The morning of a new day, and the morning of the first day of the weekend.

The summer solstice woke up naturally from sleep after a long absence, but when he opened his eyes, he didn't see the familiar delicate face of the girl.

He yawned, sat up from the bed, looked around, and saw no girl in the room, and the bed beside him was also cold, as if he had gotten up early and left.

Xia Zhi glanced at the time on his phone, and after hesitating for a moment, he still gave up the idea of sleeping for a while~, got up and left the room.

When he came to the living room after washing up, he quickly smelled a nice scent. At the same time, I also saw a beautiful figure busy in the kitchen, with silver white hair and pure white skirt swaying gently from side to side with her movements.

How to say, looking at the virtuous appearance of the girl in the kitchen now, and then recalling the impression of being as holy and beautiful as an angel when he first saw her, Xia Zhi felt an inexplicable sense of contrast in his heart.


As if hearing footsteps in the living room, Mio poked her head out of the kitchen and smiled brightly when she saw the figure of the young man standing at the door of the living room

"Summer solstice, are you awake?"

"Wait a minute, breakfast will be ready soon. "

On the day of going out on a date, I have to ask my girlfriend to get up early to help me make breakfast, isn't it a little unusual?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, looking at the silver-haired girl who returned to the living room with a baked sandwich and milk not long after, his eyes fell on the pure white dress on her, and a little puzzled look appeared in his eyes.

"...... this dress?"

"It's the dress I wore when I first met Xia Zhi. "

Mio's answer confirmed his inner guess.

In fact, strictly speaking, when she first met the summer solstice, she didn't wear this dress...... Or rather, there were no clothes at all......

Thinking back on this incident, the girl's cheeks couldn't help but show a faint flush.

"But, didn't you change that dress later?" Xia Zhi continued to ask.

It should be said that after Nogi Sonoko came to explain the situation of this world to them that night, at the request of the girl, Mio no longer used spiritual power to compose her own clothes, but changed into other clothes that Xia Solstice bought for her, although they were all similar styles for her own preferences, but there were always many differences in details.

And the one she has now......

"I bought it yesterday when I went to the mall with the garden. Mio replied with a wink.

As for whether it was simply the same model, or was it the one that day? The girl didn't say, but Xia Zhi estimated that she must have gone to the original store to buy it, right?

He said that yesterday afternoon, Mio suddenly went out with the garden, and it turned out that he was going to do this?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, after swallowing the last bite of sandwich, he said hello to the girl, and was about to get up and go back to change clothes, but she grabbed her wrist.

He looked back in confusion and saw the girl placing a pale blue headband in his hand.

...... All right.

Glancing at the long silver hair that was spread out behind the girl, Xia Zhi quickly understood what she meant, after all, it was a daily repertoire.

He took the headband and sat down beside Mio, and was about to take out a comb to help the girl braid her hair as usual, when he saw her shake her head slightly.

"Today, I don't tie my braids. "

She said.

Don't tie braids?

It feels strange to Mio, who has always valued this aspect, but it's nothing.

It's just that......

Xia Zhi looked down at the hairband in his hand

So what are you going to do with this for me?

Mio winked at him, gently tugged at the neckline of her dress, and asked:

"Can I tie it here?"

Xia Zhi glanced at the neckline of her dress...... There's no place to tie a strap, right?

"I mean here!"

Seeing that the boy seemed to have misunderstood what he meant, and focused on his clothes, Mio could only remind him and raised his head slightly, revealing his snow-white and delicate neck.

Is this the place?

Xia Zhi hesitated for a moment.

Isn't the span of this purpose a little larger?

"Can't you?" Mio asked, tilting her head to the side, confused.

It's not impossible......

Xia Zhi shook his head and sat a little closer. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Mio cooperatively raised her head slightly.

"How did you come up with the idea of tying it up like this?"

Xia Zhi asked curiously while gently brushing the hair on her neck and smelling the faint fragrance coming from the girl's body.

"I saw it on the Internet, and I felt that this way of wearing it was also very good, so I wanted to give it a try. "

Mio replied as she felt the boy's fingertips touch her skin, and her body couldn't help but tremble slightly, and the fair and delicate skin on her neck seemed to have a faint layer of crimson.

Well, it's not wrong.

Under the backdrop of the neck band, the girl's originally slender neck can be more beautiful, and the skin is also reflected to be fairer. The interlocking bones will be set off more delicate because of the wearing of the neck belt.

It's just that he thinks that Mio looks good no matter what kind of outfit she wears.

Taking his eyes off the girl's delicate collarbone, Xia Solstice thought to herself, gently tying the pale blue ribbon around her slender and white neck and tying a bow at the side.

The original headband was transformed into a neck band.

Mio breathed a sigh of relief, and gently touched the pale blue ribbon tied around her neck with her hand.

I can't see the specific effect, but if it's a teenager, then there is absolutely no problem.

She thought to herself, and shook her head slightly, and the long silver-white hair behind her swayed slightly with her movements.


Mio looked at the boy, blinked his eyes and asked:

"Do you have the same feeling as when you first met?"

In terms of styling alone, it is really no different from that time.

It's just that......

Looking at the elf girl who was smiling in front of her and looking at her with tenderness and smile in her azure eyes, Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, reached out and rubbed her hair and replied:

"It's even cuter than it was then. "

Hearing Xia Zhi's answer, the smile on Mio's face became even brighter, and she stepped forward to hold his arm, looked at him and asked:

"Shall we go then?"

"Wait, I'll go change my clothes first......"

Xia Zhi lowered his head and looked at himself, still wearing the clothes he wore when he slept last night...... You can't wear this to date a girl, can you?

Mio tilted her head: "In my opinion, Xia Solstice looks good no matter what she wears?"

"That's what I think of Mio, too. Xia Zhi tapped her forehead lightly, and stood up from her arms.

...... I see.

Mio thought briefly for a moment, and quickly understood.

Think about it from another perspective, even if you know that Xia Solstice doesn't care about what you wear, you still care about it.

This kind of thing, it's the same with Xia Solstice, right?

"I see. "

Mio nodded, and said with a serious face on her little face:

"In the interaction with the summer solstice, I can't just think about my own thoughts, but also take care of your feelings from the perspective of the summer solstice. "

Summer solstice:......

He just expressed his true thoughts, and at the same time responded to the girl's liking, but he didn't think about it so much......

... Mouth....

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