
Looking at the lively Nogi Garden, Togo was slightly stunned.

If I'm not mistaken, when I saw her yesterday, she was still in the same wheelchair as herself, right?

Or is it ...... Was she just a temporary mobility impairer?

The girl's heart was full of doubts.

On the other hand, Xia Zhi was also a little surprised.

"Is it well recovered so quickly?"

He looked at the garden, which looked no different from a normal person standing at the doorway, and asked out loud.


Nogi Sonoko nodded, patted his chest vigorously, and said with a smug face:

"Don't look at me like this, I'm very good. "

No matter what, he is the strongest brave man in the past, and he can adapt to his body or something, and one night is enough.

Ah, this "strongest brave" is just her self-styled, after all, there were only three brave people at the beginning, including her......

"The ......"

The girl's voice came from the side, interrupting the conversation between the two.

Dongxiang looked at the girl in front of him who was not wearing a school uniform, and asked hesitantly, "Garden...... Classmate, did you also go to this school?"

This time will appear here, the girl should be a student of this school, right?

But why not wear a school uniform?

"Well...... this"

After thinking about it, Nogi Sonoko replied:

"I've been lying at home for more than two years because of some physical reasons, and today is the 0th day to report. "

She said, tilting her head slightly: "That is, skipping students?"

Don't say it's a skip grade, it's a skip section, right?

If I'm not mistaken, the girl was only in elementary school before she dropped out of school.

"Are you like this, can you keep up with the curriculum?" Xia Zhi thought to himself and asked with concern.

"It's okay, I occasionally have my own study at home. Nogi Sonoko replied confidently.

After all, there is nothing to do.

On the other side, Togo pursed his lips slightly

Physical causes......

She couldn't help but think of the scene when she saw the girl yesterday, when the other party was in a wheelchair.

If this is the case, then what the girl encountered should not be a temporary small problem. Even if she is already improving, there should be a long time to recover between being confined to a wheelchair and walking as freely as she is now, right? How did she get better overnight......?

Yuuki Yuna on the side was puzzled.

She didn't know Sonoko before, and naturally she didn't know what Togo was being surprised about now.

It's just that......

"Togo ......"

She gently tugged at the dark-haired girl's clothes and whispered to Aiae to wake her up:

"It's going to be class soon. "

Togo came back to his senses and looked up at the clock on the wall, and it was true that there were only a minute or two left before class.

There was no way, she could only temporarily suppress the doubts in her heart, and after saying goodbye to the two of them with Yuna, she left the club classroom.

In the Brave Ministry, there are only two people left who are not members of the Ministry.

"Aren't you going to class?" Xia Zhi asked, looking at the girl on the side.

"Huh?" Nogi Sonoko tilted her head slightly, "The teacher didn't let me go to class?"

When a new student registers, how can the teacher not arrange for you to go to class......

Xia Zhi complained in his heart and looked at the girl in front of him.

At this moment, Yuan Zi is not wearing the school uniform, but is still wearing the light purple pattern dress from yesterday

Because the size is a little ill-fitting, it looks a little longer, but fortunately, it is a dress, and there is no sense of disobedience in the look, but it looks more petite in the girl's figure.

It's just that, looking at the girl in front of her who was slightly tilted her head sideways and looked puzzled, Xia Zhi frowned slightly, and thought of a possibility:

"You shouldn't have reported yet, have you?"

"Hey, hey......"

Nogi Sonoko seemed to be aware of this, and smiled a little embarrassedly

"Sorry...... I was in a hurry, so I ran here directly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xia Zhi sighed slightly

"Let's go, I'll take you to the head teacher's office. "

I just hope I don't make a bad impression on the teacher on the first day. He thought worriedly.

On the other side, looking at the back of the young man who turned to leave, Nogi Sonoko hurriedly stepped forward and followed.

Following the summer solstice, the girl walked briskly. It can be seen that compared to the summer solstice, she is obviously not worried at all.

Looking at her heartless appearance, Xia Zhi felt that he was suddenly able to understand that Xia Zhi was worried about his mood.


“...... I know, I'll arrange a transfer for you in the afternoon. "

In the office, the teacher breathed a sigh of relief, filed the documents into a folder, and said.

After completing all the formalities, the time is almost the end of class, and it is obviously not very appropriate to suddenly arrange a transfer at this time, so it is better to simply put it in the afternoon.

It's not a big deal, it's just ......

The teacher turned his head, looked at the young man on the side, frowned slightly, and said with some dissatisfaction:

"This gentleman, as a parent, I hope you can pay a little attention to your child's affairs...... If you are late for such an important thing, please don't do it again next time. "

Summer solstice:?

I just accompanied her to go through the formalities, how could I become her parent?

"I'm not her father......" For the sake of her reputation, Xia Zhi tried to correct her statement.

"I know. The teacher interrupted him, and then continued, "Isn't my brother a parent?"

Summer Solstice: "......"

Although this is the truth, he used to use his brother's identity as a parent in front of Xia Zhi.

But the problem is, he's not the girl's brother either?

Rather, in terms of blood kinship, they didn't have any relationship, maybe even more than the relationship between him and Natsuori...... They are not people of the same world at all

However, just as Xia Solstice was about to continue arguing, the girl on the side stepped forward and hugged his arm

"I'm sorry, teacher, it's my own problem. "

Nogi Sonoko leaned her body next to Xia Zhi, hugged his arm tightly, made a family-like intimacy, quietly winked at the boy, and then explained apologetically to the teacher.

What a sensible child.

Seeing this, the teacher sighed slightly, and didn't say anything more, just let the two of them go to rest and have lunch first, and then come back in the afternoon.

On the way out of the office, looking at the girl who was still holding her arm, as if she was really like a sister clinging to her brother, Xia Zhi asked suspiciously after thinking about it

"Just now, why don't you explain it clearly?"

After all, it was just a small misunderstanding, and if you really want to explain it, it shouldn't be a troublesome thing, right?

However, the girl didn't think so

It's better to say...... She didn't think it was a misunderstanding

"Is there anything wrong?"

Nogi Sonoko asked, looking up at him.

"Relationally speaking, aren't you my parent now? Brother Xia Zhi?"

"Or ......"

The girl winked at him

"My, Kami-sama?"


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