Originally, the summer solstice was going to wake up early, but because I slept very comfortably, I woke up a little late.

When he woke up from his sleep and opened his eyes, he saw not the ceiling, but the silver-haired girl sitting on top of him with her hands on the bed, looking down at him.

Soft silver hair like moonlight fell down the side of her face and landed on Xia Zhi's cheeks, bringing a slightly itchy touch

“...... Is there something wrong?" Xia Zhi asked suspiciously.

Mio blinked, looked at him and asked aloud, "Summer Solstice, where did you go yesterday night?"

“...... So you found out last night?"

Xia Zhi gently brushed away the strands of hair that fell on his face, brushed them behind the girl's ears, and couldn't help but touch her head.

He thought the girl was asleep by then.

"I was really asleep at that time. "

Mio replied, squinting comfortably for a moment before continuing, "However, as soon as the summer solstice left, I soon woke up again. "

Am I a sleep maintenance device?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart, and he couldn't help but recall what the girl had said before.

Is it really like she said, because you are used to it, you can't fall asleep without yourself around?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, faced with the girl's questioning eyes, thought about it and replied:

"I'm going to find another girl. "

Hearing this, Mio nodded slightly: "That's ......"

Seeing that her reaction didn't seem to care as much as she thought, Xia Zhi asked curiously:

"Aren't you angry?"

Mio tilted her head sideways and thought for a moment: "Also, it stands to reason that she should be angry, right?"

According to the concept of human beings, he is now his lover after all, and it is normal to leave himself alone and run out to find other girls or something late at night.


Looking at the young man's face, she suddenly chuckled.

The summer solstice is somewhat inexplicable.


Mio shook her head, looking at the young man who was close at hand in front of her, her blue eyes flashed with a soft light, she opened her mouth slightly, and said softly, "Summer Solstice ......"


"I like you. "

"I already know this kind of thing. "

"It's not the same. The girl shook her head again, looked into his eyes, and said:

"Because I like you more than I did yesterday, I have to say it again and let you know. "

“...... Not just today, but tomorrow, tomorrow's tomorrow...... Every day that follows, I will probably say the same thing. "

Then, she seemed to remember something again, hesitated a little, and showed a worried look

"Ah...... But if you say this every day, will the summer solstice be annoying?"


Looking at the girl in front of her who was worried and distressed about this kind of thing, Xia Zhi only felt, how could she be so cute?

As for the things that will not be annoying...... Does anyone hate the feeling of being liked? especially when it comes to such a beautiful, gentle and obedient silver-haired girl.

"It doesn't matter how many times you say what you like. "

Hearing his answer, Mio's face showed a happy smile, hugged him tightly, rested her head on his chest, and gently closed her eyes.

Although Xia Zhi also wants to hug her like this, the problem is ...... It doesn't seem like it's getting early, does it?

They don't know if they are up?

"It's already up. "

Wrapping around the boy's body, Mio replied softly with her eyes still closed and lightly pressed against his chest.

"The garden has already knocked on the door once. "

"How did you answer?" Xia Zhi asked curiously.

"Answer truthfully. "

Mio replied as a matter of course, "I said that it is inconvenient for you to get up right now on the summer solstice...... Then she left. "

Summer solstice:......

Can't you say you're still sleeping?

He felt that he was among the students...... At least the image of the perfect teacher in Yuanzi's mind may be slightly affected


When Xia Solstice got up and looked at the time on his phone, he realized that it was already past nine o'clock.

It's no wonder Mio said that the girls have already gotten up, even if it doesn't matter what was originally planned to get up early today to rehearse and practice, if it were a normal weekday, the school should have already started at this time, right?

The plan to get up early failed completely.

...... I don't know how their breakfast is solved?

Xia Solstice thought to himself, yawning and walking in the direction of the living room.

Before I got close to the living room, I could hear the girls talking, but it didn't sound like a rehearsal?

He came to the door of the living room and saw everyone gathered together, as if they were talking about something.

Summer Solstice tilted his head sideways.

...... If you don't do the right thing, what are you doing?

"Great, tree!" Yuuki Yuki said with a happy smile as she took the girl's hand.

"Uh-huh!" the girl also had a happy smile on her face. Although there are dark circles left in her eyes that she didn't sleep well last night, she can clearly feel that she is much more cheerful and lively than before...... Maybe it's the tone bonus?

But how did she recover?

Although he was also sincerely happy about the girl's recovery, Togo couldn't help but have such doubts in his heart.

