
【Dimensional Invasion Mod】

[Effect: Increased rewards and mission types for invasion missions]

[Effect: When not in a dimensional invasion event, you can actively invade other worlds]


There are two functions of the Dimensional Invasion mod.

One is to enhance the Invasion Quest reward that is triggered when "Reverse Invasion".

The second is as Yat Siu thought......

In the future, he can also invade other worlds-

The premise is that Bluestar is not in the period of "dimensional invasion".

In other words, the second effect is not needed for the time being.

But just looking at the first effect, it's already pretty good.

After all, the current invasion mission has rich rewards.

For example, world cards, character cards, blank cards, and so on.

Xiao Yi couldn't think of anything else to give.

"The next time you unlock a new mod, it's time for Terra's Mystical Archive Lv10. "

"Depending on the effect, the higher the level, the stronger the unlocked mods......"

"There should be even bigger surprises in the next mod!"

After putting away the Terra Secret Archive, Xiao Yat went to bed to rest and prepared for the next day's invasion.

According to the information provided by Iyuki, the fourth invasion will be a "Tier 1" difficulty dungeon.

That is, the upper limit of the combat power of the dungeon world, which will reach the level of Tier 1.

And the fifth invasion, 7 will officially enter the real difficulty threshold of the dimensional game!

In other words, the fourth invasion is the last "novice village" of Blue Star.

However, in terms of importance, it is the fifth invasion that is more important.

If the Fifth Invasion dungeon World Power System cap is high enough.

Maybe it can be expanded all the way to the 2nd and 3rd levels...... To an even higher degree!

For a new civilization in dire need of resources for growth.

Definitely a crucial thing.

The next day, Xiao Yi was summoned to the dungeon hall again after a long absence.

"It's only been a month, but I still feel like a lot has happened......

Looking at the bustling Blue Star players, Xiao Yi was quite emotional.

Since the end of the last invasion, he has had quite a lot of experience.

First, a normal copy of the Guilty Crown was discovered through "Dimensional Matching".

After going to the "Escape from Roppongi" dungeon, I made a Void Beacon.

For a while, I didn't do things in the Invasion dungeon of the Guilty Crown.

It was to explore the world of Terraria, and easily solved the queen bee boss.

The most important thing is to obtain the "Power of the King" and awaken the Terra Secret Archive!

In just one month, Xiao Yat has achieved a greater improvement than the previous combined!

"The stronger the CHCF, the faster it will improve. "

"It seems that the original decision was right, and the main goal is to improve one's own strength. "

While thinking about it, countless players had gathered in the dungeon hall.

There are so many that you can barely see the edge at a glance, and it is estimated that there are thousands of people!

All told, this should be the fourth batch of new players to join.

That's why there are so many players.

But Xiao Yat didn't bother to remember these things.

But during this time, he was alone.

Seeing so many people at once, it's a little kind.

The space in the dungeon hall seems to have expanded a lot.

Even with so many players, it didn't seem too crowded.

Veteran players are already chatting and laughing and waiting for the invasion announcement of the dimensional game.

And the new players who have just come to Dimensional City are still at a loss and don't know what to do.

After waiting like this for about 5 minutes, a huge screen was finally projected above everyone's heads.

The information that keeps popping up on the screen draws everyone's attention to it.

Xiao Yi also looked up and quickly swept the content of this invasion into his eyes!


【Dimensional invasion is about to begin!】

[This invasion is codenamed: Demon Slayer Blade!]

【Difficulty Rating: 400~999】

[Main Quest: Within 30 days, increase the Ghost Slayer Squad Rank's Rating to at least "C"]

[Invasion requirements: Before the end of the invasion, participating players must kill at least 100 ordinary "ghosts" and any "twelve ghost months"]

[Main Reward: 10,000 Dimensional Points, 10 Attribute Points] (If you read a violent novel, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Failure Penalty: If you do not complete the main quest and invasion requirements, "ghosts" will appear in the player's area]

[Special Mechanism: Open the "Ghost Slayer" faction store, kill ghosts to get "ghost slaying points", which can be used to spend in the faction store, the higher the level of the team, the richer the content of the store]

[Participation Requirements: Power Rating at least 500]


"Huh? It's actually this copy......"

After seeing the invasion codename, Xiao Yi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, the last novice village dungeon of Blue Star was actually the "Demon Slayer Blade"!

But it's normal to think about it, although the "ghost" in Demon Slayer Blade is very expressive.

It looks extremely cruel and vicious, but in the end, it can still be killed by ordinary swords.

If it is a few more years, wait for the world's military power to develop.

It is estimated that it is not the ghost killing team that exterminates the "ghosts", but the heavy machine guns.

"With the Ghost King's miserable combat power, it should be comparable to an Ultimate Roar, ......right?"

Xiao Yi couldn't help but think about it, the speed and power of the ultimate roar were basically completely unmistakable.

In terms of destructive power, with the blessing of many future technologies, it will not be far behind.

At least the range and lethality of electromagnetic cannons and miniature rockets are definitely stronger than ghosts. []

The body made of special alloys is not afraid of the blood curse of ghosts.

And the "five brains and seven hearts" that Wu Miao evolved in order to strengthen his survivability

As long as it's all bombed to slag, there won't be so many worries.

So...... As the "ghost king", the ghost dance Tsuji is not miserable

Whether or not you can single out one of the ultimate roars is a question.

"Forget it, it's a bit too pitiful to bully ghosts with the technology of the World of the Guilty Crown. "

Shaking his head, Xiao Yi dispelled the idea of continuing to compare combat strength.

After all, the "Ultimate Roar" is a weapon of war that can be mass-produced.

It's different from the alien creature that purely relies on evolution.

"If there's anything good about this copy......"

Just as Xiao Yat was thinking about the benefits of the "Demon Slayer" dungeon.

The content on the screen fades away, and then new information emerges.

[24 hours later, the invasion officially begins!]

[During this time, please be ready for battle!]

Different from the last "Brother Killing" dungeon.

This time it's still the original dungeon mode.

This is not an open quest, and players must spend a month in the world of Demon Slayer.

So before the invasion began, the dimensional game set aside time to prepare.

Players who want to participate in the fight against the invasion have plenty of time to prepare.

For example, go buy supplies, adjust equipment, and so on.

Xiao Yat naturally didn't need to buy supplies—he was selling supplies.

"I guess the grocery store business will be full for a while. "

Looking at the messy dungeon hall, Xiao Yi shrugged his shoulders and left the dimensional city.

The Demon Slayer Blade copy wasn't difficult, and he didn't have to do anything to prepare.

Since there is exactly one day to spare......

Let's take on the boss of the snow field, the one-eyed deer!


(Come to think of it, there is only one ghost destroyed in the low-power dungeon, and the other worlds are a little more in-depth to the surface-level and planet-level combat power...... )

(However, the ghost slayer will not be very long, after all, it is a crushing combat power, mainly to collect a more important support NPC)

(Also, thanks to the big guy for the tip...... Squeeze it again).

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