Xia Solstice has always been more concerned about one thing.

If the main quest reward after the reset has been increased compared to before, the difficulty of completing the quest has also increased accordingly, and it is understandable why the protection quest reward in the last fixed link has also been increased accordingly.

His eyes fell on the last main quest

[Main quest 4: Protect the lives of all heroines until they leave the dungeon]

In the main quest that has experienced the dream dungeon before,,It's always been the name of the heroine...... Of course, Natsuori's copy may be because the two Natsuori are the same person.

All, means plural.

Could it be ...... Similar to Natsuori's time, the dream game sees the other elves as heroines along with Mio in this mission?

"Brother Xia Zhi?"

The girl's voice pulled Xia Solstice back from his thoughts, and he raised his head and met a pair of pale golden eyes with doubt

"It's the garden, when did you come over?" asked Xia Zhi, touching the girl's head.

"I've been standing here just now, after all, it's such an important thing. Nogi Sonoko said with a wrinkle of her nose.

I deliberately set an alarm clock and got up at this time, but I didn't sleep much.

Brother Xia Zhi doesn't pay attention to her at all.

...... However, the girl thought about it again.

If you want to talk about it, Brother Xia Zhi shouldn't have slept much last night, right?

"Don't you need to sleep a little longer?" she asked, a little worried.

"It's okay, I've finished my morning exercise and I'm full of energy. Xia Zhi replied proudly.

Mio on the side heard this, and her cheeks were inexplicably rosy...... Although it was partly her initiative at the time, she was still shy when she was mentioned in front of others afterwards.

Cong Yun tilted his head, and a question mark appeared on his head.

"Oh~ so amazing!"

Nogi Sonoko seems to be interested

When I usually get up early, I can't recover so quickly.

"What is the morning exercise, can you teach me?" she asked curiously.

Ah, this one......

"I'll talk about it next time. "

Xia Zhi said vaguely.

Sonoko Nogi tilted her head...... I always feel that Brother Xia Zhi seems to be perfunctory to her?

On the other side, feeling the increasingly strange eyes on the side, in order to prevent the girl from continuing to ask, Xia Zhi beckoned to Cong Yun not far away.

Seeing his gesture, Cong Yun happily ran to him.

Xia Zhi touched her head, and with the soft touch of her hand, the tree-like mark on the back of her hand also transmitted a slightly warm temperature.

He took a breath and turned his head to look at Kurumi Tokizaki, who had been quietly watching this side since just now.

"Are you done saying goodbye?"

Kurumi Tokizaki had a playful smile on his face, as if he thought it was funny

"I think you could have said more. "

This is probably the so-called fun man.

"I feel that we should strictly follow the planned time. "

Xia Zhi said that since the plan has been designated, it should be strictly implemented...... Although this time point was also set by him casually last night.

"Yes, Kami-sama~"

Kurumi Tokizaki didn't say anything more, but his gaze fell back to the green-haired girl in front of him, pulling the topic back

"So what do we do next?"

Xia Zhi didn't answer her, and looked at the clouds in front of him.

Noticing his gaze, Cong Yun nodded slightly.

After taking a slight breath, Xia Zhi gently placed her palm on her heart again, just like yesterday.

Received and inherited all the clouds of the Divine Tree, and not only became the current "Divine Tree"...... Under the special mechanism of the dream game reconstruction, even if it does not rely on the constriction of multiple time and space by the Anthropomorphic, she has re-covered all the existences called the "Divine Tree" from back to front, becoming the only "Divine Tree" in this world.

Her existence has been throughout the history of mankind since the arrival of the gods, and along her "roots", it is possible to connect with the past.

...... To put it bluntly, it's just a setting similar to the one in various games that is convenient for different dungeons to jump. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In other words, with the power of the clouds, it is easy to travel to any point in time in three hundred years.

Feeling the young man's wishes, Cong Yun also gently closed his eyes, and a soft holy light lit up around him.

At the same time, the engraving on the back of Xia Zhi's hand lit up slightly, and the slightly hot temperature that had originally come from it became a little hot.

A similar scenario resurfaced, and the illusory timeline unfolded in his mind, stretching forward until three hundred years ago, when the original "end"

Next, as long as the summer solstice chooses a random point in time, you can go to the corresponding era through the body of Cong Yun rooted in the timeline at this moment.

...... How does this sound a little weird?

He shook his head and pulled his mind back.

First of all, the first stop

Xia Solstice thought for a moment

It stands to reason that it doesn't matter if you go to any particular point, and you have to go all over again anyway. But in order to make it easier to sort out the logic and avoid some of the confusion of thinking and senses caused by changing the past, why not start from the beginning along the order of the timeline?

Xia Zhi thought so in his heart, and cast his "gaze" on the original space-time anomaly


"We don't go to any of the peculiar points. "

Just when he was ready to say hello to Mio and Sonoko, and was about to leave, Kurumi Shizaki suddenly said loudly.

"Because there's an elf that's not on this timeline. "

Facing the young man's puzzled gaze, she explained softly.

"The first elf to appear came before the birth of the Sacred Tree, a point in time that the Divine Tree could not reach. "

That's something she couldn't save.

At the same time, it was also the first destruction of this world......

After all, she relied on the power of the Divine Tree to go back to the distant past and unfold the space-time enchantment.

Without the help of the Divine Tree, even if she went to that era, there would be no way to save the elf.

If you want to follow the order, then you have to start with the elf who first appeared, right?

Of course, that's not the most important reason.

"From a certain degree of Cheng (Nuode Zhao), the reason why I chose to use this way of stripping time is also partly because of this. Kurumi Tokizaki went on to say Kai.

The spatiotemporal peculiarities are the protection of the "present" world, and at the same time the barrier of the "past".

According to her explanation, Xia Zhi probably understood that what they did to the stripped time was not so much a cover-up as an excision.

Similar to the filmed timeline of the real world, the stripped time also severes the causal connection between the two ends of time and space.

The four-dimensional space-time barrier protects the world within the barrier, but also blocks the destruction from the past.

If we don't rewrite that history, even if the space-time anomalies behind it are removed, the destruction that was once blocked will once again rewrite the "future" that reconnects to the timeline.

To avoid that situation

"First of all, we have to go to the original end. "

The Time Elf Maiden said.


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