As the distance approached, the sound of the waves could already be heard in the distance.

What does the sea look like......?

Mio's heart couldn't help but look forward to it.

This mood does not only come from the expectation of seeing the unknown, but also from the desire to witness new things with the teenager

Looking back on my past, all the first times, I have the summer solstice by my side.

So, if it's not with the summer solstice, this expectation is meaningless, right?

Mio thought to herself, and with this anticipation in mind, she gently placed her hand on her chest......


The beach is empty

It's summer and it's a holiday, but there aren't a single tourist on the open beach.

Of course, this is also from the "593" pen of Amnesty.

Under normal circumstances, it is unlikely that the amnesty would be made to make a big fuss in such an unnecessary place just for the brave girls to go out and play.

So, this is actually still a requirement of the summer solstice.

Out of their revenge mentality of pretending to be dead and ignoring themselves, of course how did Xia Zhi toss them and how did they come.

The first step was to charter the entire beach.

And since they are all chartered, Xia Zhi simply didn't look for a parking space, and drove the car directly to the beach and parked.

"Wow——! it's the sea!"

Looking at the endless sea, Yuuki Yuna let out an exclamation of excitement.

However, she did not immediately run out of the car, but turned around and helped Togo up from his seat.

Because the newly recovered legs still need time to adapt, the girl is not able to walk like a normal person for the time being, and still needs the assistance of a person or a wheelchair.

Therefore, after helping Togo up, Yuki Yuna handed her over to Nogi Sonoko first, and he was ready to run to the trunk of the school bus and take the girl's wheelchair off.


Nogi Sonoko patted her chest and said confidently, "I'll help the little eagle get used to it as soon as possible, I'm very experienced in this area!"

You've only experienced it once, haven't you?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

In other words, Mingmingyuan will be able to adapt to it in one night

I see...... Is this also because of the difference between people and human constitutions?

Seeing Dongxiang cautiously get out of the car with the support of the garden, Xia Zhi thought to himself, turned around and asked the silver-haired girl who was still sitting in the co-pilot

"Mio, don't you get out of the car?"

Mio shook her head slightly: "I want to go down with Xia Zhi." "

I don't know what the need for this kind of thing is, but if you're a girl, you'll always care about something particularly symbolic, right?

Xia Zhi didn't pay too much attention to it, and after parking the car, he took her hand and walked down together.

Without the obstruction of the car body, the vision in front of you suddenly opens up

The first thing that catches your eye is the inexhaustible blue under your eyes.

The vast blue sky, with the blue "plain", is dotted with a few white clouds

The sparkling reflection of the sun, the sound of the ebb and flow of the waves, and the smell of a fishy smell that stimulates the nasal cavity.

That's right, it is

"The sea ......," the girl murmured softly with some excitement.

Combining the situation in front of her with the counseling in her head, Mio came to this conclusion.

Just as she took a step and was about to descend the last step of the car

"Wait a minute. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The boy's voice came from her ears, stopping her in her tracks.

"......?" a question mark popped up on Mio's head.

Facing the girl's puzzled eyes, Xia Zhi squatted down slightly and gently untied the straps of the white sandals she was wearing on her feet

Mio blinked, didn't stop, just quietly watched his movements

It wasn't until the girl's two shoes were untied that Xia Zhi straightened up again and said to her, "Okay, come down." "

Mio understood what the boy meant, stuck her foot out of her shoe, and carefully stepped barefoot on the sand.

The beach was a little warm in the sun, but because it was morning, the temperature was just right.

The sand sank slightly with the girl's weight, soft and a little rough, with a hint of warm sand wrapped around her feet.........

The novel experience made Mio can't help but curl her toes, her snow-white feet look more delicate against the yellow-brown rough sand, and the faint cyan meridians appear clear under the delicate and fair skin.

In terms of physical structure, elves are just like humans.

Xia Solstice thought to himself.

"That's it, beach ......"

Mio muttered to herself.

She learned about the sea a long time ago on many of her works. If you ask her about it, there is no doubt that she will be able to speak in more detail than the average person.

However, the sea that exists in my mind is completely different from what I feel with my five senses now, both in terms of presence and detail.

Whether it's the sand beneath your feet, the sea breeze blowing your hair, or the sound of waves in the distance

Everything is so new for a first-time girl.

The stimulation of the senses converged into an indescribable sensation, and Mio narrowed her eyes slightly, and opened her hands as if she were stretching out towards the sea and the sun

How comfortable is that......

On the other side, looking at the happy smile on the girl's face, Xia Zhi's mood also became much more relaxed

It's not really the sea, but it's ...... As long as she likes it, right?

"Summer solstice!"

Just when Xia Solstice was thinking like this, a girl's voice came to his ears, and he came back to his senses and saw Mio looking at him with a smile on his face

"Shall we go down?"


Where to go?

Before Xia Zhi could ask this sentence, he was pulled by the girl's wrist and ran towards the sea

The cold sea water submerged the legs of the two, but Mio didn't care at all to hold the boy's hand and run in the water, constantly making the sound of rattling water

Summer solstice:......

I haven't changed my shoes yet


Listening to the laughter of the girl in her ears accompanied by the sound of the waves, Xia Zhi shook her head gently

As long as Mio likes it

He thought to himself again


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