Chapter 582: Cu Chulainn, you are not the only one who has become stronger.

Although he calls himself master, Cu Chulainn shows no mercy at all. boom!

Mad King Cú Chulainn stabbed Scathach in front of him with a spear, and Scathach thrust out the spear without hesitation! when!

With a crisp sound, the two spears bounced away!

Mad King Cú Chulainn took five steps back, while Scathach only took three steps back.

Looking at Scathach in front of him, Cu Chulainn was also quite shocked."My power………You actually suppressed me? How can it be?"

I have the mad EX of the beast that bites the dead teeth, and my divinity is only C. Logically speaking, I won't be very strong if I am targeted, but why... while looking at the Mad King Kuqiu in front of me Lin, the master and craftsman silently played a trick, and then said coldly,"Four-four-zero","This is to tell you that your master and craftsman will always be your master and craftsman."

That's right, Scathach's original strength was only B, but because of the simulation reward, her strength has reached A+, which is not much weaker than the mad king Cú Chulainn in front of her. Coupled with her own amazing skills, she doesn't suffer at all..

But despite saying this, Scathach could not help but quietly put one hand behind his back. That hand was also trembling slightly at this moment.

"Is this guy so strong?"

"He is indeed a master craftsman! If that's the case, then I won't be polite."Mad King Cu Chulainn moved again. This time, his body turned into a black cannonball, and Scathach also turned into a purple afterimage! The two figures came and went! Everyone could only hear a burst of The collision of weapons could not keep up with the two figures.

Even Beowulf and Finn, who had been standing aside and watching, could barely see the movements of the two clearly.

Watching the master and apprentice fight , Finn could only sigh helplessly,"If it were me, I would have been defeated by now. I am truly worthy of being the legendary God Killer.""

Listening to Finn's emotion, Maeve on the other side said proudly:"Are you shocked by this? You know, these two people were once defeated by Lin Ye!"

Speaking of this, Maeve proudly puffed up her chest.



No, why are you so proud? Lin Ye is not your man! He is our opponent now!

Watching the fight between the two, Arjuna on the other side couldn't stand it anymore. He couldn't help but take out his bow, but after thinking about it, he put it down again.

"It's a fair duel……"Arjuna thought so.

And at this moment, the two people in the sky seemed to be deciding the winner! I only heard two people shouting in unison

"Noble Phantasm Liberated!"In the final analysis, the battle of X2

Heroic Spirits is still the battle of Noble Phantasms. A powerful Noble Phantasm is enough to turn the tide of the battle!

"Penetrating the Deathly Flying Spear!"

"Gouge out the murderous spear!!"

Bang! Bang!

The two Noble Phantasms were shot out at the same time. However, the strange thing is that there was no winner between the two Noble Phantasms. Instead, they fell to the ground after a strange collision.

"This is!"Cu Chulainn looked at this scene in shock. He didn't understand what happened.

However, Scathach sighed helplessly,"Are they from the same origin?"

Both Cú Chulainn's Gayaberg's Spear and Scathach's Gayaberg's Spear both come from the same Gayaberg, just like if you slap your right hand with your left hand, you will feel pain.

Therefore, the two Noble Phantasms are There is no way to collide.

Thinking of this, Cu Chulainn quietly took back his gun, then looked at Scathach and said,"In this case, master, there is no need for us to decide the winner anymore, right? Why don't you join my camp? Haven't you always wanted to have a real fight with Lin Ye? Now is your best time!"

However, Scathach shook her head. She just recalled her two guns in her hands, and then still looked at Cu Chulainn coldly.

"If a crazy dog ​​breaks into your garden, will you still have the heart to continue reading quietly?"

"you! Did you say that word? And it’s still crazy!"Cu Chulainn looked at Scathach in front of him angrily. After all, everyone knows that what Cu Chulainn hates the most is the name dog.

"Look at how ugly you look now."Scathach's eyes became even colder."It's so ugly to be as sick as a rabid dog, but after all, as my disciple, I will give you a happy life."

Of course Scathach will not join Cu Chulainn's camp. Yes, she wanted to have a real and hearty fight with Lin Ye, but that was also their own business, and she would not let this pure battle become less pure......

"Although this gun of Gayaberg cannot kill you, I have other methods. That's all, let me show you my last move, Master."

Open it! Tomb of Alien!


" Scathach chanted in a low voice, and above her head, a huge ominous aura turned into a whirlpool and appeared out of thin air. Then, a huge door of darkness emerged from the whirlpool. Emerged!

The door to a demonic realm overflowing with death! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Grade: A+

Category: Anti-army Noble Phantasm

The moment this door opens, all those who are lucky or have low magic power All existences will be sucked into the Kingdom of Shadow, and then become undead controlled by Scathach and sink forever!

Scathach knows that Cu Chulainn has never been very lucky, so she is very confident in her Noble Phantasm.

"Cuchulain! Call your soul out! Noble Phantasm Solution……"

However, at the moment when Scathach was about to release the Noble Phantasm, Cu Chulainn suddenly came to her in his strongest state of swallowing the teeth of sea beasts!

"Master, if it were someone else, you might have succeeded, but unfortunately... I know you too well."

Scathach's Noble Phantasm is very powerful, but unfortunately it has a fatal weakness! That is, the forward swing is too long!

From the moment the Demon Realm Gate appears to the moment it arrives, Scathach will fall into a state of stiffness for a short 0.7 seconds. The original time In the line, Cú Chulainn took advantage of this weakness to attack Scathach in advance. If Scathach hadn't used his clairvoyance to predict and hide in the gate of the devil, she would have just jumped into the street, but even so she was seriously injured..

Now, Mad King Cu Chulain also wants to recreate this scene. Unfortunately... just at the moment when Cu Chulain's claws were about to penetrate the master, a chariot appeared out of thin air under her body!

The chariot moved.! Scathach was actually pulled to avoid the mad king’s killing blow!

"Cu Chulainn, you are not the only one who has become stronger."

On the chariot, Scathach looked at the Mad King Cú Chulainn in front of him with a smile.

Simulation reward, Noble Phantasm: My beloved steel chariot.

Level: B+!

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