This orc mercenary from the Iron Fang Mercenary Group drew the blood-red spear in those legendary equipment, which was like two pieces of root whiskers entangled, but although looking at the large knife hanging from his waist, you can see that the weapon that the other party is good at is not a spear, but this does not affect the orc mercenary to touch the card in his hand as gentle and reluctant as touching the girl's skin. It can be imagined that if this orc mercenary does not plan to hand over the spear he draws, I am afraid that there will be another lucky spearman in this world from now on.

"Shopkeeper, this gun is...?!" Looking

at the orc mercenary who looked at him with an excited face, Li Ziqing thought about it, and still did not inform the other party that he had added a negative attribute that reduced the user's lucky value in the process of making this Longinus gun.

Of course, the effect of this negative attribute will not be too excessive.

After all, it's just his whimsical bad taste, at most, he will go out and forget his wallet, eat and stuff his teeth, be bumped when walking, buy lottery tickets and lose all times.

And at this moment, he also glimpsed the carriage parked in a corner not far from his shop, and then from above came a woman with long emerald green hair, wearing a dark aristocratic military uniform, giving people a fierce temperament, and Li Ziqing also recognized the other party at a glance as the target Kuerxiu Karsten, but the other party did not seem to intend to alarm his side, so he chose to come on foot?

Watching the other party and the sword ghost quietly integrate into the surrounding crowd, it seems that he intends to observe the appearance first, and Li Ziqing behind seeing this scene also smiled slightly, just taking the opportunity to introduce the Lankinus gun ability to the orc mercenaries, intending to let the head of the Karsten family see the world, and also lay the foundation for the next cooperation plan. So he first brewed a mood, and then saw him suddenly said in an extremely pompous manner:

"Wow, let's congratulate this mercenary gentleman! You really won this 1 in 10,000 probability


!His extremely pompous words instantly attracted the attention of everyone present, and they all looked at the golden card in the hand of the orc mercenary, and then couldn't help but exclaim...

!"Someone actually won the draw?

!" "No! I thought it was all a gimmick!"

You look at that mercenary badge, the people of the Iron Fang Mercenary Group are not enough to do such a thing, if it is revealed that the reputation of the famous Iron Fang Mercenary Group is damaged, this is not just one or two meteor weapons can make up for it!"

Is it true?" Listening

to the fierce discussion around him, Wilheim, who was once a sword ghost, frowned slightly... Although there was no evidence, his intuition as a swordsman told him that there was definitely a ghost in it, especially after seeing the pretentious and pompous expression of the shopkeeper who was rumored to be able to cast powerful magic, and then he told this opinion to

Kuerxiu on the side———— "Lord Kuerxiu." In a contemptible opinion, this so-called lottery to get meteor weapons is actually a scam, you must know that every meteor weapon is extremely rare, but this store can actually put out five or six pieces in one go?

After all, the other party is a godsend with [Wind Protection], who can interpret the invisible wind direction of ordinary people, and can also apply this ability to people, read the changes in their emotional "wind direction", and then judge whether their words and deeds are lies.

However, the reply from Ku Erxiu made him stunned.

“...... Well, I know. The

hesitation between her words could be heard by anyone.

And Wilhelm also suddenly looked at Kuerxiu, and then he saw an extremely hesitant and hesitant expression, but it was precisely here that made Wilheim feel strange! Because according to his understanding of Kuerxiu, the other party was by no means the kind of person who easily shook his inner thoughts. Without letting Wilhelm wait more, Kuerxiu, who was also clear about what the other party was thinking, quickly gave his own explanation:

"The other party has noticed us. When

the first sentence came out, Wilheim only frowned slightly, but the second sentence that followed made his eyes widen suddenly!

"Wilheim, you are right, this seemingly fair event is likely to be a real scam, and the shopkeeper can indeed manipulate the probability to affect the outcome of the lottery." But have you ever thought that this meteor weapon drawn by the mercenary from the Iron Fang is actually under the control of that shopkeeper? This meteor weapon was deliberately displayed in front of us by the shopkeeper———— I guess, the other party is very clear about the purpose of our coming, or is the other party here for this?"

"What?!" Hearing

Kuerxiu's bold speculation, Wilheim, who was originally still calm and serious, instantly felt goosebumps... If it is really as Lord Kuersius said, then this feeling that all his thoughts and actions are clearly predicted by others is too strange and terrifying!

