At this time, the deep-sea headquarters in the central sea.

Yamato Sukihime smashed the communicator in his hand.

“Sero !!!”

For the first time in thousands of years, she was popular like this.

Although Yamato Sukihime said in his mouth, he did not care about the life or death of the harbor and the north.

But in fact, just now, she couldn’t wait to rush to the phone and punch Luoluo twice.

The most important thing is that due to the high incidence of sea devils, she cannot mobilize personnel to search the so-called Galaxy Rocket team on a large scale for the time being.

But things in the harbor and the north cannot be left alone.

After thinking about it, she took out a new communicator and called the battleship Sukihime.

Soon, the call was connected.

There was a non-stop popping sound from the other end of the phone.

“Yamato, why are you calling me at this time, I’m busy here.”

At this time, the battleship Sukihime is joining forces with others to deal with a sea devil.

Yamato Sukihime called and almost caused her to be knocked into the sea by the sea devil.

“I also have important things, the outlying islands and the air mother are all in your place, right”

“It’s with me, can you say anything directly, I’m very busy”

“You guys will go back to the headquarters later, the phone said it is inconvenient”

“Okay, okay, wait for me for two hours”

Saying that, the battleship Sukihime hung up the phone.

Although I don’t know what happened, I am afraid that it is not a small matter to let Yamato call personally.

She told Yamato about them and the other two.

Immediately, the three of them were full of firepower, first solved the sea demon in front of them, and then returned to the headquarters.

Two hours later, the battleship Sukihime returned to the headquarters with the air mother and the two people from 16 Islands.

Arriving at Yamato’s office, the battleship Sukihime pushed open the door and walked in.

“Yamato, what are you looking for in Yu?”

The battleship Sukihime sat down with a big grin and asked.

“The harbor and the north were captured”

Big and straight to the point.

“What did you say?”

When the battleship Qi Ji heard this, he stood up directly.

Yamato is this kidding her, is there anyone on this sea who can take the harbor and the north?

Even the prototype ship girl should not ah.

The harbor and the north can’t fight yet.

And the air mother and the outlying islands are also very excited.

The island said in disbelief, “Yamato, are you sure it’s real?

Such an act is tantamount to provoking them into the deep sea.

“I just got in touch with the other party, who claims to be the captain of the Galaxy Rockets Mewtwo team, named Sero Ultraman”

“But I think it’s all disinformation”

Yamato said.

The three of them also thought when they heard this.

Harbor is going to the north, they naturally know it, so Harbor is likely to be captured in the southern sea.

As for the Galaxy Rockets?

None of the three had ever heard the name.

“Yamato, can you hear the voice?”

The Sora Mother Ghost asked.

The people who took the harbor and the north are most likely prototype ships.

They have been entangled with the prototype ship girl for nearly a thousand years, and Yamato should be able to hear it even through the phone.

However, Yamato shook his head and said, “Sorry, I have never heard the other party’s voice before.”

Everyone heard the words and thought about it, if Yamato listened, he still needed to say what kind of Sero the other party was.

“This said, the kidnapping of the harbor and the north should not be the ship girl”

The battleship Sukihime had a headache.

If it is a ship girl, it is okay, and the ship girls who are still alive in the world are all prototype ship girls, and they know every one.

Or not too familiar, after all, both sides have been at war for more than nine hundred years.

But if it’s not a ship girl, it’s troublesome, a completely unknown enemy, maybe more troublesome than the sea devil.

As for whether the other party will be the prototype ship girl that has just been born over the years?

This kind of thought, whether it is Yamato Sukihime or the battleship Sukihime, they have not considered it.

Completely impossible things are considered.

“Could it be human?”

The outlying island ghosts have put forward a conjecture.

If it wasn’t for the harbor and the north kidnapped by the prototype shipwive, it couldn’t be themselves.

Or maybe the sea devil can’t either.

Leaving aside the ship girl and the deep sea, all she could think of was humans.

“No way, humanity is extinct”

Yamato Sukihime shook his head, the extinction of the human race was a confirmed thing.

The most direct evidence is the large number of sea devils.

At this time, the battleship Sukihime suddenly thought of a possibility, and she said: “Yamato, the extinction of human beings is not the same thing as the non-existence of all humans!”

“If, I mean if, there are still humans alive, but they are all men, or all women.”

“In the case of ensuring that human beings cannot continue to reproduce naturally, is it also equivalent to the extinction of human beings?”

The words of the battleship Sukihime made everyone’s eyes shine.

Yes, extinction doesn’t mean no one can’t be alive.

As long as it is guaranteed that human beings cannot reproduce naturally, then the human race is equivalent to extinction.

In other words, the people who kidnapped the harbor and the north are likely to be humans.

From the phone call just now, you can hear that the other party is a girl.

