
" "Rozval, Rem, Ram, why are you eating lunch so early... As

the door of the restaurant was opened, everyone present, including Li Ziqing, looked at the silver-haired beautiful girl who pushed the door open———— purple and white dress, although there was no gorgeous decoration, the simple shape set off its presence. There was a small white flower pinned to her silver-white hair, her slender soft little hand was gently covering her lips, and her intellectual blue purple eyes looked at Li Ziqing in surprise, and she could see that the fact that there was suddenly an extra guest in the mansion made this half-elf lady really a little overwhelmed. But it is this unexpected overwhelm that makes her seem calm and mature on the outside a little more contrasting and cute.


""Oh, oh, oh~ This is really the arrangement of fate! I was just thinking about how to introduce Li Ziqing to Master Emilia, you~ but I didn't expect the opportunity to appear suddenly!".

Just when everyone was still surprised by the appearance of this unexpected visitor who suddenly appeared and broke the current atmosphere, Rozval, who was out of place with the people around him and seemed to have expected it for a long time, also clapped his hands unhurriedly, signaling everyone to turn their attention back to him, and then saw him reveal the identity of this silver-haired beautiful girl who suddenly broke in————That's right!

She is one of the five kings of Lugonica at the moment.

It is the E· M·T。

She is also the "Ice Witch" from the Great Forest of Elior.

As for why Rozval, who is obviously a border lord, would call Emilia an adult? This is actually very understandable.

Although Emilia, as one of the king's choices, is undoubtedly the least likely of the four camps, as long as the king has not been officially selected one day, no matter how low Emilia's odds are, she is also the undoubted candidate for the king of this country, and she is the dragon witch chosen by the dragon calendar stone and the dragon herself.

And although Rozval's status is outstanding, it is still only the aristocratic class of this country, not the ruling class, not to mention that he Rozval himself is also a supporter of Emilia, so it is reasonable that he is not wrong to shout "adult".

However, is this the eldest daughter of the author's old thief Changyue?

Even according to someone's original words, the original intention of writing Re0 was to write about Emilia, and even in the setting of the work, he was admired as the most beautiful woman... Sure enough, as he described, it was a beauty that shouldn't exist in the world~

Especially that beautiful silver hair, it's really amazing

! It's just a perfect trigger for the special attack of the Chong people!

———— Li Ziqing thought.

On the other side, Emilia noticed that the guest Rozval was entertaining was staring at her... Because of her disgusting "ugly" appearance, she has been unusually sensitive to the gaze of others since she was a child, and this time it is the same. didn't dare to think at all, Emilia, who had low self-esteem, subconsciously thought that Li Ziqing was another guy who hated her appearance, and the tragic experience of being feared and discriminated against by the people around her resurfaced in front of her eyes, so that she subconsciously picked up the robe embroidered with the "eagle-like bird" totem on her body, and dodged her gaze......!"


And Emilia subconsciously made such a humble move, Li Ziqing who saw it suddenly frowned, but soon he reacted that this kind of look might be misunderstood, and immediately forcibly pressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, and the familiar smile appeared on his face again———— but everyone present could see that unlike the fake smile with Rozval, this time it was Li Ziqing from the heart and extremely sincere.

Then, they looked at Emilia's appearance and thought that they had guessed the truth that Li Ziqing's attitude had changed so much before and after.

But it was clear that everyone present couldn't understand Li Ziqing's aesthetics, and even Rozval, an ancient man from 400 years ago, thought so.

And this involves the different values of the two worlds.

In the minds of the people of this world, pure silver hair or pure half-elf blood is not like this, about the former, there are more people with silver hair in this world, and even the silver hair that will inevitably occur after living beings enter the old age stage You can't discriminate against it, right?

As for the latter, a half-elf hybrid is indeed more discriminated against than the former, whether it is a human or a subhuman, both races are quite unkind to see this kind of clansman mixed with another bloodline, but there is a limit to this kind of discrimination.

For example, in the Flakian Empire, because of its meritocracy system, racial discrimination was not particularly severe because of the fact that it did not place as much emphasis on race or social status as in other countries.

But if you have all the three elements of [Silver Hair], [Half-Elf] and even [Female], it is not just a simple prejudice, but a naked fear

! discrimination! and even hatred!

Because these elements are the three characteristics of a jealous witch!

