"There used to be a hunter named Yuanyuan living in the depths of a mountain forest......

A few hours ago, the girls who shared the dormitory were leaning together with their bedding and deliberately turned off the lights, leaving only the white glow of the flashlight, illuminating Togo's pretended gloomy face

As the last activity before going to bed in the evening, they are telling ghost stories.

Let's not mention why ghost stories are told before going to bed

"Why, why is the protagonist's name me?"

Nogi Sonoko hugged the tree next to him and stammered.

She's always been cheerful and lively.,It seems that she's only very afraid of ghost stories.。

"Isn't that more immersive?" said Togo, tilting his head.

"And, for the sake of distinction, I've turned your name upside down. "

The nickname of "Yuanyuan" is reversed, is it still Yuanyuan?

Nogi Sonoko felt that the little eagle seemed to have become a little more evil-minded, but she was not in the mood to complain about this kind of thing now, because the ghost story had continued

"One day, the hunter was hunting outside too late and couldn't find his way home, so he had to start a fire in the mountains and stay for a while......"

Obviously, before she got into the main topic, Nogi Yuanzi was already nervous in her heart, and hugged some of the girls next to her tighter

"Woo ......"

"Garden, let go of 09 quickly! The tree is about to become a ghost!"

"Ah, I'm sorry...... Xiaoshu won't come to me for revenge then, will he?"

"The tree is so kind, so it won't. "

The room suddenly became chaotic.

The tree exhaled a long breath, feeling like it was finally relieving...... I almost thought I was going to die.

It turns out that I divined myself today, and is this what the Grim Reaper card I turned over means?

...... However, sister, what do you mean by pre-booking that you will become a ghost?

She turned her head and looked at her sister in a huff.

On the other side, after everyone had calmed down again, Togo continued to tell the story: "The hunter lit a fire, and the flickering light of the fire dispelled the darkness and illuminated the surrounding scene, and the hunter only then realized that a wrinkled old woman appeared next to him at some point......"



At this moment, even the tree was frightened, and took the initiative to hug the Nogi garden beside him. The two hugged each other and shrunk into the quilt and wrapped them into a ball.

Wind looked down at himself

Ah, was she abandoned by the tree, and why did she go to hug the garden when she was next to the tree?

She felt like she had been hit by the heart.

"Huh, what's wrong?"

Only Yuuki Yuna listened with relish on the sidelines, and when he saw the story stop, he came back to his senses and noticed that the atmosphere was not quite right, and tilted his head in confusion.

Three people suffered "psychological trauma" at once, and it was naturally unlikely that the ghost story would continue to be told, and the story that had not been told at the beginning was forced to stop.

Considering that it was already late, everyone returned to their respective quilts, said hello to each other, and closed their eyes.

The room was quiet again, except for the sound of the girls' breathing echoing through the quiet room.


I don't know how long it took, but Nogi Sonoko slowly opened her eyes and stared at the dark ceiling.

...... Can't sleep.

She thought to herself.

Usually, she is a person who can sleep at any time, even in a serious or lively environment, as long as she doesn't pay attention, she will accidentally fall asleep...... Especially during classes and things like that.

But tonight, she was unusually unable to sleep.

...... In other words, I fell asleep in a daze, but because there was always something in my heart, I couldn't sleep deeply.

It has nothing to do with the ghost story just now.

She was just a little worried, what happened on the boy's side.

It's been hours since he finished that text message to himself.

Before returning to her room to sleep, she also went to the boy's room to take a look, and found that the room was empty, still maintaining the same appearance as when she left.

If you're dating, it's been so long, right? (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

I don't know if something happened to them? Did they eat dinner again?

Nogi Sonoko thought worriedly.

Looking at the ceiling, I don't know how long I was in a daze, and the girl who still couldn't brew sleepiness picked up the mobile phone on the side, lit up the screen and took a look

...... 2:42

It's early in the morning.

I don't know if Brother Xia Zhi are back?

She wanted to send a message to confirm with the teenager, but considering that it was so late, if the teenager really came back and fell asleep, would she disturb him if she sent a text message at this time?

Thinking of this, Nogi Sonoko hesitated a little again.

She pursed her lips, turned her head to look at the black-haired girl who was already asleep beside her, and got up from the bed lightly, deciding to check it out for herself.

It stands to reason that teenagers are gods, adults, and their teachers, and they don't need to worry about anything in any way.

But she just couldn't help but worry.

Why is that?

After thinking for a moment, Nogi Sonoko quickly got an answer

After all, I'm a brave man who protects the gods.

Isn't it natural to care about your own gods and think about them?

...... So, it really has nothing to do with listening to ghost stories and not being able to sleep or anything!

Thinking to herself, the girl changed into clothes that were easy to move around, and gently pushed open the door of the room


Looking at the dark corridor outside, she couldn't help but shudder, and her mind recalled the ghost story that Eagle had told before.

Nogi Sonoko hesitated for a moment and gritted her teeth vigorously

No, you have to be courageous, you are a brave man!

"Nogi Sono's late-night inn exploration is about to begin!"

She clenched her fists in front of her chest, gave herself a sigh, took a deep breath, and walked 100 steps into the darkness in front of her

Although she brought a mobile phone, in order not to disturb the sleep of the girls in the room, she still waited until she left a certain distance before turning on the flashlight switch

The white light dispelled the darkness and illuminated the scene in front of him. Nogi Sonoko glanced back and made sure that there was no old woman or anything like that behind her, before she breathed a sigh of relief and continued to walk

Fortunately, although the inn was quite large, the boy's room was not far from them.

Relying on her memory, the girl groped her way to the door of the familiar room.

Looking at the closed door in front of her, Nogi Sonoko bit her lower lip with some hesitation.

At this time, if you knock on the door and ask questions, if Brother Xia Zhi and they are really asleep, it will also disturb them, right?

So, I just went to listen to it, quietly opened it to take a look, and confirmed that Brother Xia Zhi and they had returned.

Nogi Sonoko thought to herself, and walked forward quietly, her little hand gently holding the doorknob, and leaning her little head closer against the door

However, at this moment, the door was suddenly opened.


With a short exclamation, the sudden opening of the door made her body lose support, and she involuntarily fell forward, and then the whole person crashed into a warm embrace


Looking at the petite girl who fell into his arms, Xia Zhi tilted his head slightly

“...... So, what are you doing here?"


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