The morning sunlight poured in through the window and slapped lazily on the large bed in the room, bringing a slight warmth. The branches of the trees outside the window blew in the breeze, causing the mottled shadows of the trees to fall in the room to sway gently.

The alarm clock rang, and the girl on the bed moved her eyelashes slightly and slowly opened her eyes.

...... Where is it?

Looking at this peaceful and warm scene in front of her, the eyes of the cross-handed jasmine were confused.

It was a long time before she came to her senses.

...... Ah, I've returned to a peaceful world.

The girl shook her head and pulled her thoughts back from the "afterglow" of yesterday, when she was still trying to escape.

In other words, why do you set this alarm clock?

Looking at the alarm clock placed at the head of the bed, she thought for a long time in a daze, and then her eyes widened slightly.

"Oh no! It's too late!"

Remembering that she still had important things to do, the girl hurriedly jumped out of bed, got dressed, and ran out of the room.

"Ah, good morning Jasmine~"

Yuna Takashima, who was sitting at the dining table, saw the girl coming out of the room and happily greeted her.

"Good morning, Ayu!"

Jasmine's eyes wandered around the apartment, but she didn't see the boy.

Her gaze fell on the closed door that belonged to the boy's room

Haven't you gotten up yet?

Or is it ......

"That...... What about Lord Summer Solstice?" she asked cautiously to the Brave Maiden.

"Eh, did you say Mr. Xia Zhi?" Takashima Yuna tilted her head slightly and replied, "He's already out." "

"By the way, these two udon noodles are also the breakfast he made for us, super ~ delicious, Jasmine, come and try it!"

Looking at the red-haired girl who was greeting her warmly, Jasmine's gaze fell on the steaming udon on the table, and she couldn't help but fall silent

On the first day of serving the gods, not only did he not get up early, but he asked the gods to cook breakfast for himself...... My life as a shrine maiden seems to be over at the beginning.


The encounter with Hinata Kamisato and Yuna Takashima was just a small episode.

For the summer solstice, the more important thing is the matter on Miku's side.

"This time and space is only one month." Kurumi Tokizaki reminded him.

The time for the anomaly is limited, and if it fails, you have to start all over again.

In other words, within a month, let a girl who no longer trusts others explain her happiness to herself?

Xia Zhi thought about it, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and sent a text message to the mailbox of Kamisato Hinata that he saved yesterday.

It didn't take long for him to get an answer. After a brief glance, he put his phone back away and walked towards Miku's house.

Coming to the door of the elf girl's house, Xia Zhi reached out and knocked on the door as he did yesterday.

However, nothing happened.

It stands to reason that when everything was already negotiated yesterday, the girl should not hide like yesterday and don't want him to enter the door.


Xia Zhi frowned and knocked on the door again.

After waiting for a long time, there was still no movement in the house.

“...... She's not going to forget to turn off the gas, is she?"

Xia Zhi said, taking out his phone from his pocket

Kurumi Tokizaki: "......"

Generally speaking, you think about going to bed late, right?

Moreover, what is the operation of calling people while saying that they forget to turn off the gas?

I saw that there were several phone calls, and the girl didn't mean to pick up

After waiting in place for a while, Xia Solstice had no choice but to come to a physical version of the Avada Cave.

"Mr. Xia Zhi, you are very skilled in opening the door. "

"I even pried open the door of my teacher's house. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

While chatting and joking with Miss Time Elf in her heart, Xia Zhi walked into the house.

The curtains in the living room were closed, making the room look a little dark. The inside is still the same as when he left yesterday, and it looks like the girl didn't clean up much, so she went back to sleep.

Simply glanced at the cup he left on the coffee table yesterday, and had no intention of helping others tidy it up for the time being, according to yesterday's memory, Xia Solstice walked up the stairs and came to the door of the girl's bedroom.

He didn't need to use the lockpicking charm again this time...... The girl's door was not closed at all.

After thinking about it, Xia Zhi took out his mobile phone and made another call.

After a short wait, a cell phone ringtone came from inside

Sure enough, this man is still sleeping.


Miku has insomnia.

She was no stranger to insomnia, and she didn't know how many such sleepless nights she had spent after being betrayed by people she thought were fans.

But this time the insomnia was different.

Not because of the people who betrayed her, nor because of the discomfort and emaciation in her heart, but just because of one person......

Lying on the bed, Miku, who was lying on the bed, kept recalling the words of the boy in the morning.

Is he really here to save himself?

The girl's heart resisted to believe

Obviously, he has decided not to trust anyone anymore, and obviously that person also said it, so he thinks he is deceiving himself.

But, like he said before.

If they hadn't come for themselves, who would have come to this irrelevant plane

Her heart was full of confusion.

...... Can you really be saved?

The girl muttered to herself.

After tossing and turning in bed for a long time (Zhao Dehao), she finally fell asleep in a daze.

I don't know how long she slept, but she was woken up by a shock, and opened her eyes in a daze, but met a pair of black eyes

"'Hurry up, I've got you breakfast.'" Xia Zhi looked at the cute appearance of the girl who had just woken up and was sleepy-eyed, and reminded like this.

Ah, thank you......

The girl subconsciously wanted to answer, but found that she couldn't make a sound

She was confused and wanted to get her phone, but halfway through her hand, her mind gradually cleared up, and she blinked in a daze.

...... Wait, why is he here!?

Miku, who finally realized what had happened, opened her eyes wide and opened her mouth to scream

Subsequently, she found out again

I still can't make a sound.

...... That's fine.


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