“...... Just call me the summer solstice. "

Xia Zhi said as she moved back a little so that the witch could push the girl's wheelchair in.

However, the girl didn't seem to want the witch behind her to follow, and after raising her head and whispering a few words to her, the witch bowed to her and stepped aside.

Nogi Sonoko turned around and smiled a little embarrassed at Xia Zhi: "This...... Sorry you may need to be bothered. "

"It's okay with me......"

Xia Zhi said as she glanced at her hands hidden under a wide hospital gown.

It stands to reason that the wheelchair is designed to allow the patient to manually turn the tires to move, but the girl shows no signs of intending to do so.

Obviously, it's not that she doesn't want to do it, but she can't do it.

Xia Zhi thought to herself, stepped forward to help her push the wheelchair into the house, and saw that Miss Witch 08 outside really didn't seem to have any intention of following up, so she said hello to her and closed the door.

The floor inside the house is very flat, so wheelchairs can move around without any problems. It's just that when they came to the entrance, the two encountered a little trouble, after all, there was a small step at the entrance.

Xia Zhi thought about it, and in the girl's whispered exclamation, she lifted the wheelchair up a little height and lifted it to the top of the steps.

"Mr. Xia Zhi, you have a lot of strength. Seeing that the boy picked himself up with his wheelchair very easily, Nogi Sonoko couldn't help but sigh.

This bit of strength is nothing, after all, the girl is very light, even if you add a wheelchair, it doesn't weigh much, and a normal adult can completely hold it.

Xia Zhi thought to himself and pushed the girl into the house...... Since I am in a wheelchair, I don't need to change my shoes.

"Summer Solstice, ...... is she?"

Mio, who came out of the kitchen, couldn't help but show a puzzled look when she saw the girl who was pushed in by the summer solstice.

"Miss the operator who called us this morning. Xia Zhi replied.

Nogi Sonoko blinked and accepted the title.

"I'm the person in charge of connecting with you...... That is, your own operator. "

She and Mio explained it again, with a bright smile on their faces, as if it were something to be happy about.

Then, as if thinking of something, she paused slightly

"Ah, it's not right to say it's specialized, because I took this job myself. "

She said with some embarrassment.

On the other side, Xia Zhi didn't care about the girl's words, but was paying attention to another thing.

Originally, he planned to carry the girl from the wheelchair to the sofa and sit down, but after careful inspection, he found that the girl was actually tied with several elastic bands, which fastened her limbs and body to the wheelchair under him.

In other words, she is not "sitting" in a wheelchair, but is fixed to it...... Obviously, if it weren't for that, she probably wouldn't even be able to "sit" for the simplest movement.

"Is that really okay?"

Xia Zhi looked at her and asked, "Your current physical condition is not good, right?"

It's not good, rather.

Even if he doesn't rely on the memory of the "original book", Xia Solstice can also perceive that the physical condition of the girl named "Nogi Yuanzi" in front of him is very bad, not only the paralysis of the limbs on the surface, the blindness of the right eye, but also the many organs in the body, including the heart, have stopped functioning.

On the average person, this is already an "injury" that can basically be declared a death sentence, and it doesn't look like it can be run around from the intensive care unit.

However, the girl shook her head.

"It's okay. "

A smile appeared on her face

"Because of me, I can't die. "


Although she didn't know what happened, Mio could hear the heaviness revealed in the girl's words, and she couldn't help but lean closer to Xia Zhi

"Summer Solstice ......"

Xia Zhi patted her hand gently.

After thinking about it, he looked at the girl and asked:

"Do you want to stay for dinner?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)


The proposal, which had nothing to do with the topic just now, immediately followed the boy's words, showed a happy smile, and agreed unceremoniously.



The girl's eyes lit up, and she puffed out her cheeks and said indistinctly.

"Swallow what is in your mouth first. "

Xia Zhi said helplessly, picked up the water cup with the soup next to her, and handed the straw to her.

Nogi Sonoko blinked, obediently took the straw in her mouth, sucked in small sips, and quieted down.

It's clear that the girl is here to do business, but somehow it has become a family reunion, and it doesn't look like she's just known for a long time.

But none of the people present felt that there was anything wrong, and naturally they didn't say anything.

"Woo Ha ......"

After eating and drinking, the girl let out a moan of 997 satisfaction.

"Thank you for your hospitality~" She thanked her, and then couldn't help but sigh: "...... It's been a long time since I've eaten such a delicious dish, and Mr. Xia Zhi is really amazing. "

By the way, this dinner was finally made by Xia Zhi himself, after all, you can't make the guests wait for a long time.

"With your status, you can eat whatever you want, right?" Xia Zhi said nonchalantly as he cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks and handed them to Mio next to him.

"But it doesn't smell like home at all. Nogi Sonoko replied.

What does that taste like, and why haven't I eaten it?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart, shook his head and looked at the girl

"So, let's get down to business. "

He asked aloud.

"Why did you ask us not to fight this morning?"

When Nogi Sonoko heard this, she also put away the smile on her face, as if she was finally serious, and shook her head slightly.

"To be precise, I hope you don't use your strength. "

As she said this, she looked at the silver-haired girl behind Xia Zhi, and after a slight pause, she asked softly:

"This sister, Mr. Zhi...... You're elves, aren't you?"


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