This shows that the existing human beings should be women, otherwise they cannot meet the requirements of human extinction.

Since the other party can live from a hundred years ago to the present, it shows that the current human race has at least mastered the technology to prolong life.

Still from the voice on the phone, I can tell that the other party is very young.

I am afraid that the level of biotechnology of human beings today is not low.

Plus they were able to kidnap Harbor and North.

It shows that their strength is not bad, at least they have the ability to fight with the deep-sea Qiji.

And the overall strength is definitely higher than that of a deep-sea Qiji.

In this way, things do get troublesome. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

Once the deep sea exterminated humans, this level of hatred is absolutely indelible.

And even if anyone were alive, they would be the last humans in the world.

I am afraid that the meaning of their life is to take revenge on the deep sea.

The main thing is that no human beings have been found to survive in this hundred years, which shows that their hidden skills are not small.

It’s really a wave of unevenness, and it’s making people’s heads big.

“Battleship, this matter can only be handed over to you for the time being, and don’t tell others, wait until the high incidence period of this sea demon passes”

Yamato Sukihime rubbed his temples and said.

How did I encounter this kind of thing during the high incidence of sea devils.

Most of the deep-sea Qi Ji need to go out to suppress and destroy the sea devils that appear, and they can’t spare so many people in a short period of time.

And once the affairs of the harbor and the north are known by other deep-sea sukihimes, there is no need to think that Yamato knows that there will be chaos.

Sometimes she really doesn’t want to be the commander-in-chief.

I thought that if I eliminated the human race and defeated the prototype ship girl, I would be able to live an easy life.

But from today’s point of view, it is easy to have ghosts.

Maybe it’s hard work.

“I understand”

The battleship Sukihime nodded, she naturally knew what Yamato Sukihime meant.

Now it is true that the affairs of the harbor cannot be known to everyone.

“This matter is still mainly investigated, you must pay attention to safety, you know, I don’t want to see the harbor and the north have not returned, and as a result, you have been arrested again”

Yamato Sukihime said with a sigh.

If something happens to the battleship Sukihime, then the deep sea will really be chaotic.

“Don’t worry, Yamato, even if you can’t beat the three of us, can you still run away?”

The battleship Sukihime did not underestimate the enemy.

But anyway, the three of them can’t go wrong when they act together.

They did not act alone with the harbor and the north to give each other a chance.

“Well, everything is still based on paying attention to safety, as long as the high incidence period of sea demons passes, no matter who they do, they will have to pay for everything they have done”

Yamato Sukihime had already sentenced the other party to death in his heart.

After this time, some of them have people to play with these humans.

This time, let the human race truly and completely extinct.

“By the way, Yamato, you just said that you got in touch with the other party?”

The battleship Sukihime was thinking about this at this time.

“Well, she took the liaison of the harbor, and now the call to the harbor is most likely to be answered by her”

Yamato Sukihime nodded and said.

953 “So it is, I’ll try”

The battleship Sukihime said and took out his own communicator, and then found Minato Sukihime in the address book.

Then a phone call came.

At the same time, on the side of the Deep Blue Town Shoufu, Luoluo asked the north to take the harbor to familiarize himself with the environment of the Town Shoufu.

After all, I will live here in the future.

Then she went to the restaurant to eat by herself.

Today’s dinner is still made by Tilbitz, and it seems that Yixian is still engaged in research and has not come out.

After eating, Luoluo packed a portion by the North and Harbor.

Thor will also deliver food to the northern them, but it is not a resource cooking, you can only eat a full meal, and you can’t replenish energy.

Speaking of which, now no one has limited the amount of food in the north.

After all, everyone has completed the transformation of nanomaterials, and it is impossible to fight the north by pulling individuals at will.

There is no threat, and the north’s resource intake is no longer restricted.

It’s just that the North is used to eating those foods, so every time Thor will bring her some back.

Lolo was about to go upstairs with the packed food, but as soon as she arrived at the door, she heard the sound of the communicator.

Take it out and take a look… Well, Lolo doesn’t know the words and doesn’t know who called.

Thinking that it would be okay to connect it, she put the packed food on the table in the hall and pressed the button.

The call was immediately connected.

“Hey, hey, is it Sero?”

On the other side of the phone came the voice of the battleship Sukihime.

“Yes, yes, this is Sero, what’s the matter?”

Lolo replied, it seems that Yamato Sukihime’s side is right.

I just don’t know which deep-sea sukihime this is.

“Hello Sero, I’m Battleship Sukihime, I think you should know me, right?”

Battleship Sukihime asked tentatively.

“Know, of course know”

Lolo replied affirmatively, but she didn’t actually know who the battleship Sukihime was.

She can still recognize some of the ship, but she basically knows a northern Qi Ji in the deep sea.

Of course, I also know Minato Sukihime now.

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