When the petals and streamers dissipated, everything that had been originally gone disappeared, revealing in front of the two of them an anomalous space like a fairy tale with only trees and vines left.

-- Tree seas.

Seeing this scene, Xia Solstice thought.

He probably knew what kind of world he was in.

"Summer solstice, ...... here?"

Looking at the scene of everything around him being replaced by a sea of trees, and retracting his gaze from the towering tree in the distance that seemed to be the center of countless roots and shimmering with holy light, Mio couldn't help but lean closer to the young man's side.

It's just that, judging from the expression on her face and the position she was standing, in the face of this sudden unknown scene, she was obviously not afraid, but more like she wanted to protect the teenager.

Xia Zhi touched her head to express his gratitude.

Although the girl was a little happy, she still shook her head, indicating that now was not the time to do this.

"Probably some kind of defensive barrier to protect the outside world. Xia Zhi withdrew his hand and replied.

It's similar to the effect of blocking.

"Boom ——!"

Just as he was thinking this, a loud roar suddenly came from in the distance.

Xia Solstice turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a huge white alien creature in the distance as if it had been bombarded with a huge force, and its huge body slowly fell from mid-air and fell to the ground with a bang, causing a strong vibration.

Has the battle begun......

He thought to himself.

Since it's a defensive barrier, it's natural that there are enemies who will attack. Obviously, the huge alien creature in the distance is the enemy.

And there's more than one......

Retracting his gaze from a few huge white creatures that were slowly drifting towards him in the distance, Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief.

Are you brave...... I don't think it's been a long time since I've come across this term.

The figures of two girls in the other world came to his mind, and he couldn't help but shake his head

Anyway, let's get rid of the trouble here...... He hasn't even ordered any coffee yet.

"Wait for me here for a moment. Xia Solstice and Mio commanded.

However, just as he took the long sword out of his personal universe and held it in his hand......

"Jingle Bell ——!"

In this world where only trees remain, there is a sudden ringing of the telephone.

Xia Zhi was slightly stunned for a moment, and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

I saw that the ringtone was made by a telephone booth in the distance, which was not covered by the sea of trees, and the man-made facilities looked very inconsistent in this fairytale sea of trees space.

"Jingle Bell ——!"

The phone kept ringing and showed no signs of stopping.

Xia Solstice looked around, there was no one else but them, and the battle was going on in the distance, so no one should have the energy to answer the call.

Obviously, this call should have been made to them.

Under Mio's curious gaze, Xia Zhi thought about it, then walked forward with her and picked up the phone.


"Hello, unknown ...... Sorry, forgive me for calling you that, unknown sir. Thank you for your answer, and I'm sorry to contact you in this way. "

What came out of the phone was a soft girlish voice, with a hint of immaturity, which sounded about the same age as Natsuori.

Are all the current operators recruiting child labor?

Xia Zhi complained.

"Is there anything wrong with finding me in this way?"

"I'm sorry, I was going to contact you in a more formal way, but I didn't expect such an unexpected situation to happen. "

The other party apologized apologetically, and after a pause, he turned to the topic and said:

"If you can, can you ...... No, can you please not participate in the battle over there?"

"Enemies over there, just leave them to the brave. "

Xia Zhi raised an eyebrow

"Are you sure?"

He looked at the increasingly heated battle in the distance and asked the girl.

Although it is not clear how the other party knew that they had the ability to intervene in battle, if Xia Solstice was not mistaken, the brave men of this world were not always very easy when dealing with the enemies who destroyed the world, and sometimes ...... It should be said that you often pay a huge price for victory, right?

"Please. There was a hint of pleading in the girl's tone.

"I'll explain the details to you in person later. "


Xia Solstice fell silent slightly.

The world of the dream copy, because of the intervention of the dream game, is not always exactly the same as the world in my memory...... This is something that has been speculated as early as the time of going through the copy of Disbod.

And judging from the other party's understanding of himself and the situation of dissuading them from interfering in the battle, the development of this world may be slightly different from the development of the world of the Brave Division that he knows.

“...... I know. After thinking for a while, Xia Solstice finally agreed.

"Thank you for your understanding. "

The girl seemed to be relieved at last, and even her tone was much more relaxed and lively

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself to you. "

"Nogi Sonoko...... That's my name. "

... Seven....

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