Regulus Konyas, a priest of Desire, is dead.

Half of his death was because he got carried away, and the other half was because he met Li Ziqing, a person with absolute strength and a good knowledge of both of his powers.

It has to be said that the more superficial the "invincible" ability, the more disadvantageous it is, and the "lion's heart" power possessed by Regulus is a classic interpretation of this truth. Although he can completely stop the time of his physical body, and even the things he touches are forbidden to change, the heart itself must beat, and the stop beating time cannot exceed 5 seconds.

The other power, the Tiny King, makes up for the duration of this invincibility skill.

The effect of this power is to integrate the heart with the subject's heart by placing it in the target's body, thus making Regulus invincible for no time limit.

But success is also Xiao He, and defeat is also Xiao He.

Li Ziqing grasped the drawbacks of the scope of this power, he first searched for the wives who were stored by Regulus, reminded them in advance with the clones, and then used the same move as Emilia in the original book to freeze them, so as to successfully let the power determine that the wives had died one after another, so that Regulus's heart had to return to himself.

Finally, the time was calculated, and at the moment when Regulus was unable to maintain his power, he used the instant death magic "Banshee's Howl", which was enhanced by "Death is the End of All Life", to end the opponent.

A set of processes is smooth and silky.

People who have used it say yes.

Dead Regulus: Hmm, open the microphone for me!

After killing Regulus, Li Ziqing ignored Kurxiu and the others who hurried over, but directly cast several different detection spells on the spot, and soon "captured" a short figure on the northern border of the Fortel Plain.


just that like Regulus just now, the current Lyy Badenketos can't see the evil temperament that a wicked priest should have, but is like a panicked deer, while fleeing frantically, he also looks behind him in horror from time to time, muttering "monster" and "A guy of that level is not food at all, but a monster!" and other words.

Before Li Ziqing could continue to observe, the fleeing Lei Badenketos seemed to be aware of the fact that he was being spied on, and then with a wave of his hand, Li Ziqing was a little surprised to find that the picture of his monitoring magic suddenly became hazy.

The ability that Badenketos himself possessed, but the ability of an opponent whose memories he had eaten, was then reproduced by the gluttonous Ley Badenketos.

But even if he did cover it up, it was still too late.

Seventh Order: < Upper Transfer>

After transferring the space according to the position previously locked to the Gluttony Teacher, the picture in front of Li Ziqing's eyes turned, and the next moment, the short figure of Ley Badenketos appeared in front of his eyes.

Judging from the opponent's running speed beyond the limits of his body and the red energy on his body, it seems that he has used some skill from the memory of the opponent who was eaten, but it still doesn't matter.

He stretched out his empty palm and immediately activated

his magic: Ninth Rank: < Heart Mastery>

Li Ziqing, who was silently reciting the name of this magic, suddenly had a false and beating embodied heart in his hand, and then he didn't hesitate to crush the heart


!I saw that Ley Badenketos, who was still fleeing in a hurry, suddenly turned around and showed a sinister smile that had succeeded in his plan, and then saw his figure disappear in place, and then instantly appeared above the head of Li Ziqing, who was unsuspecting in magic, and then shouted fiercely at Li Ziqing's head: "Succeed!"

Badenketos has long been aware of the disparity in strength between himself and Li Ziqing, and his previous behavior of fleeing in fear was not all acting skills.

But the ingenuity was that not only did he not curb the panicked thoughts, but instead used it to create a psychological trap, making Li Ziqing mistakenly think that Ley Badenketos was too flustered to fight back easily, but he suddenly killed a horse pistol in the middle of the way

! In doing so, the situation could be reversed in an instant!

The martial art "Fist of the King of Fighters" from the boxing king Nikki can inflict extremely powerful internal attacks on the enemy, not to mention that the position of Ley's Badenketos attack is still Li Ziqing's head! If Li Ziqing really takes this move, then even if he has the physical fitness of a level 100 player, he will fall into a concussion and dizziness, and his brain can be shaken directly!

And whether it is the former or the latter, he wins.

As the winner, he can still eat all the memories of the other party! Although he

can't be sure of this guy's real name, but thinking of the recent news from the royal capital, the identity of this powerful magician in front of him should be that person, right?!

Thinking of this, Lei Badenketos felt a burst of joy, and at the same time, the speed in his hand also increased!

He shouted: "Li Ziqing

!". As long as he gets his opponent's real name and shouts it, then touches any part of the opponent with his hand, and finally licks his palm, Ray Badenketos can eat the opponent's "memory" and "name".

Those whose "names" are eaten will be forgotten by all the existence of the world, and at the same time lose all human relationships.

People whose "memories" are eaten will have amnesia, lose all their combat skills, and their personalities will also change drastically.

Those whose "names" and "memories" are eaten will become an empty shell that no one remembers, falling into a deep sleep.


the name "Li Ziqing" is not the real name of the magician in front of him, then although Ley Badenketos, who eats the pseudonym, will feel severe nausea and nausea, don't forget the "King of Fighters" in his hand, even if he can't harvest the other party's memory, he can kill him before he regurgitates!

In this way, although the inability to obtain the memory will make Ley Badenketus feel a little sorry, it can also solve the immediate crisis

! Say it is too late, then soon

! In the blink of an eye, Ley Badenketos's palm has already slapped on Li Ziqing's heavenly spirit cover! Then the gluttony priest was a little surprised to find that he did not receive the memory of being eaten... So sure enough, is the name Li Ziqing fake? Just as he was thinking, Ley Badenketos's palm went a little deeper.