Only Nogi Sonoko, who didn't seem to be very surprised, was also the first teenager she noticed at the door of the living room, with a big smile on her face, and shook her arm at him

"Good morning, Brother Xia Zhi, are you up?"

Her voice also drew everyone's attention. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The others were okay, only Feng saw the young man who appeared at the door, and his face obviously showed a relieved look, which made Xia Zhi feel a little puzzled.

Could it be that she was worried about herself before?

He thought to himself, and looked at the tree in the middle, only to see the girl's gaze fixed on his body.

Seeing this, Feng who originally wanted to say something on the side, after thinking about it, took a step forward, pushed Dongxiang's wheelchair and prepared to walk out of the living room

"Ajdh? wait...... Feng-senpai?" Togo, who was suddenly pushed away by her, asked in a bit of a panic.

"Senior Feng, where are you going to push Togo to?" Yuki Yuna also hurriedly followed.

"Okay, okay, let's leave a little space for the tree, if we're here, she's embarrassed to say something. "

"I didn't...... Sister!" The tree retorted with a red face, but received an obviously perfunctory answer from the girl, "Uh-huh, okay, I know", which made her cheeks redder.

Seeing this, Nogi Yuanzi also said hello to Xia Zhi after thinking about it, and then followed.

In the living room, only Xia Zhi and Shu were left for a while.

Xia Solstice looked at the girl in front of her again.

Facing his gaze, the tree seemed to look away a little shyly. You can see that her eyes are a little red and swollen, and there are some dark circles under her eyes

Obviously, compared to herself who slept sweetly with Mio in her arms last night, the girl should not have slept very well last night.

"Good morning, tree. Xia Zhi said hello to her.

"Good morning, good morning...... Teacher. "

The girl greeted in a soft voice with a hint of nervousness.

Not counting the words that were stopped by herself yesterday, this should be the first time Xia Zhi has heard her call her teacher in reality, right?

Sounds like nothing wrong with it, but it still feels a little hoarse?

Did you cry for too long last night?

That's not going to work.

Xia Zhi thought to himself and continued to ask her: "The voice that I finally got is hard to get, but you have to take good care of it." "

When the girl heard this, she nodded vigorously: "I will cherish it!"

After saying this, she didn't know what came to mind, and her voice immediately lowered again, and she muttered in an inaudible voice

"Because...... This is the voice that the teacher gave me......"

To some extent, though, there's nothing wrong with that.

By its very nature, though

"It's your own voice. Xia Zhi replied.

The tree shook his head, and after taking a deep breath, a look of determination appeared in his eyes.

She stepped forward and gently shook the boy's hand.

Then, with the soft and warm touch of the girl's little hand, Xia Zhi felt that a hard object was stuffed into his hand.

He looked down and saw that it was an MP3.

"This ......"

Facing his puzzled gaze, the tree blushed slightly and explained in a slightly nervous voice

"It was yesterday night, I recorded the song. "

"Because the teacher said he wanted to hear ......"

Then you don't have to record it all night, right?

Looking at the mp3 with the girl's body temperature still in her hand, Xia Zhi probably knew how the little hoarseness in her voice came from.

Still, he didn't say anything. Under the girl's expectant gaze, she put on the headphones and gently pressed the play button.

What came to my ears was the same as last night, and the girl had a soft and melodious singing voice with a hint of immaturity

It's just that compared with the previous songs, maybe it's a different mood, and there seems to be a hint of a different meaning in the singing.

Sounds like a ...... Is it a feeling to sing it specifically to whom?

I guess it's right, after all, I did record it for myself.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and quickly noticed that the melody of the song playing now was different from the song from yesterday's night, and it seemed to be another song

"This is the song I tried to write on my own during this time. The girl explained.

Because you can't sing, do you try to make up your own music......

Xia Zhi nodded, touched her head gently, and said with a smile: "Very good...... I love it. "

If you can sing it live, it will feel even better, right?

It's a pity that the tree must have thought it would be a little shy to do so, so he chose this way.

Receiving his affirmation, a happy smile appeared on the girl's face

She clenched her fists slightly, as if to cheer herself up, took a deep breath again, stepped forward, and hugged the young man's body

"Thank you, teacher. "

Leaning her head against his chest, she whispered

Then, she pursed her lips, waited for a while, gently stood on tiptoe, put her little head next to the other ear where Xia Zhi was not wearing headphones, and opened her small mouth slightly

As if calculating the time, the girl's voice in my ears coincided with the singing in the headphones at this moment

“...... You are, the trail of it. "


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