In the second half of the night, the moon had completely set.

Compared to when he came out with Mio, the sky at this time was much darker because there were only a few stars left.

But Nogi Sonoko didn't seem to care, still humming a tune softly, with his hands behind his back, walking briskly in front of the summer solstice.

Her long, pale blonde hair hung softly behind her, swaying gently with her footsteps.

Looking at the shallow footprints left on the beach after she walked by, Xia Zhi sighed a little in her heart

I feel that after the date with Mio, it is almost customary to go out on a date with the garden again...... Although this time it was just a simple coincidence.

After eating the supper with the garden, which was almost enough for breakfast, he originally proposed to put the girl to sleep.

For his proposal, of course, Nogi Sonoko will not refuse.

Although she should be able to fall asleep quickly by herself after she has settled down, she has never experienced the sleep service from Brother Xia Zhi, so how can she miss it.

It's just that, although I'm looking forward to it, there will always be a chance for that kind of thing in the future.

...... Until then, she wanted to go outside.

I didn't go out alone, but with the teenager.

Xia Zhi, who would not have let a girl in the garden wander around alone outside at 090 night, faced with her invitation, of course, did not refuse.

"Brother Xia Zhi, will you get used to me too much?"

Nogi Sonoko, who was walking in front, turned around, still backwards with his hands behind his back, looked at him and tilted his head and asked:

"Generally speaking, as a teacher in that situation, you will forbid students to run outside so late, right?"

"Be careful not to fall. "

Xia Solstice reminded her.

"Got it~"

The girl stuck out her tongue, gave up her backward stance, and trotted up to his side, grabbing his arm

"Didn't you say it yourself, do you want to go out for a walk and digest it, and take a look at the sunrise by the sea?"

Xia Zhi rubbed her hair and said.

It's not an excessive request, it's not something you're used to, is it?

To be honest, although I grew up by the sea, I haven't seen much of the sunrise and summer solstice by the sea...... After all, he wasn't interested in that kind of thing in the first place, and he didn't bother to run over to see it early in the morning.

But now, considering that the sunrise is not long away, since there is such an opportunity, it is not a big deal to accompany the girl to come out and see.

"Besides, you seem to have something to say to me, don't you?" he continued.

Nogi Sonoko let out a soft "hum", and did not deny it, but changed the topic and said

"Do you know Brother Xia Zhi, we played a divination game tonight, and Xiaoshu specially gave you a divination. "

"Oh?" the summer solstice came to interest.

He thought about it, and remembered that the tree did seem to have learned divination, but according to her own words, it was only at the level of amateur entertainment.

Although he didn't feel much about divination or anything, he was a little curious about the fact that the girls would divinate for him

"What card did you turn over?"

“...... It's the Grim Reaper. The garden turned its head slightly, and said with some embarrassment.


When you come up, you're cursed to death.

Xia Solstice thought to himself.

Seeing that the young man didn't reply, Nogi Yuanzi hurriedly comforted him: "Ah, but don't care, Xiaofeng's predecessor also said that when Xiaoshu divined others, it is a common thing to turn over the Grim Reaper card, and it is already a classic start." "

Is the tree a dead angel?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart and shook his head gently: "It's okay, I don't care." "

After all, it's just entertainment, and he doesn't really care about things like divination.

"Besides, even if it's a real divination, it's useless to me. "

Nogi Sonoko was slightly stunned: "Why?"

"Because I'm a god, it's not within fate or something, isn't it a basic operation?" Xia Zhi replied.

"Oh! the gods are so powerful~"

The girl showed an expression of amazement and couldn't help but sigh. But then, as if she realized something, she tilted her head slightly

“...... Doesn't this mean that the results of my divination are meaningless?" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Xia Zhi was stunned for a moment: "Is your divination also related to me?"

"Well...... this"

Yuanzi, who realized that he had slipped out, flushed his cheeks slightly, and his gaze drifted elsewhere.

Then she seemed to have discovered something, and her eyes lit up


The girl let go of his hand and ran to the beach in front of her, greeting cheerfully

"Brother Xia Zhi, look, are these your footprints?"

It's a clumsy way to change the subject.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and also stepped forward to come to her side, and sure enough, he saw two long footprints on the beach

He looked up and looked around, judging by the position...... Maybe it's the footprints he left when he and Mio were dating here not long ago, right?

Nogi Sonoko compared her little feet with one of the footprints that was supposed to be from a young girl, and blinked, "My feet are a little smaller than Mio's." "

And rightfully so?

Although Mio's actual age is not too old, she is after all the appearance of a girl about sixteen years old, and compared to the figure of the garden, who is still younger in "age", she is more petite.

...... However, it's not much worse, right?

When Xia Zhi thought so, the girl turned her gaze to another series of footprints next to her.

She thought for a moment, put her little foot in the boy's footprints, and smiled happily

"Brother Xia Zhi, look, it's much smaller than yours!"

Isn't that even more incomparable?

Xia Zhi complained in her heart, and saw the garden looking at the two strings of footprints on the beach for a while, not knowing what she was thinking, and after a while, she raised her head again, looked at herself and asked curiously

"Brother Xia Zhi, what did you do on your date with Sister Mio today?"

"What is this for?"

The summer solstice continues to move forward.

"I'm a little curious, after all, it's a seaside special. "

The garden came up again, and asked with interest beside him:

"Did you have Mio-sama put on a swimsuit for you?"

I forgot about that......

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and after thinking for a moment, he replied, "I did what a couple would do." "

"What about exactly?" the girl tilted her head slightly.

That's paid content.

"Don't you have something to say to me?" In order to avoid talking about the aspects that are inappropriate for children, Xia Zhi also clumsily changed the topic.

Hearing his words, the garden gradually put away the smile on his face and stood still.

Xia Zhi turned to look at her

Under the fading starlight, the girl pursed her lips slightly, and then took a deep breath

“...... It's almost time for a walk, let's go back? Brother Xia Zhi. "

Glancing at the dim sky in the distance, the girl looked at him and proposed

"The sun is about to rise. "


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