After that, another few days passed.

Maybe the interval was too short, or maybe it was because he didn't use his spiritual power anymore, as Nogi Sonoko said, and Shikoku was never attacked by Batik again during this period.

In the mall, a cute 16-year-old girl with long silver-white hair braided into a fluffy three-strand braid, wearing a sunhat and a pure white dress, is looking at the clothes on the shelves, mentally comparing with someone's figure, trying to choose the one that suits him best.

The elf-like beauty attracted the attention of many passing customers, but she didn't care in the slightest.

All she cared about was one person's gaze.

But alas, that person is not looking at her now.



"What do you think of this set?~"

Looking at the white and lilac dress in the boy's hand, Mio tilted her head slightly.

"Summer solstice, do you want to wear girls' clothes-?"

"This size, it doesn't look like I can wear it, does it?"

Xia Zhi complained.

Although he said that he came to help him choose clothes today, this store does not seem to be the type that specializes in men's clothing, and he wanted to ask the girl's opinion when he saw this set of clothes on the road and thought it looked good.

"I think it's beautiful. Mio replied.

"Do you mean to wear it on me, or on you?"

Considering the girl's words just now, Xia Solstice inevitably had such an association.

Mio lowered her head and looked at herself, a hint of doubt in her eyes.

Although her figure is a little smaller than Xia Zhi's, that dress doesn't seem to be her size, right?

She shook her head and continued to help the boy make a reference.

After a long time of choosing, the two finally settled on a few styles.

However, because of the long delay, the plan to buy two suitable clothes for the teenager had to be aborted.

Xia Solstice didn't care, anyway, he had brought a lot of clothes this time, but Mio seemed to mind a little, and it wasn't until Xia Solstice promised her to come back tomorrow that he was happy again.

Sitting on a park bench, Mio took out two boxes of bento from her backpack and placed them on her and the boy's lap and opened the lid.

"It's crab fillet rolls and fried dumplings today?" Looking at the sumptuous dishes in the bento box, the summer solstice

"Well, I found some dishes about Xia Zhi's hometown on the Internet, and I wanted to make them for Xia Solstice to taste. "

Mio nodded in reply.

Since the girl tried to learn cooking a few days ago, the chef at home is no longer the summer solstice.

Although he had expected it for a long time, the girl's learning ability still exceeded his expectations.

In just a few days, the girl was able to completely break away from the assistance of the bracelet and perfectly reproduce the dishes made while wearing the bracelet.

Such a talent, even the original Xia Ori can't be compared, right?

After all, Natsuori is still human.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, picked up a fried dumpling and put it in his mouth, and a taste of fried dumplings that he had never tasted before spread in his mouth.

...... Is it cheese and strawberry filling? What kind of school is this?, he complained to himself.

Maybe it's because the girl's cooking skills are too superb, even if it's such a strange filling, it feels unexpectedly different when you eat it?

Thanks to the fact that I am not a fundamentalist who pursues authenticity, I guess I would not have been able to accept this "innovative" approach, right?

Feeling the expectant eyes of the girl beside her, Xia Zhi nodded:

"Well, it's delicious. "

Received the boy's affirmation, Mio smiled happily.


Just as the summer solstice was about to pick it up again, there was a cat's meow at his feet.

It sounds very similar to the meow of your own kitten, because it is all cat meow. But after all, after raising it for so long, Xia Zhi can still clearly hear the difference between the barking of his own kitten and other cats.

He lowered his head and saw an orange cat crouching at his feet at some unknown moment, looking at him with his head held high.

“...... Is there something wrong?"

"Meow ......"

The orange cat landed her gaze on the lunch box in his hand and barked again in a flattering voice, as if begging for food.

It seems to be attracted by the aroma of Mio's cooking.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, bent down and touched its chin. The orange cat also very well-behaved stayed in place and let him pet it, and it didn't seem to be too afraid of life.

"It's a cat. "

Looking at the orange cat who was close to the boy, Mio's face showed a curious look.

This is the first time she has seen a live cat, and it is indeed as cute as it appears in the video and pictures. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Do you like it?"

After satisfying the cat addiction of not touching a kitten for a long time in the other world, Xia Zhi withdrew his hand with satisfaction and asked the girl.

Mio shook her head slightly, "I prefer the summer solstice." "

I'm not a pet. Xia Zhi couldn't help but complain.


Feeling the young man's stroke, the orange cat looked at the lunch box in his hand again, and shouted at Xia Zhi, as if urging him to eat.

Xia Zhi thought for a moment, looked at it and said, "Equivalent exchange." "

"A dumpling should be exchanged for the same weight of meat. "

It doesn't sound like a reciprocal deal, after all, strictly speaking, Xia Zhi's hand is a vegetarian dumpling.

The orange cat also tilted its head and "meowed", revealing a trace of doubt in his voice.

"I mean the flesh on you. "


"I found it!"

The voice of the strange girl came from afar,

"Taro Maru~!"

Isn't that the name of a dog? Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

On the other side, the orange cat, who heard the name, shook his body and immediately hid behind the young man, as if he wanted to hide himself.

It's just that if you pay attention, you can find that it actually paused halfway and changed its direction. It can be seen that it originally wanted to escape, but it was reluctant to eat the bento that it had not yet eaten, so it finally changed its destination.

"Is that really your name?" said Xia Zhi, looking back at it.

It turns out that in this world, is there anyone who is worse than his own talent for naming?

"Meow ......"

The orange cat's voice was full of grievances.

"Don't run!"

Seeing the figure of the orange cat disappear behind the boy, the girl's voice became urgent.

With the sound of a rush running, Xia Solstice raised his head to look in the direction of the sound, only to see a girl with short red hair running towards this side in a hurry.

Behind her, a long-haired black girl in a wheelchair was followed in the distance, pushing the wheels and following unhurriedly, while shouting words like "Yuno slow down" to remind the girl in front.

"Whew...... Great, didn't run away......"

Seeing the orange cat hiding behind the boy and not running away, the girl called "Yuno" breathed a long sigh of relief. Then she seemed to realize something, and bowed deeply to Xia Solstice and Mio

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble!"

It's not a matter of trouble, it's better to say that I've been masturbating for nothing.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, looked at the red-haired girl in front of him and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"That...... We're here to pick it up and take it home. "

She explained, and then seemed to remember something

"Ah, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself. With a lively and bright smile, the girl continued:

"My name is Yuuki Yuna!

... Second....

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