Click! Click! Click! Lye Badenketus could even feel the touch of the flesh and blood being squeezed and the bones on the Heavenly Spirit cover being gradually crushed into pieces at this moment, and this unique touch suddenly made his already hideous smile a little heavier

! Although it is a pity that I can't eat your memory, but to avoid being reacted by you to kill me, I can only kill you in pain!

A magician who uses the pseudonym "Li Ziqing"!

Yes. It's the quality of the food that can be imagined!


this moment, Li Ziqing, who had no defensive measures and was not even conscious, finally felt the sharp pain coming from the Heavenly Spirit Gai, his eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe that he would be fooled, and he didn't believe that he would die so easily at the hands of an enemy whose strength was far inferior to his own!

Just looking at this frightened face, even if Ley Badenketos couldn't really eat Li Ziqing's memory, now he suddenly felt a burst of "full." "Sense... It was a happy mood

! click! click————!

next moment, Li Ziqing's head was completely crushed.




Hey, why did his body

suddenly turn into light and disappear? Seeing Li Ziqing's "corpse" slumped on the ground suddenly turn into golden particles of light and disappear with the wind, Ley Badenketos rubbed his eyes with some incomprehension... Looking at his appearance, I should not understand why someone died not directly as a cold corpse, but turned into light, but

the next moment, he suddenly held his chest!

At the same time, Lye Badenketos's expression became painful and distorted, giving people the feeling of a sudden attack of angina.

"But don't worry, I, as an unprofessional professional doctor, can assure you that your symptoms are definitely not angina, but more direct, and the heart disappears directly~".

Out of nowhere, a hand patted the shoulder of Ley Badenketos, who had a hideous and painful expression, and the owner of this shoulder was still explaining to the gluttonous priest in a humorous tone———— but unfortunately, at this moment, Ley Badenketos, whose heart was taken away, couldn't hear where the humor was in this passage at all, only to see him turn his body a little to look behind, and then he saw that the magician who should have died in his hand was now looking at him with a smile on his face.

Looking at that familiar face, Ley Badenketos gritted his teeth with difficulty, and squeezed out two words from the depths of his throat

: "Separation, body?"

and "Resurrection" Li Ziqing nodded approvingly and said:

"Bingo~ The answer is correct."

"And the reward for your correct answer is: [Magic Strongest Rank Rise Triple Transformation < Ten Thousand Lightning Strikes to Destroy >]!"

Badenkaitos's body was not unexpected, and it instantly turned into countless powders!

———— since then, the gluttonous priest Leyl Badenketos has also retired from the footsteps of the strong priest.

And after Ley Badenketos was completely wiped out, Li Ziqing added a sentence without pain:

"Now that I know what your ability is, do you think I will still run into your attack range? From beginning to end, what I sent was just the clone of the wives of my previous Frozen Desire Division, and my body was relieved to be a melon-eating crowd... Are you right?my being?"

"Yes, that's it. It

was a familiar voice that took over Li Ziqing's topic, and the appearance of the person who took over the topic was actually Li

Ziqing! But it's no wonder that Li Ziqing is so cautious, after all, the power of the Gluttony Priest is too buggy, and he can't bet on the possibility that Ley Badenketos doesn't

know his real name. If the other party knows his real name and has been touched by his body, then even Li Ziqing, who has the power of the Bone King, can only temporarily make 23 countermeasures when facing that situation, which is too risky!


On the third day of the Moby Dick Raid, the whole world was shocked by this shocking news... What? What do you say about the murder of the Moby Dick that has been doing evil for many years

? No, no, no! Brother, your news is too backward

! What is going viral now is no longer this kind of inconsequential "gossip"! Don't you know? After successfully defeating the Moby Dick, the raiding team composed of the Duke of Karsten and the Hexin Chamber of Commerce has confronted two major crime priests head-on! What?

Do you think the crusade team has suffered heavy losses?

Hahaha! This is your lonely and unheard! As a first-hand insider, I can tell you 100% that the loss rate of the entire Moby Dick expedition team is not even 10 percent! Even after they are still crusading against Moby Dick, they have also defeated the two major sin priests

! What? You don't believe it?

Believe it or not, anyway, now the news has spread, and everyone in the whole world knows about it, and no one knows

about it!How could it be fake

? It seems that today's candidate for the king will have to choose between the head of the Karlsten Chamber of Commerce and the president of the Hexin Chamber of Commerce!

What? You choose the head of Karsten

? You heretic! Isn't she fragrant with the rich woman Lori?


At the same time that the whole world was shocked by the news that the Witch Sect's Sect of Great Sins had been defeated one after another, the initiator of this incident revisited the old place at this moment, and came to the mansion of Rozval, who is now his subordinate, and then announced with a flat expression in front of Rozval and Ram:

"I came this time for nothing else, just to cure Ram's broken ghost horn... I don't think Rozval will have an opinion, right?"

And Rozval also wiped the cold sweat in his heart, and while feeling speechless, he also performed the tone of a qualified subordinate, and said flatteringly, "No~No~ As a subordinate, how dare I, Rozval, oppose your opinion~!".

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