On the other side, Li Ziqing is still introducing the "glorious history" of his copycat version of Longinus' gun.

"I have to say, guest, your luck is really good, you actually won this top-notch weapon that is one of the best even among the legendary equipment! You must know that in the otherworldly legend, this holy spear is a blood-stained spear that pierces the body of a holy son with your own hands!"

You should be regarded as the son of the gods, in short, although this gun is not the prototype of the holy gun, it still has extremely terrifying power, not only can the gun lock the enemy's key points, but also has a terrible curse that makes the wound that cannot heal!"

"Wow, is it so terrifying?!" "

The spear that once pierced the son of the god, is that world also on the other side of the Great Falls?

I always feel that this ability is very familiar... It seems that I heard similar abilities a long time ago, but I just can't remember it, it's really strange?" Hearing

the self-talk of a knight on the side, Wilheim, who had planned to accompany Kuerxiu to continue to observe, suddenly froze———— at the same time, this knight also seemed to notice the strange appearance of the white-haired old man next to him, and when he followed his line of sight and saw Wilheim's face, the knight was suddenly startled! Then thinking of his unintentional words just now, his face turned pale instantly, and he couldn't care about the lottery, and now he just wanted to take advantage of the fact that the sword demon had not noticed him, and quickly leave here!

Compared to these, the old man stared at the Longinus spear in the hands of the orc mercenaries. Thoughts boiled in his mind; memories once again appeared before his eyes... If I remember correctly, she also had red hair as gorgeous as flames like this Longinus gun?

Unconsciously, the old man's eyes were a little moist.

And Ku Erxiu, who was standing next to him, also discovered this... I saw that after a moment of silence, she suddenly squeezed out the restless crowd and came to the front of the orc mercenary and Li Ziqing, and then in the eyes of the two who were a little puzzled, the head of the Karsten Duke's family first saluted a standard knightly salute to the orc mercenary in front of him, and then without the slightest greeting, he directly entered the subject and said: "Are you willing to trade this meteor weapon in your hand?"

Ha, what are you kidding?" Obviously

, the orc mercenaries did not intend to give Kuer face. However, just when the orc mercenary was about to push away Kuerxiu in front of him and was about to continue to communicate with Li Ziqing about what was special about Longinus's gun, his afterlight suddenly glanced at the family emblem of Duke Karsten's house hanging on his chest by Kuerxiu, and then everyone saw the orc mercenary's face instantly changed into an extremely humble look, but before the orc mercenary was ready to negotiate the price with Kuerxiu, he saw that Wilheim, who had just fallen into memory, recovered his consciousness at this moment, and suddenly came to the middle of the two and stopped Kuerxiu.

"Lord Kuerxiu.

Kuerxiu looked at Wilhelm in front of him and asked in a low voice:

"Wilheim, don't you really need it?"

Things like touching the scene are better than waiting until I succeed in taking revenge on that beast. "

Ok... I understand. After

an extremely riddler's dialogue, the conversation between Wilheim and Cuersius ended. And the orc mercenaries who were planning to scold Duke Karsten's family in front of him were also a little confused after seeing this scene. And the only person in the audience who can roughly understand their conversation is Li Ziqing, right?

I saw him thoughtfully looking at his copycat version of Longinus's gun, and then at Wilheim, and his heart suddenly realized....

'Huh... Obviously it was just a hybrid product that was forced to fuse other spear special skills because it could not attach the god-killing attribute attack, but accidentally collided with the wife of this sword ghost? Not only is it the same as that sword saint's protection in terms of ability, but even the color is the same red?"

Then he looked at Ku Er Xiu again, and thought with some surprise:

Looking at the look in the eyes of the Duke of Karsten's housekeeper, it was already certain that I had come for her? Could it be that this is the sixth sense of being a woman, or is it the result of her judgment through the kind of protection that can discern lies?'


the situation is quite interesting.

Ku Erxiu knew that Li Ziqing was here for her.

Although this was based on an accidental misunderstanding, it was the orc mercenary who just drew the legendary equipment that led to Ku Er Xiu guessing the result, but he actually guessed the fact by mistake; and Li Ziqing also knew that Ku Er Xiu also knew his intentions through the annoying eyes of Ku Er Xiu looking at him, but knowing that the timing of the orc mercenary's drawing of legendary equipment was really just luck, he did not think in this direction, only because of Ku Er Xiu's intuition or the influence of protection.

