The space-time shrouded in the four-dimensional enchantment shrouded by the "Divine Tree" with the ability of the time spirit spirit and the spirit crystal of the target spirit as the core is different from the normal timeline and cannot be entered through the normal passage of time.

Even the Kurumi, who is a time elf, can't enter those planes that have "never existed" in history with his own ability alone.

This is one of the reasons why she gave up saving those anomalies after helping to unfold the enchantment.

Not because I don't want to, but because I can't even go in again.

Fortunately, this is not a difficult thing for Cong Yun now.

After all, it's a special mechanic set by the dream game for the convenience of the mission

Even if he doesn't use dream points, with the help of the power of Cong Yun, Xia Solstice can freely travel between different special points, which can be regarded as saving him a sum of expenses.

I have to say, this crumb game is quite intimate at times.

"It's not much different from Shikoku 300 years later. "

Walking through the streets of people and cars, Xia Zhi looked around at the high-rise buildings around 09, and sighed in his heart.

Of course, after all, after more than 300 years, in addition to landmark buildings, municipal planning must have undergone a lot of changes.

But that's about the same for the summer solstice...... He didn't know the way anyway.

It's just that there is one thing that the summer solstice is more concerned about.

Along the way, he found that the pedestrians he encountered were basically in a hurry, with a vague look of nervousness and vigilance on their faces, and there seemed to be an unstable atmosphere in the air.

Compared to them, I feel like I'm an alternative when I walk the streets leisurely.

"Many of the people at this point in time had taken refuge from outside Shikoku. "

In his mind, Miss Time Elf, who is a support group, helped explain

At the same time, the people who originally lived in Shikoku were affected by this, and their living space and social resources were squeezed to a certain extent, and the disasters that occurred outside Shikoku caused social instability. "

After listening to the girl's explanation, Xia Solstice roughly understood.

No matter at any time, people always have a certain rejection of outsiders.

Especially in this special case, in the eyes of the indigenous people, these people who have taken refuge from outside Shikoku are like refugees, right?

It is good that the number of people is smaller, but once there are more people, social unrest is inevitable...... At this time, this is a great test of the ability of those in power.

And according to the understanding of the summer solstice, the four countries at this moment should have been controlled by the predecessor of the amnesty, the Taisha.

However, the leaders of those Taisha shrines are all priests, and basically have no experience in politics, so it is still a question whether they can manage these things well.

...... However, that has nothing to do with me.

Xia Zhi didn't have much interest in these things, and there was only one thing he needed to do for the time being

- Find the elf girl in this peculiar spot first.

"It's not that easy. "

Kurumi Tokizaki reminded in his mind.

"The spirit who sacrificed the spirit crystal in order to open up the barrier, although because the original body is human, will not lose the spirit crystal and die like the pure sword spirit, but because of this, he has become an ordinary person again. "

"It's impossible to find her again like Shika and through the anomalies caused by the power of the elves. "

After Xia Zhi heard her words, his expression did not change, and he didn't seem to care about it, but asked curiously:

"You know her well?"

"Of course I'm familiar with it, she's the first elf to cooperate with us in the enchantment. "

"Do you know where she lives now?"

"I don't know. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kurumi Tokizaki replied, "Didn't you say that, after the barrier was completely formed and this time period was stripped away, I couldn't interfere with this point in time, and I don't know what happened inside. "

While it obscured the eyes of the gods, it also blinded its own gaze.

For them at that time, this was also a helpless thing, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and glanced at the shop on the side, and the TV in the window happened to be showing news programs

It is broadcast with some soothing words and about the brave men who can fight monsters.

...... Brave man.

Xia Zhi thought of the garden and their figures.

Compared to the fact that people almost did not know about the brave three hundred years later, for the people of this time period, the brave is almost synonymous with the savior

In the current situation where human beings are almost helpless against the apostles of the gods, the only brave man who can fight against the gods has become their only reliance, and the tool used by the upper echelons to stabilize people's hearts.

Xia Zhi thought in his heart, and after shaking his head, he didn't care about this kind of thing for the time being.

Let's find the elf first and then talk about 300.

He was lost in thought again

There is no doubt that now that Kurumi Tokizaki can't provide much useful information, it is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack to find an ordinary girl in such a large area under the special circumstances of so many outsiders pouring in at the same time.

However, when it comes to finding people, Xia Solstice has its own special methods.

Thinking to himself, he went to the newspaper on the side, bought a map of Shikoku, unfolded it in his hand, and after briefly glanced at the detailed areas and routes on it, he took a slight breath

"Setting, on the next map, there will be about ...... Uh......"

Halfway through the sentence, Xia Solstice was slightly stuck.

He thought about it for a moment and asked Kurumi Tokizaki in his mind:

"Speaking of which...... What's the name of that elf you're talking about?"

"Did you say her?" said Tokizaki for a moment.

"If memory serves, her name is ......"

After a moment of recollection, the girl whispered

Trapped in this plane, the name of the elf who needs to be saved:

“...... Miku. "


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