And the Witch of Jealousy was the culprit who caused the catastrophe of destruction four hundred years ago, and it was she who buried all the history of 400 years ago, and her influence was so great that to this day, after four generations, she is still considered the supreme evil, and anything related to her is feared and persecuted by people.

And among the countless stories about her, there is a legend that sounds quite similar at first glance———— in that legend, although the Jealous Witch was finally sealed by the Three Heroes team composed of the Sage, the Sword Saint and the Divine Dragon, the evil spirit of the Jealous Witch managed to escape the seal. For 400 years, her soul has been reincarnated in the world, trying to gather evil powers, break the seal laid by the sage, and then destroy everything again



Some people may think that this legend is simply nonsense.

After all, there is no basis for this kind of thing at all, in other words, if the soul of the jealous witch really escaped the seal, then 400 years is not enough for her to recover?

But alas, the world is always ignorant. Especially in this era when the special power is abandoned, it is almost the same as the Middle Ages of Li Ziqing's earth, and the people of the world cannot be expected to be rational.

Coupled with the encouragement of certain forces, this legend gradually spread to all corners of the world, and then more people believed it to be true, and then they continued to spread it with more conviction until it spread throughout the world!

This is the true portrayal of the idiom "three people become tigers".

Emilia was the victim of this rumor.

Silver-haired, half-elven blood, and self-recognizable feminine traits are exactly what the Jealous Witch looks like in the legend!

She is not the reincarnation of the Jealous Witch, who is


As a victim of rumors, Emilia grew up in such an environment———— no, not all of them. At least more than a hundred years before she was frozen by her own power, she also spent a period of princess-like treatment under the care of her adoptive mother Fortuna and Jus, but she lost control in the battle with the false witch Pandora, and then Pandora erased the memories of this period, and she also spent a hundred years in the ice until Parker, who was looking for her, was freed.

Then, with Parker as her only to rely on, Emilia begins a hard life alone... Disgusted by the world, she could not appear in front of the world at all, so she could only hide her appearance and go to several villages around the Great Forest of Eliore to exchange the wild fruits and medicinal herbs she had worked hard to collect for the necessary materials for life, during which time Emilia even spent seven years drawing an extremely detailed and complete map of the Great Forest of Elior.

What's even more pitiful is that because she doesn't want to see her body disliked by the people around her, all Emilia has never looked in the mirror once since she was a child, and she doesn't know what she looks like.

And the inhabitants of this world need to be thankful that Li Ziqing is not aware of these things. If he knew, God knew what kind of terrifying behavior Li Ziqing would do in a state of rage, and it was not impossible to even destroy the world?

However, although Li Ziqing didn't know these inside stories, just seeing Emilia so afraid of the eyes of others, even almost frightened, he couldn't help but feel a burst of anger in his heart... was bullied by his peers when he was a student because of the death of his parents, and the picture of being an orphan came into Li Ziqing's eyes again, and he was even more distressed when he could empathize with Emilia's experience.

So Li Ziqing didn't care about his personality in the impression of Rozval and others collapsed, only to see him push away the chair and stand up, and then went straight to Emilia who was constantly dodging her gaze, in front of everyone, stretched out his left hand———— gently put it on her head and kept stroking, and at the same time said in a kind tone:

"Don't worry, don't be afraid, girl. It's not your fault that you look like you, and you're not a reincarnation of Shatila or anything like that, you're you, you're unique. You must also believe that even if you are not known, there are still people in the world who will feel sad and sad for you, so even if it is for the expectation of those people, you must definitely cheer up!"

"Come, come with me: Come on, come on!"

"Hey, come on... Come on... Come on?"

Emilia, who felt the warmth above her head, tilted her head as she looked at Li Ziqing, who was talking about chicken soup for the soul, and subconsciously followed his words and reread them, and at the same time, several pictures suddenly flashed in her mind when she was touched on her head... The vague figure in her memory seemed to be touching her head, but strangely, she couldn't remember when it happened, let alone who the strange figure in her memory was. I just think that unfamiliar figure should be very familiar to me... It should be familiar... It should not be forgotten... At

this moment, Emilia suddenly felt some inexplicable wetness in the corners of her eyes, and she wanted to wipe it off with her fingers, but the wetness became more serious, and finally formed a line of tears.

'Am I crying?'

Emilia finally reacted.