However, no matter how interesting it is, when Ku Er Xiu no longer chooses the identity of a bystander but chooses to officially appear, then both sides are clear that it is time to enter the next stage———— Ku Er Xiu

is examining Li Ziqing.

At first, she didn't know anything about the other party. At that time, she was still preparing for the crusade against Moby Dick, such as a series of selection of crusaders, the purchase of weapons and equipment, and the transfer of logistics materials, etc., it was obviously only early in the morning, but Kuerxiu still got up early and came to the study to personally arrange these tasks, which shows her seriousness and meticulousness.

However, it didn't take long for Ku Erxiu, who was in a working state, to receive a report from his subordinates that a new weapons shop had been opened in the royal capital. If only these Ku Er Xiu would not care, at most he would arrange for his subordinates to go to that weapons shop to check the level, and if he could, he could entrust the other party to build equipment specifically for the Moby Dick Crusade Team, but the next words of his subordinates made Ku Er Xiu, who was originally normal-faced, couldn't help but wonder for a while whether his ears were still working properly———— and the original words of his subordinates were as follows:

"That shop is still selling meteor weapons!"

"The way the other party sells it is also very peculiar, it is a method called a lottery, a bit like the way casinos gamble!"

It is said that the shopkeeper is not an ordinary person, and he is suspected to be a powerful

magic envoy!" Hearing this, Ku Erxiu instantly couldn't sit still!

Combined with the words of his subordinates, it can be learned that a magic envoy with a very high level of magic came to the royal capital to open a weapons shop, presumably to promote the store, that magic envoy actually put out five or six meteor weapons in a row———— what does this mean?

It means that the other party can create meteor-level equipment

, and the production difficulty is not low

! For Kuerxiu, who is about to prepare for a beluga whale crusade and wants to do everything well, this magic envoy is undoubtedly a blessing!

Out of trust in his subordinates, without saying a word, Kuersius pulled up Wilheim, who was still leisurely watering in the courtyard, got into the carriage and set off towards the location of the weapons shop. Then in the carriage, she finally calmed down, coupled with a series of doubts raised by Wilheim, who was in charge of the coachman, about this kind of good thing, and also made Kuerxiu's original excitement suddenly poured cold water, but she still did not choose to return, but continued to observe the shop according to the original plan before it was not too late.

And then it's about what just happened.

Came to the store near the car in advance, and Wilheim pretended to be an onlooker to observe whether the rumor was true or false, just happened to bump into the orc mercenary "accidentally" opened a meteor weapon, Wilheim heard the ability of the meteor weapon and touched the scene, he chose adult beauty to buy the meteor weapon, Wilheim came back to his senses to stop his behavior... Finally, there is a head-on contact with the unknown but purposeful magic in front of him.


you just speculate from the other party's occupation and behavior, it is likely that after hearing some of the Duke Karsten's family rumors, they think that they need sophisticated weapons and equipment, so they appeared in the royal capital to open a weapons shop, intending to make money from their side?

'" But this inference must not be carefully examined. The reason is that with the strength of the other party, whether it is the Gustik Holy Kingdom in the north or the Holy Vladian Empire in the south, they can easily seek the position of the chief forger of the country, and they can also play their own world in the Karalaraki metropolitan country in the west, but the other party does not choose anything, but chooses himself

?''Could it be that he values the Duke Karsten's family?

''... No, compared to those countries, the Duke Karsten's family is absolutely incomparable even if it is powerful. '

Or your own appearance?''

No, no, no, this conjecture is even more ridiculous. ''


Isn't this much stronger than the identity of the 'chief forger'?'

Although it hasn't been in the outside world for a long time, a burst of brainstorming has begun in the back of Ku Erxiu's mind at this moment...!

A large number of extremely terrifying conspiracy theories were made up by her brain one after another, and even because it was her own brain made up the conjecture, Ku Er Xiu was even more ingrained in this, so that the more she thought about it, the more reasonable it was, and in the end, Ku Er Xiu was even extremely surprised to find that if the other party really operated according to the plan she deduced, then this magic made the shopkeeper really have a good probability of entering the Kingdom of Rugnica!

If he can't guess the truth behind the other party's seemingly friendly behavior, then as the head of Duke Karsten's family, he will instantly become the most despicable traitor!

On the other side, Li Ziqing also looked at Ku Erxiu's face strangely, first blue and white, and then the other party looked back at himself with an extremely jealous and fearful look, such an inexplicable action really made him a little confused... Is my smile too stiff


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