At this moment, I saw a gemstone decoration on Amilia's chest suddenly shine, and then I saw a small animal with soft gray hair, a small body, and a feline shape burst out of the light, and the sharp-eyed Li Ziqing even found that the other party's posture happened to be the appearance of a member of the largest underworld force in the universe flying high with one hand when he appeared on the stage, which is considered a tribute

Seeing that this feline creature appeared at the moment of appearance, he stared at Li Ziqing who was close in front of him, and then without the slightest hesitation, he stretched out his claws and pounced on him, and at the same time kept shouting in his mouth:

"It's your kid who makes my daughter cry

!" "Eat me a cat fist!" "

Watch me take a crow plane again

!" "Then there will be another black tiger to dig out the heart! Mount Tai is on the top! Two dragons play with pearls! Mantis fist! Serpentine step! Lotus floating! Scorpion palm!" Flamenco Dance Steps!Flying Hammer!Cat Landing!Bear's Paw Attack!Cat Shake Water!Cat Turn!Flying Crane Catches Shrimp!Orangutan Breaks Branches!"


And the claws seem to be fierce and powerful, but in fact, there is room for moves, it seems to be grabbing Li Ziqing, but in fact, it is just grabbing the air in front of him. Maybe...... This is a kind of peerless magic skill that kills the air around the enemy by claws to achieve the goal of suffocating

the enemy to death? And Li Ziqing obviously has a deep understanding of the essence, so while using two fingers against the enemy, he did not forget to retort:

"Oh! It turns out that you are your father-in-law! Disrespectful and disrespectful~

" "But father-in-law, who told you that I made your daughter cry? Obviously, your daughter touched the scene and thought of some inseparable past, so she unconsciously shed tears, okay?"

Hearing this, Parker's offensive became more rapid

! "Who told me? It was my eyes that saw it! And one more thing... Who!yes!you!father!ah!Don't think about my daughter's good looks!Tell you!Want to get my daughter's heart, unless you step over my corpse

!"Roar~Didn't choose to stay away but got close to me

?""How can I get you flying if I don't get

closer?"Roar!Then you might as well get closer, Parker!"

"Wood big wood big

!" "Ora Ola!"

You guys...... Don't fight anymore

!" Just when the two sides were gearing up to fight, Emilia finally broke free from the memory pictures that flashed in her mind one after another, listening to the jokes between Li Ziqing and Parker, especially hearing Li Ziqing call Parker his father-in-law, and Parker's sentence "I want to get my daughter's heart, unless I step on my corpse" was even more shy and angry, and didn't care about anything else, hurriedly came to the position between the two of them, and forcibly separated them!

"Roar, it doesn't look like you can fight?" Li

Ziqing spread his hands and said to Parker flying in the air with his eyes. Then Parker gave him a look: "Why, don't my daughter come to persuade me, you really plan to fight with me?" I tell you, I am very fierce and terrible

!'" And also! In the chicken soup for the soul that you just comforted my daughter, who is the unknown person who will be sad for Emilia? How much do you know?'


To this, Li Ziqing did not answer. Instead, he looked at Emilia again, and while everyone was still immersed in the farce just now, he suddenly said

, "Is it really good for you to do this?"

"A conspirator who pretended to support Emilia as the chosen one for the sake of the so-called prophet of the Gospels, but in fact did not care what she really thought in her heart. "

The other does care about Emilia, but is spoiled by being too caring, preferring to keep her in a cage as a canary than to tell her the truth. You don't realize that Emilia has become completely dependent on you, and if you continue like this, Emilia will never grow up. You should also know that you can't be by her side forever... Isn't it?

" Plotter Rozval

: "!!" doting old father Parker: "!!

" canary Emilia in a cage: "!!"

No one thought that Li Ziqing would be so aware of these extremely secret things. What they can't imagine is that Li Ziqing will choose to give it all up, directly exposing everyone's hidden cards, forcing the situation to become open cards directly

! But they don't know that Li Ziqing at the beginning actually upholds the same idea as them———— but after witnessing Emilia's performance, a nameless fire rose in his heart, so he didn't plan to continue to hide and cooperate with the rules

of the game! He was tired, and he also understood!

Obviously, he has absolute strength, but he chooses to abide by the rules of this invisible game because he is afraid that the plot will be ruined and he will not be able to continue the unpredictable prophet, is this reasonable? This is very unreasonable!

Therefore, he chose to flip the table.

Isn't it just a few ant-sized sin priests + a false witch and a melancholy demon hidden behind the scenes?

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